Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Lynn Gann

Kerry Lynn GannAge: 18 years19521971

Kerry Lynn Gann
Given names
Kerry Lynn
Birth December 3, 1952 26 19
Death of a paternal grandfatherThomas Floyd GANN
August 26, 1970 (Age 17 years)
Death July 25, 1971 (Age 18 years)
Note: Daughter of Robert Wilton Gann and Alberta Ann (Riddle) Gann.
Burial July 1971 (Age 18 years)
Cemetery: Rose Lawn Memorial Gardens
Family with parents - View this family
Lynn GannKerry Lynn Gann
Birth: December 3, 1952 26 19Cameron Co., TX, USA
Death: July 25, 1971Brownsville, Cameron Co., TX, USA


Daughter of Robert Wilton Gann and Alberta Ann (Riddle) Gann.

Obituary Five Local Youths Die In Collision

Two persons remain in critical condition at Mercy Hospital today after a crashing head-on collision on U.S. 281 that killed five persons and injured five about one mile west of here in the dark of night early Sunday. Dead as a result of the wreck are Walter Nicolas Kotara, 20, of Rt. 1, Box 902, Old Port Isabel Road; Kerry Lynn Gann, 18, of Southmost Road; Jose Angel Mendoza, 20, of Rt. 2, Box 890, San Pedro; Rodrigo Aguirre, 18, of Rt. 2, Box 585, Villa Cavazos, and Armando Garcia Jr., 16, of Rt. 2, Box 575-B, Villa Cavazos. Listed in critical condition today are Don Hollis Hamner, 20, and Hilario Perez Gonzalez, 21. Hamner is a resident of Brownsville and Gonzalez' address is listed at Woodburn, Ore. Hospitalized in fair condition are James Michael Dorris, 20, of Brownsville, Adam Garcia, 18, and Jose Ramirez, 18, both of Brownsville. According to Department of Public Safety Patrolman Vernon Martin, Miss Gann, Kotara, Dorris and Hamner were all passengers in one vehicle, while the other six were in a second car involved. Martin said this morning he has been unable to determine the driver of the car in which Mendoza, Aguirre and Garcia were killed. Martin noted all the car's occupants were thrown out and that he hopes to speak with the survivors today in an effort to find out who the driver was. The car was owned by Armando Garcia Jr. Martin said no seat belts were used by occupants of either car. The deaths raise the Valley traffic toll to 79 for the year.

Funeral services for Miss Gann were scheduled today at Darling-Mouser Funeral Home Chapel here with the Rev. Charles Robinson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in San Benito officiating. She had been a resident of Brownsville for 15 years and was born in Harlingen on Dec. 2, 1952. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gann. Mrs. Gann is a former assistant district attorney and presently is director of the Cameron County Legal Aid Society. Gann is an employee of the United States Customs Service. Other survivors include a brother, Larry Gann; a maternal grandfather, Lloyd S. Riddle of Dallas and a paternal grandmother, Mrs. Tom Gann of San Benito, and several aunts and uncles. Miss Gann was a member of the Faith Presbyterian Church and was a summer school student at Texas Southmost College. Pallbearers were 138th District Court Judge H. A. Garcia, Abe Barnard, Don Hockaday, Bob Hunter, Grady Whitten and George Squyres.

Publication: The Brownsville Herald July 26, 1971

Don Hollis \"Donny\" Hamner passed away two days later, July 27, 1971 in Mercy Hospital from injuries received in the accident.

Inscription: ANGEL ON EARTH

BurialLynn Gann's Headstone in Brownsville TxLynn Gann's Headstone in Brownsville Tx
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Media objectLynn GannLynn Gann
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Image dimensions: 139 × 179 pixels
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