Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Copy of William Scott 1841 Census in Aberdeenshire

William SCOTTAge: 73 years17821855

William SCOTT
Birth January 7, 1782 56 37
Note: Official Baptism record copied from GRO of Scotland:
MarriageIsabel BOOTHView this family
August 2, 1812 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Isabella Booth SCOTT
October 20, 1812 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Margaret SCOTT
June 3, 1814 (Age 32 years)
Note: Record states she was baptized in Drumgowan, Leslie Parish, Aberdeenshire, the former home of her mother.
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth SCOTT
March 22, 1816 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a daughter
March 22, 1818 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a daughter
Barbara SCOTT
1820 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a son
William SCOTT
May 17, 1822 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a son
August 2, 1824 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a daughter
August 8, 1826 (Age 44 years)
Birth of a son
George SCOTT
July 13, 1828 (Age 46 years)
Birth of a son
Alexander SCOTT
August 8, 1830 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a daughter
January 26, 1833 (Age 51 years)
Marriage of a childFairley MILNEIsabella Booth SCOTTView this family
June 6, 1836 (Age 54 years)
Census 1841 (Age 58 years)
Note: Living with William was wife Isabella , Jean Scott 20, Agnes Scott 8, and Isabella Fife 3(a neice). William was a crofter.
Death of a wifeIsabel BOOTH
May 21, 1843 (Age 61 years)
Marriage of a childJohn DowBarbara SCOTTView this family
December 2, 1845 (Age 63 years)

Death of a daughterBarbara SCOTT
December 16, 1846 (Age 64 years)

Marriage of a childWalter REIDJane SCOTTView this family
June 14, 1849 (Age 67 years)
Census 1851 (Age 68 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam GILESMary SCOTTView this family
April 16, 1853 (Age 71 years)
Marriage of a childJames SCOTTBarbara WILSONView this family
May 21, 1854 (Age 72 years)

Death of a daughterAgnes SCOTT
April 7, 1855 (Age 73 years)
Crofter - A tenant farmer in Scotland

Death September 11, 1855 (Age 73 years)
Note: From the OS Name Books 1865-1871, Belnagoak was described as \"A small farmsteading and dwelling house slated and in good repair with gardens attached the property of the Right Honourable The Earl of Aberdeen--\"
Cemetery: Churchyard near village Maud
Note: Inscription on tombstone:

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 29, 1773Leslie Parish, Aberdeenshire
11 months
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
5 years
Family with Isabel BOOTH - View this family
Marriage: August 2, 1812Aberdeenshire, Leslie Parish, Scotland
3 months
19 months
22 months
Elizabeth SCOTT
Birth: March 22, 1816 34 23Methlick Parish
Death: June 28, 1906Newton of Mountblairy, Alvah, Banffshire
2 years
Birth: March 22, 1818 36 25Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: 1881Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
3 years
2 years
William SCOTT
Birth: May 17, 1822 40 29Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: July 24, 1886Savoch, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
2 years
Birth: August 2, 1824 42 31Methlick Parish
Death: July 9, 1900Belnagoak, Methlick, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
2 years
Mary Scott, Wife of William GilesMary SCOTT
Birth: August 8, 1826 44 34Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: October 21, 1910Mekinock, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA
23 months
2 years
Alexander SCOTT
Birth: August 8, 1830 48 38Methlick Aberdeenshire Scotland
Death: October 3, 19003 High Shore, Banff, Banffshire, Scotland
3 years
Birth: January 26, 1833 51 40Methlick Parish
Death: April 7, 1855Methlick Aberdeenshire Scotland


Official Baptism record copied from GRO of Scotland:

Extract of entry in OLD PAROCHIAL REGISTER, Parish of Tullynessle and Forbes, County of Aberdeen.

SCOTT January 7th, 1782 Robert Scott in Tulloch of Forbes had a child Baptised and named William.


Living with William was wife Isabella , Jean Scott 20, Agnes Scott 8, and Isabella Fife 3(a neice). William was a crofter.


From the OS Name Books 1865-1871, Belnagoak was described as \"A small farmsteading and dwelling house slated and in good repair with gardens attached the property of the Right Honourable The Earl of Aberdeen--\"


Inscription on tombstone:

"In memory of William Scott. crofter,.Belnagoak Methlick who died 11th September 1855. aged 73 years.

Also of Isabel Booth his wife. who died 21st May 1843. aged 50 years.

Also of Barbara Scott their daughter, wife of John Dow who died 16th Decr 1845 aged 25 years.

Also of Agnes Scott their daughter wife of Peter Sinclair. who died 7th April 1855 aged 22 years. Barbara Scott wife of James Scott died 19h May 1897 aged 73. The said James Scott, farmer, Belnagoak died 9th July 1900 aged 75 years."

Shared note

ALL information about William Scoot and Isabella BOOTH comes from the and from the History of the Milnes by M. Kapas. Much was confirmed via church records and official records of Scotland.

MarriageLeslie Parish Marriage Book EntryLeslie Parish Marriage Book Entry
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CensusCopy of William Scott 1841 Census in AberdeenshireCopy of William Scott 1841 Census in Aberdeenshire
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Type: Photo
CensusPhotocopy of 1851 census entry for William.Photocopy of 1851 census entry for William.
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DeathOfficial Death RecordOfficial Death Record
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File size: 186 KB
BurialWilliam's Tombstone in MethlickWilliam's Tombstone in Methlick
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Image dimensions: 322 × 480 pixels
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BurialClose up view of tombstone (cleaned of lichen)Close up view of tombstone (cleaned of lichen)Bottom half of cleaned tombstoneBottom half of cleaned tombstone
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Image dimensions: 640 × 432 pixels
File size: 70 KB
Media objectPhotocopy of 1851 census entry for William.Photocopy of 1851 census entry for William.
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,560 × 1,728 pixels
File size: 1,621 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
Media objectCopy of William Scott 1841 Census in AberdeenshireCopy of William Scott 1841 Census in Aberdeenshire
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 3,168 × 2,336 pixels
File size: 1,779 KB
Type: Photo