Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Zillah CHAPMANAge: 79 years18001879

Married name
Birth January 1, 1800 45 40

Death of a fatherJohn CHAPMAN
1812 (Age 12 years)
Note: Some records indicate John Chapman Sr died in 1811 but other records such as the Military records for the War of 1812 in LA and the LA census of 1812 indicate he was alive then. His death was evident in the records for Zillah and her siblings in court in 1815.
Death of a motherNancy WEST
March 1812 (Age 12 years)
Note: According to Gregory-Love Tree from Unverified.
MarriageSolomon MANGUMView this family
January 14, 1817 (Age 17 years)
Source: St Tammany Parish Marriage Records, 1812-1900
Birth of a son
1818 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a daughter
April 12, 1819 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a daughter
Caroline MANGUM
January 8, 1820 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Eliza Antoinette MANGUM
August 14, 1825 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a son
William MANGUM
1827 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a daughter
January 27, 1830 (Age 30 years)

Census 1830 (Age 30 years)
Note: Solomon and Zilla were still living in LA in 1830:
Birth of a son
1832 (Age 32 years)

Birth of a son
Silas Henry MANGUM
1835 (Age 35 years)

Marriage of a childJonathan “Nathan” MAGEECaroline MANGUMView this family
January 24, 1839 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a son
Wiley Person MANGUM
June 20, 1839 (Age 39 years)

Death of a husbandSolomon MANGUM
December 29, 1852 (Age 52 years)
Death February 21, 1879 (Age 79 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1785South Carolina
Family with Solomon MANGUM - View this family
Marriage: January 14, 1817St Tammany Parish, LA
2 years
15 months
9 months
6 years
2 years
3 years
3 years
4 years
5 years

MarriageSt Tammany Parish Marriage Records, 1812-1900

Document From Internet (No Author Listed)

John Chapman b. 1750 – d. 1811 married Nancy (West)? 1787 Abbeville, South Carolina

I know so little about John Chapman’s life. However, I know a great deal about him after he died. I held documents in my hand in the courthouse Covington, La. That reveal a great deal about him and his family. I have transcribed the original documents and will attach them to Here are the facts as I know them.

John Chapman Born 1750 Charleston, SC 1769 census – Charleston, SC 1787 married Nancy (West) b. 1765 in Abbeville, SC Abbeville was a burned courthouse and they have no records of marriage dating back that far. 1790 census - Greenville, SC 1800 census – Chesterfield, SC – his son John Jr. is also listed as a head of household. 1810 census - Opelousas, La. 1811 – John Chapman died in December– his wife Nancy and sons John and Jesse take inventory of his belongings. No will.

Nancy died in March between 1812 and 1815.

John Chapman,Jr. petitions the court saying Nancy died and did not do anything regarding the disposition the property of John Chapman. John Jr. is requesting the court to allow him to use the property for the minor children. It is ordered that William West be appointed tutor and John Chapman, Jr. under tutor for Nancy Chapman and that John Chapman be appointed curator for William Chapman This document is not dated

There are 4 documents dated 8 Nov. 1815. They are confusing but here is my best estimate of what happened. Document 1. William West and Littleberry West petition the court for Zilla Chapman a minor over 14 years. The document was torn and that was all the info.

Document 2. Zilla, heir of William West?, petitions the cour. to have her brother John be her curator

Document 3. John Jr. and Jesse petition court for Zilla over 14 and Wiley under 14

Document 4 Wiley petitions ct. to have John Jr. be his curator

I don’t understand what happen in court that day. William West must have died and the Chapman brothers then became curators for their little sisters and brothers. Also, Document says Wiley is over 14 and he is listed as under 14 in the other documents.


Solomon and Zilla were still living in LA in 1830:

Solomon Mangum 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 1 ( 2 male, 4 female children)

Shared note

S. H. Mangum, a native of Mississippi, born in 1837, is a well-known planter of this section, and his plantation which comprises one thousand and forty acres, with about two hundred acres admirably tilled, yields a fine crop of corn and cotton annually. His ideas in regard to agriculture are shrewd, practical and progressive, and a secret, no doubt, of his success is that his work is very congenial to his tastes. He takes great pride in keeping his plantation in admirable order, and everything about the place indicates his care and attention. He has erected a fine sawmill on his place, and the attention which he devotes to this industry and time he bestows on his plantation and in the raising and care of his stock, keeps him fully occupied. He is every respect a trustworthy gentleman, and the respect which is bestowed upon him by all who know him speaks volumes in his praise. He has taken much interest in the polities of the county and has been a member of the A. F. A. M. since 1856, at which time he became a member of Cato lodge No. 230. He was also a charter member of the grange, which he joined in 1875. On the 15th of December, 1867, he was married to Miss Minnie J. Martin, who was born in Mississippi in 1844, and their union has resulted in the birth of the following children: W. P., Nancy C, J. S. , E. L. , Emma and Augusta, all of whom are living. During the war he was a member of company D, Forty-sixth Mississippi infantry and served throughout the entire war. His parents, Solomon and Zilla (Chapman) Mangum, were born in Georgia and Kentucky respectively, the formers birth occurring in 1787. Their union was consummated in 1818 and resulted in the birth of nine children: G. W., Nancy C, Caroline, Eliza, William, Mary, Alfred, W. P. and S. H., of whom four are deceased. Solomon Mangum came to Mississippi in 1812 and located in Rankin county, where he died December 29, 1852, his widow surviving him until February 21, 1879, when she, too, passed away.

From Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Mississippi, Vol.2, 1891 Volume: 2 Publication date: 1891 Publisher: Chicago, Goodspeed Author: Goodspeed Brothers

BirthMinor Record for Zillah Chapman in LAMinor Record for Zillah Chapman in LA
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BirthAnother Minor Document for Zillah ChapmanAnother Minor Document for Zillah Chapman
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Image dimensions: 519 × 672 pixels
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Type: Document
DeathZilla Mangum Headstone Ross Cemetery Cato MSZilla Mangum Headstone Ross Cemetery Cato MS
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File size: 127 KB
Type: Photo
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