Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Gary Thomas GANNAge: 71 years19402012

Gary Thomas GANN
Birth November 10, 1940 29 27
Birth of a brotherFrederick Kay “Freddie” GANN
August 29, 1944 (Age 3 years)
Death of a fatherHerman Taft GANN
December 26, 1965 (Age 25 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherThomas Floyd GANN
August 26, 1970 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAlta MAGEE
August 15, 1973 (Age 32 years)
Burial of a paternal grandmotherAlta MAGEE
August 18, 1973 (Age 32 years)
Death of a brotherMilton Taft GANN
March 21, 1991 (Age 50 years)
Death of a brotherFrederick Kay “Freddie” GANN
May 27, 2006 (Age 65 years)
Cause: Cancer
Note: Gann, Frederick Kay, 61, of North Miami, FL passed away May 27th in Sebring, FL. He came to Miami fr…
Death of a motherWessie Jean STANLEY
September 8, 2006 (Age 65 years)
Note: Obituary Jean Gann Sprague
Death April 3, 2012 (Age 71 years)
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elder brother
Baby Milton GannMilton Taft GANN
Birth: November 30, 1934 23 21San Benito, Cameron Co., TX, USA
Death: March 21, 1991Bexar Co, Tx
2 months
elder sister
Baby Lamarylas GannLamarylas GANN
Birth: January 1935 23 21San Benito, Cameron Co., TX, USA
Death: September 29, 1937San Benito, Cameron Co., TX, USA
Gary Thomas GANN
Birth: November 10, 1940 29 27Brownsville, Cameron Co., TX, USA
Death: April 3, 2012Florida
younger brother
Frederick Kay “Freddie” GANN
Birth: August 29, 1944 33 30Brownsville, Cameron Co., TX, USA
Death: May 27, 2006Sebring, Highlands County, Florida, USA