Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Liza Jane FRIEND GANN in 1912

Eliza Jane FRIENDAge: 62 years18551917

Eliza Jane FRIEND
Married name
Eliza Jane GANN
Birth November 17, 1855 19
Birth of a sisterJersey A FRIEND
1861 (Age 5 years)

Death of a fatherJames FRIEND
1864 (Age 8 years)

Birth of a half-sisterSarah Johnson
1865 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a half-sisterHulda Johnson
1867 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a half-brotherJames L Johnson
1868 (Age 12 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherLewis CLARKSTON
December 1868 (Age 13 years)
Note: Date is from Ozark County MO probate records (FHL film 929574). For more details, see the NOTES sec…

Birth of a half-brotherThomas Daniel Johnson
April 2, 1872 (Age 16 years)
Religious marriageRobert MILESView this family
October 26, 1873 (Age 17 years)
Address: James Johnson home in Webster Co.
Note: Eliza Jane and Robert Miles were married at the home of her mother Amanda Clarkston Johnson in Webst…
Birth of a son
1874 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a son
Robert MILES
November 12, 1877 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Edward Isom GANN
March 12, 1880 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Edward Isom GANN
March 12, 1880 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Ollie Addison GANN
June 22, 1882 (Age 26 years)
MarriageWilliam Allen GANNView this family
January 28, 1885 (Age 29 years)
Note: License says both William and Eliza Jane were residents of Thorpe, Dallas Co, MO.
Birth of a daughter
Effie Melvina (Vinie) Gann
July 27, 1885 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Jane GANN
May 28, 1887 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Jane GANN
May 28, 1887 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Floyd GANN
July 29, 1889 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a daughter
Belle GANN
September 21, 1891 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a son
Louis GANN
July 19, 1893 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Louis GANN
July 19, 1893 (Age 37 years)
Death of a motherAmanda CLARKSTON
about 1895 (Age 39 years)
Note: At James' death in 1898, there was no mention of Amanda. Kay Silkey reported \"Mom and I searched t…
Death of a half-brotherJames L Johnson
January 1896 (Age 40 years)
Note: A J L Johnson had a death notice in the Jan 16 1896 Marshfield Field newspaper.
Birth of a son
George Washington GANN
February 8, 1896 (Age 40 years)

Birth of a son
George Washington GANN
February 8, 1896 (Age 40 years)
Marriage of a childRobert MILESMary Elizabeth ANGLENView this family
December 30, 1897 (Age 42 years)
CensusWilliam Allen GANNView this family
1900 (Age 44 years)
Note: Name: William A Gann 40, Birth Apr 1860, Missouri
Death of a daughterBelle GANN
November 23, 1906 (Age 51 years)
Death November 29, 1917 (Age 62 years)
Family with parents - View this family
6 years
younger sister
Mother’s family with James Johnson - View this family
3 years
2 years
4 years
Family with Robert MILES - View this family
Marriage: October 26, 1873Webster Co MO
4 years
-3 years
Family with William Allen GANN - View this family
Marriage: January 28, 1885Dallas Co, MO
5 years
-7 years
-2 years
7 years
4 years
Belle GANN
Birth: September 21, 1891 31 35Dallas Co Missouri
Death: November 23, 1906Coweta, Wagoner Co, OK
22 months
3 years
-11 years


Eliza Jane and Robert Miles were married at the home of her mother Amanda Clarkston Johnson in Webster Co.


License says both William and Eliza Jane were residents of Thorpe, Dallas Co, MO.


Name: William A Gann 40, Birth Apr 1860, Missouri Home in 1900: Washington, Dallas, Missouri Spouse's Name: Eliza J Gann Marriage Year: 1885 Father's Birthplace: Tennessee Mother's Birthplace: Tennessee

William A Gann 40 Eliza J Gann 44 Adison Gann 16 Vinie Gann 15 Annie J Gann 13 Thomas Gann 10 Belle Gann 8 Louis Gann 6 Georgie Gann 4

Media object

R-L Annie Gann, Lewis, George

Post card to Tom Gann (on back): Well Tom this is the way we make our living, by hoeing cotton. We all look good we think we do so Bye, Bye

Addressed to Tom Gann, Eagle Lake Tex

George, Louis and Annie Gann are Tom's brothers/sister.

Shared note


From William Charles Gann, Tulsa, OK. From Bonnie Bilky, 3614 S Olympia, Tulsa, OK 74107 3/16/96

Marriage recorded in Family Bible. According to Edith Grace Gann Jarman, a granddaughter, Eliza Jane was half-Cherokee, the child of a white father, James Friend, and a full-blood Cherokee mother. Her father was killed on the Trail of Tears. This fact would tend to indicate that Eliza Jane was proud of her heritage and had the courage to admit it. It was not \"fashionable\" in the West for those Indians who could pass as \"white\" to admit their ancestry. Her death certificate indicated she was white. (Added: There has been no evidence developed that Eliza was part Indian. On the contrary all evidence point to both her parents not having Indian heritage. DNA results of descendants show no indication of Indian heritage.)

Robert Miles ran from Missouri because he stabbed a man in a barroom fight. He abandoned Eliza Jane and two sons, Will and Robert Miles, who evidently remained with relatives. He went to Denison, Texas and remarried.

She met William Allen Gann, fell in love and had two children. When Miles was located, she divorced him and married William Allen Gann.

Eliza died of a strangulated hernia.

1880 Census lists Jane Miles in Washington, Webster MO age 25 with three children, William 6, Robert 3 and Edward 3 mos. She is listed as a Widow. On the same page we find her mother Amanda listed with her husband James Johnson. (page 248a)

Some family members list her as \"Eliza Jane Friend Johnson\" Eliza's mother had remarried a Mr. James Johnson.

1860 census lists a 5 year old Eliza J Friend with mother Amanda age 24 living with Elizabeth Graham in Falling Spring, Ozark Co, MO. which is SE of Marshfield. Living next door is Lewis Clarkston, Amanda's father. Amanda's husband is not found in the census.

Shared note


From Dorretta Moore

Marriage date in LDS Records, Dallas Co., MO -- Marriages

MarriageMarriage Record for Eliza Jane Friend and Robert MilesMarriage Record for Eliza Jane Friend and Robert Miles
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,050 × 561 pixels
File size: 205 KB
Type: Certificate
MarriageWilliam Gann & Eliza Friend Miles Marriage LicenseWilliam Gann & Eliza Friend Miles Marriage License
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 922 × 302 pixels
File size: 171 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
DeathEliza Jane Friend Gann Death Certificate from OKEliza Jane Friend Gann Death Certificate from OK
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,406 × 2,207 pixels
File size: 909 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Media objectTom Gann's Siblings With Cotton HoesTom Gann's Siblings With Cotton Hoes
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 926 × 600 pixels
File size: 281 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectLiza Jane FRIEND GANN in 1912Liza Jane FRIEND GANN in 1912
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 122 × 122 pixels
File size: 13 KB
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectLiza Jane's Death CardLiza Jane's Death Card
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 775 × 1,238 pixels
File size: 679 KB