Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Fairley MILNEAge: 53 years18121865

Fairley MILNE
Given names
Also known as
Fairly MILNE
Birth September 20, 1812 25 27
Birth of a brotherJohn MILNE
March 1814 (Age 17 months)
Birth of a sisterChristiana MILNE
1815 (Age 2 years)
Note: From a description of Dukewell : \"A large farm steading with outhouses & garden, also, two small houses, it is situated near Stioch and is the property of ...\" From the OS Name Books of Aberdeenshire, 1865-1871.
Lot 21 Con 11 and 12

Note: Various records in the Townland Papers of Howick reflect properties Fairley received from the Crown. It also shows Fairley could write his name. Included are partial records that show Fairley applied for a patent on Lot 21 Conc 11 and 12 (200 acres). He also applied for other lands not shown here.
Baptism of a sisterChristiana MILNE
October 12, 1815 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherDavid MILNE
September 12, 1820 (Age 7 years)
Note: David was baptized Sept 12 1820 in Insch.
Birth of a brotherAlexander MILNE
October 22, 1822 (Age 10 years)
Note: 1822 Baptism record from Insch Parish records from Scotlands People for Alexander Milne.
Birth of a sisterEllen MILNE
January 12, 1824 (Age 11 years)
Residence June 16, 1828 (Age 15 years)
Shared note: Documents indicate that the family of John Milne and Margaret Anderson lived in Cairneston (northwest of Insch town) from at least 1820 through 1829. The earliest record was the 1820 baptism record of their son David Milne of Cairneston and the last was a baptism record of 1829 in which John Milne of Cairneston was a witness.
Fairley Milne of Cairneston, Insch Parish, Was Witness to a Baptism
Fairley Milne of Cairneston, Insch Parish, Was Witness to a Baptism

Note: This document is the oldest known document that directly mentions Fairley Milne. According to the history of Fairley written in 1912, he was born in 1812; thus he is almost 16 years old at the time of this 1828 baptism record.

Emigration 1836 (Age 23 years)
Note: U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
MarriageIsabella Booth SCOTTView this family
June 6, 1836 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
John Scott MILNE
January 12, 1837 (Age 24 years)
Note: Baptism record found on Internet - no record of its provenance however.
Birth of a son
William MILNE
June 24, 1838 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a son
David Scott MILNE
October 23, 1839 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a son
Alexander MILNE
May 8, 1841 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a son
Fairley MILNE Jr
August 17, 1842 (Age 29 years)

Census 1842 (Age 29 years)
Note: Ontario and Nova Scotia, Census, 1800-1842 For Fairly Milne
Birth of a daughter
Margaret Anderson MILNE
September 30, 1844 (Age 32 years)

Baptism of a daughterMargaret Anderson MILNE
November 12, 1844 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
Robert MILNE
April 5, 1846 (Age 33 years)

Lot 3 First Conc Twship of Nichol (Elora) Wellington Ont
March 1, 1848 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a son
James S. MILNE
March 24, 1848 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a daughter
Isabella MILNE
May 15, 1850 (Age 37 years)
Note: According to her marriage record, Isabella was born in Nichol Township (Elora) Ontario.
Census 1851 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Susanna MILNE
July 3, 1852 (Age 39 years)

Birth of a daughter
August 15, 1854 (Age 41 years)
Baptism of a daughterEllen MILNE
November 5, 1854 (Age 42 years)
Note: From Canada WESLEYAN BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1828-1910 on
Death of a sonFairley MILNE Jr
July 2, 1858 (Age 45 years)
Newspaper Article
December 5, 1858 (Age 46 years)
Note: Fairley Milne was a Protestant from Scotland. The recent immigrants from Great Britain brought the …
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth MILNE
April 27, 1859 (Age 46 years)

Birth of a daughter
Jane Maud “Jennie” MILNE
April 27, 1859 (Age 46 years)

Marriage of a childWilliam NELSONMargaret Anderson MILNEView this family
October 10, 1860 (Age 48 years)

Census 1861 (Age 48 years)

Marriage of a childWilliam MILNEElizabeth MILLENView this family
February 27, 1862 (Age 49 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Scott MILNERachel FERGUSONView this family
March 20, 1862 (Age 49 years)
Marriage of a childDavid Scott MILNECharlotte Elizabeth GILPINView this family
March 20, 1862 (Age 49 years)
Death December 7, 1865 (Age 53 years)
Note: The Huron County Probate records for Fairley contain many pages, most of whcih are redundant. The papers state that Fairley died in Howick Township. Here are the Letter of Administration + related papers. Farley is buried back in Elora Ontario, his former home.
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
Margaret MILNE
Birth: 1810 22 25Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: July 13, 1891Stirling Falls, Parry Sound, Ontario
3 years
18 months
younger brother
Birth: March 1814 27 29Aberdeenshire Scotland
Death: November 1, 1874Grey Twp, Huron Co, Ontario
22 months
younger sister
6 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Alexander MILNE
Birth: October 22, 1822 35 37Cairneston, Insch Parish, Aberdeenshire
Death: July 1889Grand Forks, Grand Forks Co, ND
15 months
younger sister
Family with Isabella Booth SCOTT - View this family
Marriage: June 6, 1836Fyvie, Aberdeen, Scotland
7 months
17 months
16 months
18 months
15 months
2 years
18 months
2 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
5 years


Documents indicate that the family of John Milne and Margaret Anderson lived in Cairneston (northwest of Insch town) from at least 1820 through 1829. The earliest record was the 1820 baptism record of their son David Milne of Cairneston and the last was a baptism record of 1829 in which John Milne of Cairneston was a witness.


U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s

Name: Fairly Milne Arrival year: 1836 Arrival Place: Quebec, Canada Primary Immigrant: Milne, Fairly Source Publication Code: 9758 Annotation: Date and port of arrival. Name of ship, place of origin, place of destination, date of birth and death, parentage, occupation, and other historical and family data may also be provided. Source Bibliography: WHYTE, DONALD. A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to Canada before Confederation. Toronto: Ontario Genealogical Society. Volume 1, 1986. 443p.


Ontario and Nova Scotia, Census, 1800-1842 For Fairly Milne Year: 1842 Province: Ontario Residence: Nichol Township


Various records in the Townland Papers of Howick reflect properties Fairley received from the Crown. It also shows Fairley could write his name. Included are partial records that show Fairley applied for a patent on Lot 21 Conc 11 and 12 (200 acres). He also applied for other lands not shown here.


Fairley Milne was a Protestant from Scotland. The recent immigrants from Great Britain brought the Protestant vs Catholic fight to Ontario when they immigrated. As the lands of Ontario called the Queen's Bush opened opened up in the midcentury, evidently there was a movement to keep the area free of Catholic immigrants. Evidently Fairley was not prepared to go along with this and shared his home and food with Catholic neighbors. A public cowardly reprimand against him was circulated but Fairley received support from the Catholic press. A Catholic paper in 1858 printed the public statement from a Protestant "Friend".


The Huron County Probate records for Fairley contain many pages, most of whcih are redundant. The papers state that Fairley died in Howick Township. Here are the Letter of Administration + related papers. Farley is buried back in Elora Ontario, his former home.


Copied from Guelph Weekly Mercury, June 13, 1907:

"Lot 3 Concession 1 was early settled by John Milne. Here also for some years lived Fairly Milne, on lot 4, who was one of the first trustees of the Elora school. He sold out and settled in Howick Township. At an early date lot 3 was owned by George and James Leslie and lot 4 by William Gibbon. They are now the properties of Alex Glennie and James McLeod, whose father, the late John McLeod, purchased lot 4 in1855 and lived on it until his unfortunate death by lightning in 1896."

ResidenceFairley Milne of Cairneston, Insch Parish, Was Witness to a BaptismFairley Milne of Cairneston, Insch Parish, Was Witness to a Baptism
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Image dimensions: 1,438 × 2,199 pixels
File size: 429 KB
Type: Document
Note: This document is the oldest known document that directly mentions Fairley Milne. According to the history of Fairley written in 1912, he was born in 1812; thus he is almost 16 years old at the time of this 1828 baptism record.
MarriageEntry from Parish Register, Fyvie AberdeenshireEntry from Parish Register, Fyvie Aberdeenshire
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Census1851 Census has Fairley and His Father's Family (Misspelled Names)1851 Census has Fairley and His Father's Family (Misspelled Names)
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File size: 210 KB
PropertyTownland Records For Fairley Milne
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Type: Document
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EventA Copy of a Threatening Reprimand To Fairley for Helping CatholicsA Copy of a Threatening Reprimand To Fairley for Helping Catholics
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Image dimensions: 375 × 474 pixels
File size: 59 KB
Type: Newspaper
CensusFairly Milne Family in 1861 CensusFairly Milne Family in 1861 Census
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Image dimensions: 2,496 × 2,099 pixels
File size: 588 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
CensusAg Census Huron Co - Fairly Milne and Brother John's FamiliesAg Census Huron Co - Fairly Milne and Brother John's Families
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Image dimensions: 1,203 × 357 pixels
File size: 438 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
DeathPartial Probate File for Fairly In Huron County Ontario
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File size: 3,824 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
BurialFairley Milne Tombstone, Erected by Isabel Scott MilneFairley Milne Tombstone, Erected by Isabel Scott Milne
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Image dimensions: 1,156 × 794 pixels
File size: 386 KB
Type: Tombstone
Highlighted image: no