Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary GALLIVANAge: 76 years18621939

Given names
Married name
Birth June 12, 1862
Religious marriageJames Bernard McCABEView this family
November 9, 1880 (Age 18 years)
Note: Minnesota, Marriages Index, 1849-1950 about James B McCabe
Birth of a daughter
January 31, 1883 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Margaret Evelyn McCABE
February 26, 1885 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
William Francis McCABE
January 19, 1887 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
April 4, 1889 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Grace Laurenda McCABE
February 17, 1891 (Age 28 years)
Note: According to father's naturalization records. Could have Grace and Arthur backwards.
Birth of a son
Arthur Ambrose McCABE
December 17, 1893 (Age 31 years)
Note: Naturalization records say 17 Dec 1893. SS Death Record says he was born 7 Dec 1891. WWI draft card says he was born 7 Dec 1891. Art was living in Minot ND in June 1917.
Birth of a son
James Edmund McCABE
June 15, 1896 (Age 34 years)
Death of a sonJames Edmund McCABE
June 29, 1896 (Age 34 years)
Note: From Wisconsin, Births and Christenings Index, 1801-1928
Birth of a daughter
Edna Cecilia McCABE
November 15, 1898 (Age 36 years)

Birth of a daughter
Genevieve McCABE
April 17, 1900 (Age 37 years)
Marriage of a childRobert CROWLEYRose McCABEView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 1, 1913 (Age 51 years) Husband: 33 Wife: 23
Address: St Anns Cathedral
Note: Rose Ellen Mccabe
Death of a husbandJames Bernard McCABE
February 21, 1930 (Age 67 years)
Death of a daughterEdna Cecilia McCABE
1939 (Age 76 years)

Death May 7, 1939 (Age 76 years)
Family with James Bernard McCABE - View this family
Marriage: November 9, 1880St John'S Church, Houston, Minnesota
13 years
-5 years
-4 years
6 years
5 years
James Edmund McCABE
Birth: June 15, 1896 42 34La Crosse City, La Crosse, WI
Death: June 29, 1896La Crosse City, La Crosse, WI
-9 years
12 years
17 months
-17 years


Minnesota, Marriages Index, 1849-1950 about James B McCabe Name: James B McCabe Birth Date: 1855 Marriage Date: 9 Nov 1880 Marriage Place: St John'S Church, Houston, Minnesota Spouse's Name: Mary E Gallavan Spouse Birth Date: 1862


Obituary of Mary Gallivan McCabe's mother:

October 26, 1898

Mrs Jeremiah Gallivan, nee Miss Margaret Cashman, died in her home in Mayville, Saturday Oct 22, 1898, from heart disease at the age of about 65 years. She was a native of Ireland but came to this country about 47 years ago. Two years later, at Hartford, Conn, she was married to Mr. Gallivan and several years later they moved to this county, where they have since resided. She has been in feeble health for several years, but her death was sudden and unexpected. She was up and around as usual and asked a little girl who was with her to bring her a cup of tea. In the meantime she reclined on the sofa for a little rest. When the little girl returned she found Mrs Gallivan so sound asleep that she could not wake her up. The girl reported the facts to members of the family who ere in the filed and upon examination it was found to be a sudden death. Besides a husband, she leaves eight children to wit: Mrs Thomas Sheehan of Mayville, Mrs Rose Allen of St Paul, Mrs Nellie Cunningham of Stewartsville, Mrs Lizzie Towey, of Stewartsville, Mrs Mary McCabe of Lacrosse, Mrs Tim Hayes of Caledonia, Thomas Gallivan of Mayville and Jeffy Gallivan of Mayville to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. Funeral services from St John's at 10:00. The funeral procession was one the the longest witness here for some time.

Media objectJames and Mary G. McCabe with FamilyJames and Mary G. McCabe with Family
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Media objectPhoto of James McCabe and wife Mary GallivanPhoto of James McCabe and wife Mary Gallivan
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