Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Samuel GADDISAge: 77 years18401918

Birth August 14, 1840 40
Birth of a brotherEdward or Edwin GADDIS
May 16, 1844 (Age 3 years)
Note: 1850 census lists him as being born in Indiana. Death certificate says he was born in Evansville, Ma…
Death of a fatherJohn? GADDIS
about 1849 (Age 8 years)

Religious marriageAddie V HUNTERView this family
February 2, 1869 (Age 28 years)
Address: Home of Mr G.S. Johnson
Note: DAILY MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, FEB 12,1869 Married: On the 2nd of February, 1869, by Rev R. Loring, at the residence of Mr. G. S. Johnson, Mr. Samuel Gaddis, of this city, to Miss Addie V Hunter, of St Charles county, Mo.
Birth of a daughter
December 21, 1869 (Age 29 years)
Census 1870 (Age 29 years)
Address: Ward 7
Note: 1870 census. St Louis MO, Ward 7. Samuel Gaddis, cigar maker, age 28, born in IN, says his parents were born in US. His wife Ada is 27 and he has a daughter Grace age 6 mos, born in MO.
Cigar Maker
1870 (Age 29 years)

Birth of a daughter
August 8, 1872 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
August 11, 1872 (Age 31 years)
Death of a daughterLulu GADDIS
August 20, 1872 (Age 32 years)
Death of a daughterSarah GADDIS
August 20, 1872 (Age 32 years)
Death of a wifeAddie V HUNTER
August 23, 1872 (Age 32 years)
Note: Addie P Gaddes
Residence 1872 (Age 31 years)
Address: 2723 Stoddard St St Louis, MO
Residence about 1900 (Age 59 years)
Note: Samuel Gaddis lived in Nevada Missouri for some length of time. In the 1904 obituary of his brother…

Samuel Gaddis' Cigar Factory in Missouri Historic Preservation Records
Samuel Gaddis' Cigar Factory in Missouri Historic Preservation Records

Note: According to Missouri Historic Preservation records, Samuel Gaddis had a cigar factory in this building, 307 E Cherry Ave, Nevada MO. It was listed from 1894 through the early 1900s.

Death of a brotherWilliam GADDIS
March 7, 1904 (Age 63 years)
Note: Wiliam GADDIS was born Jan 16, 1840 in Vicksburg, SC, died March 6, 1904. He was married first to M…
Residence 1910 (Age 69 years)
Note: Samuel Gaddis, age 70, Farmer (Horse Farm) St Peter Road, Widower, Father and Mother From France
Death of a brotherGeorge (Gory-Gary) GADDIS
February 22, 1914 (Age 73 years)
Death of a brotherJohn GADDIS
May 12, 1915 (Age 74 years)
Death January 6, 1918 (Age 77 years)
Note: Samuel's daughter Grace was living with Samuel at 5065 Cates Ave in St Louis when he died of pneumonia. She reported his death and the information on the death certificate. Unfortunately she did not report details on Samuel's parents, but she did report his birthdate ( Aug 14, 1840) and place of birth (Indiana).
Note: Bellefontaine Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
5 years
elder brother
elder brother
7 months
4 years
younger brother
Family with Addie V HUNTER - View this family
Marriage: February 2, 1869St Louis MO
11 months
Birth: December 21, 1869 29St Louis, Missouri
Death: April 19, 1962Missouri, United States
3 years


DAILY MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, FEB 12,1869 Married: On the 2nd of February, 1869, by Rev R. Loring, at the residence of Mr. G. S. Johnson, Mr. Samuel Gaddis, of this city, to Miss Addie V Hunter, of St Charles county, Mo.


1870 census. St Louis MO, Ward 7. Samuel Gaddis, cigar maker, age 28, born in IN, says his parents were born in US. His wife Ada is 27 and he has a daughter Grace age 6 mos, born in MO.


Samuel Gaddis lived in Nevada Missouri for some length of time. In the 1904 obituary of his brother William Gaddis, Samuel was stated to be a resident of Nevada MO. Genealogist Sibley stated Samuel lived in Nevada MO and had a daughter Grace who lived in St Louis.

In a newspaper clipping from an 1889 newspaper article Samuel was stated to be the purchaser of a building in Nevada MO. A (misplaced) 1902 article from Nevada showed an advertisement of Samuel Gaddis - tobacconist.


Samuel Gaddis, age 70, Farmer (Horse Farm) St Peter Road, Widower, Father and Mother From France


Samuel's daughter Grace was living with Samuel at 5065 Cates Ave in St Louis when he died of pneumonia. She reported his death and the information on the death certificate. Unfortunately she did not report details on Samuel's parents, but she did report his birthdate ( Aug 14, 1840) and place of birth (Indiana).


Bellefontaine Cemetery Saint Louis Missouri, USA Plot: block 217 PL F


Various census entries trace Samuel's journey as an orphan in Evansvile to St Louis and then to Nevada, MO.

1850 census. Evansville, Pigeon Township, 3rd Ward - Samuel Gartes (sic), age 9, living with families of Henry Dausman, immigrant from Germany and Jonathan Jones of Indiana, both tobacco sellers. In the 1860 census Henry and Nancy Dausman have moved to Carondelet district of St Louis, Mo. along with Jones' children. Can not find Samuel Gaddis in the 1860 census.

Marriage announcement from the St Louis Christian Advocate newspaper(Feb 17, 1869): Feb 2, 1869. At the residence of G.S. Johnson, by Rev. R.G. Loving, Samuel Gaddis of St Louis to Miss Addie V. Hunter of St Charles Co, MO.

1870 census. St Louis MO, Ward 7. Samuel Gaddis, cigar maker, age 28, born in IN, says his parents were born in US. His wife Ada is 27 and he has a daughter Grace age 6 mos, born in MO.

Death Record for St Louis MO. This could be Samuel's family.

Addie P Gaddes 23 Aug 1872 2723 Stoddard Lulu Gaddes 20 Aug 1872 2723 Stoddard Sarah Gaddes 20 Aug 1872 2723 Stoddard

Can not find Samuel in 1880,1890,1900 census.

Nevada City (MO) Directory, published by Prewitt and Dunham in early 1900's shows Saml Gaddis, cigar mfr, 625 E. Cherry St.

1910 census, Samuel Gaddis, age 70, widower, born in Indiana, both parents born in France (sic) is living alone on a horse farm in Dardenne, St Charles county, MO - a suburb of St. Louis.

ResidenceSamuel Gaddis Office - 1021 BroadwaySamuel Gaddis Office - 1021 Broadway
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Image dimensions: 522 × 112 pixels
File size: 73 KB
Type: Manuscript
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ResidenceSamuel Gaddis Was In Nevada MO by 1889Samuel Gaddis Was In Nevada MO by 1889
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Image dimensions: 1,639 × 906 pixels
File size: 249 KB
Type: Newspaper
ResidenceSamuel Gaddis' Cigar Factory in Missouri Historic Preservation RecordsSamuel Gaddis' Cigar Factory in Missouri Historic Preservation Records
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,711 × 2,200 pixels
File size: 807 KB
Type: Photo
Note: According to Missouri Historic Preservation records, Samuel Gaddis had a cigar factory in this building, 307 E Cherry Ave, Nevada MO. It was listed from 1894 through the early 1900s.
ResidenceModern Photo of Building Where Samuel Gaddis' Cigar Factory Was LocatedModern Photo of Building Where Samuel Gaddis' Cigar Factory Was Located
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Image dimensions: 1,382 × 1,006 pixels
File size: 285 KB
Type: Photo
DeathSamuel Gaddis' Death Certificate
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File size: 90 KB
Media objectSamuel GADDISSamuel GADDIS
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 252 × 310 pixels
File size: 70 KB
Highlighted image: yes