Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

James of Drumgowan BOOTH1748

James of Drumgowan BOOTH
Birth 1748
Note: The claim that James Booth's father was Alexander is based solely on the baptism records of Leslie P…
Baptism of a sisterElspet BOOTH
March 17, 1751 (Age 3 years)
Baptism of a brotherAdam BOOTH
March 14, 1760 (Age 12 years)
Death of a fatherAlexander? BOOTH
after 1760 (Age 12 years)
Residence 1790 (Age 42 years)
Address: 57°18'22.8"N 2°41'54.3"W 57.306319, -2.698406 on google maps
Note: Drumgowan is a hill about one mile west of Leslie In Aberdeenshire. There are two farms located on the hill, referred to as West Drumgowan and East Drumgowan.


Note: Coordinates of Drumgowan in Leslie Parish, Aberdeenshire.

MarriageIsabel BOOTHView this family
about 1791 (Age 43 years)

Birth of a daughter
Isabel BOOTH
August 6, 1792 (Age 44 years)
Birth of a son
William BOOTH
July 4, 1794 (Age 46 years)
Note: Leslie Parish Records: July 4, 1794. The said day James Booth of Drumgowan had a Child by Margaret Booth his wife baptized William, before witnesses Geo & Wm Booth in Drumgowan.
Birth of a daughter
Margaret BOOTH
May 26, 1796 (Age 48 years)
Residence 1797 (Age 49 years)
Note: James Booth of Drumgowan appeared in the 1797 Tax Rolls for Horses in Aberdeenshire. He had 6 active horses for which he was taxed.
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth BOOTH
February 21, 1798 (Age 50 years)
Census October 7, 1798 (Age 50 years)
Note: The tax List for Leslie Parish in 1798 showed that James Booth of Drumgowan had a small house and 6 horses.
Birth of a son
May 1800 (Age 52 years)
Baptism of a sonJames BOOTH
May 16, 1800 (Age 52 years)
1800 Baptism of James Booth of Drumgowan's son James
1800 Baptism of James Booth of Drumgowan's son James

Note: George and William Booth (the baby's uncles, I believe) are witnesses.

Birth of a daughter
October 10, 1802 (Age 54 years)
Birth of a son
George BOOTH
March 19, 1807 (Age 59 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam SCOTTIsabel BOOTHView this family
August 2, 1812 (Age 64 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam BOOTHAgnes ANDERSONView this family
December 10, 1820 (Age 72 years)
Marriage of a childJames GARROWMargaret BOOTHView this family
March 24, 1822 (Age 74 years)
Marriage of a childJoseph MILNEElizabeth BOOTHView this family
April 30, 1826 (Age 78 years)
Death of a daughterIsabel BOOTH
May 21, 1843 (Age 95 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 8, 1743Rayne Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
20 months
elder sister
18 months
elder sister
3 years
3 years
younger sister
9 years
younger brother
Family with Isabel BOOTH - View this family
Marriage: about 1791
19 months
23 months
William BOOTH
Birth: July 4, 1794 46 31Drumgowan, Leslie, Aerdeen
Death: August 29, 1879Silver Stone, Tullynessle & Forbes Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
23 months
21 months
2 years
2 years
Birth: October 10, 1802 54 39Drumgowan, Leslie, Aerdeen
Death: November 26, 1881Leslie Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
4 years


The claim that James Booth's father was Alexander is based solely on the baptism records of Leslie Parish. There were only five baptisms of children named Booth in the Leslie Parish records between 1700 and 1760; all were children of Alexander Booth of Drumgowan.

Baptism Dates Isobell Booth May 25, 1746 James Booth Sept 8, 1748 Elspet Booth Mar 17, 1751 Adam Booth Mar 14, 1760


Drumgowan is a hill about one mile west of Leslie In Aberdeenshire. There are two farms located on the hill, referred to as West Drumgowan and East Drumgowan.


James Booth of Drumgowan appeared in the 1797 Tax Rolls for Horses in Aberdeenshire. He had 6 active horses for which he was taxed.


The tax List for Leslie Parish in 1798 showed that James Booth of Drumgowan had a small house and 6 horses.

BirthIsabel & James Booth Baptisms, 1746-1748, DrumgowanIsabel & James Booth Baptisms, 1746-1748, Drumgowan
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ResidencePhoto of Drumgowan, West of Leslie AberdeenshirePhoto of Drumgowan, West of Leslie Aberdeenshire
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Type: Map
Note: Coordinates of Drumgowan in Leslie Parish, Aberdeenshire.
Residence1797-98 Farm Horse Tax Rolls from Aberdeenshire1797-98 Farm Horse Tax Rolls from Aberdeenshire
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Census1798 Tax List for Leslie Parish Showing James Booth of Drumgowan1798 Tax List for Leslie Parish Showing James Booth of Drumgowan
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Highlighted image: no
Media objectBooth Baptisms of Leslie Parish 1789-1805Booth Baptisms of Leslie Parish 1789-1805
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Image dimensions: 633 × 394 pixels
File size: 56 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Note: It is unlikely that James Booth of Drumgowan had more than one wife. No marriage records have been found to date. According to the Leslie Parish records, James of Drumgowan and his wife Isabel had a daughter Isabel in 1792 but the same James of Drumgowan and his wife 'Margaret' had a child named William in 1794. However the death record of young William Booth 85 years later in Forbes confirms that his mother's name was Isabel Booth.