Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Bob Gann as a teenager

Robert Wilton GANNAge: 83 years19262009

Robert Wilton GANN
Birth January 1, 1926 36 34
US Navy

Birth of a sisterAlta Ruth GANN
April 2, 1929 (Age 3 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam Allen GANN
December 21, 1937 (Age 11 years)
Death of a sisterOpal Mae GANN
July 23, 1939 (Age 13 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherWilliam Joseph MAGEE
May 14, 1941 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a daughter
Kerry Lynn Gann
December 3, 1952 (Age 26 years)
Death of a brotherHerman Taft GANN
December 26, 1965 (Age 39 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherMary Melisse Caroline BENNETT
May 25, 1967 (Age 41 years)

Death of a fatherThomas Floyd GANN
August 26, 1970 (Age 44 years)
Death of a daughterKerry Lynn Gann
July 25, 1971 (Age 45 years)
Note: Daughter of Robert Wilton Gann and Alberta Ann (Riddle) Gann.
Burial of a daughterKerry Lynn Gann
July 1971 (Age 45 years)
Cemetery: Rose Lawn Memorial Gardens
Death of a motherAlta MAGEE
August 15, 1973 (Age 47 years)
Burial of a motherAlta MAGEE
August 18, 1973 (Age 47 years)
Death of a brotherFloyd William GANN
April 9, 1976 (Age 50 years)
Death of a sisterAlta Ruth GANN
June 16, 1993 (Age 67 years)
Cause: Complications after several operations following car wreck
Death of a brotherHoward James “Pete” GANN
July 14, 1997 (Age 71 years)
Note: Obituary from findagrave:
Death of a wifeAlberta Ann “Ann King” Riddle
March 4, 1999 (Age 73 years)
Death of a sisterMary Jane GANN
April 6, 2009 (Age 83 years)
Cause: Stroke
Note: Obituary from Brownwville Herald:
Death October 18, 2009 (Age 83 years)
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
20 months
elder sister
22 months
elder sister
19 months
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
6 years
elder brother
3 years
3 years
younger sister
Family with Alberta Ann “Ann King” Riddle - View this family
Lynn GannKerry Lynn Gann
Birth: December 3, 1952 26 19Cameron Co., TX, USA
Death: July 25, 1971Brownsville, Cameron Co., TX, USA

Media object

Bob Gann served on this carrier in the Pacific campaign. Photos found in the US archives.

MilitaryMuster record for Bob Gann's unit on USS Belleau WoodsMuster record for Bob Gann's unit on USS Belleau Woods
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,448 × 2,246 pixels
File size: 302 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
Media objectBob Gann as a teenagerBob Gann as a teenager
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 330 × 561 pixels
File size: 135 KB
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectBob Gann circa 1965Bob Gann circa 1965
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 144 × 171 pixels
File size: 17 KB
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectUSS Belleau Wood Aircraft Carrier in 1943USS Belleau Wood Aircraft Carrier in 1943
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 740 × 615 pixels
File size: 115 KB
Highlighted image: no
Media objectJapanese bomber crashed close to Bob's ship.Japanese bomber crashed close to Bob's ship.
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 740 × 605 pixels
File size: 100 KB
Highlighted image: no
Media objectBelleau Wood on fire after being hit by kamikazi in 1944.Belleau Wood on fire after being hit by kamikazi in 1944.
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 610 × 675 pixels
File size: 113 KB
Highlighted image: no
Media objectBob Gann In Navy UniformBob Gann In Navy Uniform
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 491 × 704 pixels
File size: 89 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
Media objectBob Gann With His Sister Ruth - TeensBob Gann With His Sister Ruth - Teens
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 418 × 819 pixels
File size: 124 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no