Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John CHAPMANAge: 57 years17551812

Birth about 1755
MarriageNancy WESTView this family
1785 (Age 30 years)
Note: According to Gregory-Love Tree from Unverified.
Birth of a daughter
January 1, 1800 (Age 45 years)

8th Regt of Militia, Opelousas LA
1806 (Age 51 years)

Note: It is not clear if this record is for John Chapman Sr or Jr.
Birth of a daughter

Note: Evidence that Nancy Chapman's Father is John Chapman. Solomon was husband of Zillah, daughter of jo…
Note: According to Gwen (Gjm1132 In his probate in St Tammany LA, listed as John Chapman's children were William (who was absent, John Jr., Jesse, Wiley, Zillah (who later married Solomon Mangum) and Nancy. Wiley, Zillah and Nancy were minors.
Probate December 1811 (Age 56 years)

Military 1812 (Age 57 years)
Note: War 1812 Service Record: John Chapman Sr
Death of a wifeNancy WEST
March 1812 (Age 57 years)
Note: According to Gregory-Love Tree from Unverified.
Census 1812 (Age 57 years)
Note: The Chapman's had moved to St Tammany LA, according to the census of 1812.
Residence 1812 (Age 57 years)
Note: From: 1846 Record Justice Court 1st Ward of St. Tammmany, La. By E. W. Moore.
Death 1812 (Age 57 years)
Note: Some records indicate John Chapman Sr died in 1811 but other records such as the Military records for the War of 1812 in LA and the LA census of 1812 indicate he was alive then. His death was evident in the records for Zillah and her siblings in court in 1815.
North Side of Boca Chita River
1820 (Age 65 years)
Note: John Chapman's land in Louisiana was sold to his son John Jr after his death.
Family with Nancy WEST - View this family
Marriage: 1785South Carolina


Document From Internet (No Author Listed)

John Chapman b. 1750 – d. 1811 married Nancy (West)? 1787 Abbeville, South Carolina

I know so little about John Chapman’s life. However, I know a great deal about him after he died. I held documents in my hand in the courthouse Covington, La. That reveal a great deal about him and his family. I have transcribed the original documents and will attach them to Here are the facts as I know them.

John Chapman Born 1750 Charleston, SC 1769 census – Charleston, SC 1787 married Nancy (West) b. 1765 in Abbeville, SC Abbeville was a burned courthouse and they have no records of marriage dating back that far. 1790 census - Greenville, SC 1800 census – Chesterfield, SC – his son John Jr. is also listed as a head of household. 1810 census - Opelousas, La. 1811 – John Chapman died in December– his wife Nancy and sons John and Jesse take inventory of his belongings. No will.

Nancy died in March between 1812 and 1815.

John Chapman,Jr. petitions the court saying Nancy died and did not do anything regarding the disposition the property of John Chapman. John Jr. is requesting the court to allow him to use the property for the minor children. It is ordered that William West be appointed tutor and John Chapman, Jr. under tutor for Nancy Chapman and that John Chapman be appointed curator for William Chapman This document is not dated

There are 4 documents dated 8 Nov. 1815. They are confusing but here is my best estimate of what happened. Document 1. William West and Littleberry West petition the court for Zilla Chapman a minor over 14 years. The document was torn and that was all the info.

Document 2. Zilla, heir of William West?, petitions the cour. to have her brother John be her curator

Document 3. John Jr. and Jesse petition court for Zilla over 14 and Wiley under 14

Document 4 Wiley petitions ct. to have John Jr. be his curator

I don’t understand what happen in court that day. William West must have died and the Chapman brothers then became curators for their little sisters and brothers. Also, Document says Wiley is over 14 and he is listed as under 14 in the other documents.


According to Gregory-Love Tree from Unverified.


It is not clear if this record is for John Chapman Sr or Jr.


War 1812 Service Record: John Chapman Sr Company: 16 REG'T (THOMPSON'S) LOUISIANA MILITIA. Rank - Induction: PRIVATE Rank - Discharge: PRIVATE Roll Box: 38 Microfilm Publication: M602


The Chapman's had moved to St Tammany LA, according to the census of 1812.

Chapman, John, Sr. 1 male - 1 female - 5 children - 0 slaves

Chapman, John, Jr. 1-0-0-0


From: 1846 Record Justice Court 1st Ward of St. Tammmany, La. By E. W. Moore.

Demand Claims of parties nature of Claims Citation Answer Witnefs Substance and nature of judgement Execution Appeal

Before me this day appeared C. Cooper and after being duly sworn says on oath that on or about the latter part of February 1812 he came to this country and settled where he now resides and found a certain tract of land now owned by purchase of Uriah Smith, then settled, and disposed and owned by John Wright, said tract of land lying and being situate on the East side of Bogue Chitto River, bounded East by lands of JOHN CHAPMAN's claim, West by lands of Mahlow Holden, North by public lands, South by Bogue Chitto River. C. Cooper


Some records indicate John Chapman Sr died in 1811 but other records such as the Military records for the War of 1812 in LA and the LA census of 1812 indicate he was alive then. His death was evident in the records for Zillah and her siblings in court in 1815.


John Chapman's land in Louisiana was sold to his son John Jr after his death.

Deed: 1 July 1820

Know all men by those present that we Silas Chapman Solomon Mangrum and Zilla Mangrum his wife, Jesse Chapman and Wiley Chapman all of the state of Louisiana and parish of St. Tammany for and in consideration of the sum Eighty seven dollars and fifty cents do each of us in hand whereof we hereby acknowledge both bargained and sold and by those present doth grant bargain and sell unto John Chapman Jr. his heirs and assigns forever all our right and title claim interest and demand of a ____of lands ( which we claim as the heirs of John Chapman____________2) and whereas the aforesaid John Chapman____now resides situated on the north side of Boga Chitto together with all and singular the _______ ________ belonging or otherwise pertaining and the revision and revisions, remainder and remainders __________and profit thereof what so ever of us either in law or ______of in and to the above_____ ______ and every part and parcel thereof. To have and hold to the said John Chapman his heirs and assigns to the ___________________________and behalf of the said John Chapman his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof we have set our hands and seal this 28th day of June in the year of our lord 1820. X Silas Chapman X Solomon Mangrum X Zilla Mangrum X John Chapman X Wiley Chapman Witness Samuel Walker Matthew Parker State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammany Be it remembered that the first day of July one thousand eight hundred Twenty personally appeared before me Jesse R Jones Judge of said Parish for Samuel Walker and Mathew Parker who being duly sworn declare that they heard the parties to the foregoing instrument acknowledge that they made their ___to the said instrument for the purpose therein _______Jesse R. Jones Truly Recorded this 1st day of July 1820 - signed Jesse R. Jones Parish Judge Transcribed by Nancy Archer, Feb. 2011


According to Gwen (Gjm1132 In his probate in St Tammany LA, listed as John Chapman's children were William (who was absent, John Jr., Jesse, Wiley, Zillah (who later married Solomon Mangum) and Nancy. Wiley, Zillah and Nancy were minors.


Legal Records Concerning Family of John Chapman and Nancy West (Transcribed by Nancy Mallory Archer, Feb. 2011)

Know all men by these present that we William West and Littleberry West both of the Parish of St. Tammany, and State of Louisiana are held and firmly bound unto James Tate Esquire Parish Judge for St. Tammany or his successor in office in the sum of Three hundred and seventy five 62/100 dollars lawful money of the United States to be paid to the said James Tate Esquire or his successor in office attorneys, heirs, executor, administrators, or assigns to which payment will and truly to be made we do bind ourselves and each of us for and in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executor administrator and assigns jointly and severally by these presents sealed with our seals and dated the Eighth day of November 1815. In condition of the above obligation is such whereas Zilla Chapman a minor over the age of 14 did petition the Honorable court of Probate praying…….

The next document reads: Court of Probate Nov. 8th 1815 This day came before me James Tate Judge of said Court Zillah Chapman one of the heirs of William West deceased a minor over the age of fourteen and being examined apart saith that she makes choice of her Brother in John Chapman to be her Curator and in all things to attend to the administration of her concerns and asks the said John to be confirmed by the Court in said appointment. By her mark – Zilla Chapman Signed, James Tate Judge, St. Tammany

The next document reads: Know all ___by their presents that we John Chapman and Jesse Chapman both of the Parish of St. Tammany and State of Louisiana are held and firmly bound unto James Tate Esquire Parish Judge for St. Tammany or his successor in Office in the sum of Three Hundred and seventy five dollars 62/ lawful money of the United States to be paid to the said James Tate Esquire or his successor in Office their certain Attorney, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, to which payment will and truly to be made we do bind ourselves and each of us for and in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors administrators and assigns jointly and severally by their presents sealed with our seal and dated the Eighth day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. The condition of the above obligation is such whereas Wiley Chapman a Minor under the age of fourteen this day did Petition the Honorable Court of Probate praying that John Chapman might be appointed his Curator which by appointment was Confirmed by the said Court. Now therefore if the said John Chapman will well and faithfully discharge the duty of Curator as directed by the Laws of this State then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and verture. By his mark – John Chapman and Jesse Chapman Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us

MilitaryIndex Record for John Chapman of 8th Regt of Militia, 1806Index Record for John Chapman of 8th Regt of Militia, 1806
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ProbateList of Property for John Chapman Probate p1List of Property for John Chapman Probate p1
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ProbateList of Property for John Chapman Probate p2List of Property for John Chapman Probate p2
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