Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Elijah Edwards PRUITTAge: 63 years18021866

Elijah Edwards PRUITT
Given names
Elijah Edwards
Note: He was known as Elijah D Pruitt. Land Records from National Archives give his full name as Elijah Edward Pruitt.
Birth July 27, 1802
Census 1830 (Age 27 years)
Note: Supposedly Elijah is living with his future Father-In-Law (Abel Eaves) in the 1830 census of Marengo AL.
MarriageSarah H. EAVESView this family
July 5, 1834 (Age 31 years)
Property 1835 (Age 32 years)
Note: Elijah Prewitt (Pruitt) was listed among the settlers who applied for land in Before the Land Commission Proceedings in Jasper Co, Tx in 1838. He qualified for a full League of Land even though he had not arrived until Oct 1835. Perhaps he was a soldier of the 1836 Texas Revolution from Mexico since he received more land than others who arrived at the same time.
Birth of a daughter
Melissa PRUITT
February 23, 1836 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a daughter
Malinda Finklin PRUITT
October 26, 1837 (Age 35 years)
In Louisiana Natchotoches Land Office

Note: In 1840 Elijah got 40 acres from US government in Cash Entry #1791.
1838 (Age 35 years)
Note: Elijah Prewitt appeared before the Land Commission in Jasper Texas in 1838 where he gave evidence that he arrived in Texas Oct 1835. Asa consequence he received a Headright to a League of Land which he sold to a Mr. Glasscock.
Birth of a son
Elonzo “Alonzo” Greer PRUITT
April 4, 1839 (Age 36 years)

Birth of a daughter
Martha Jane PRUITT
October 17, 1840 (Age 38 years)
Census 1840 (Age 37 years)
Note: Elijah Pruitt and Able Eaves living side by side.
Death of a brotherSamuel PRUITT
1841 (Age 38 years)

Birth of a son
Peter Harrison PRUITT
December 25, 1843 (Age 41 years)

Birth of a son
William Lewis “Wick” PRUITT
November 15, 1845 (Age 43 years)

Death of a brotherAbsolom PRUITT
1848 (Age 45 years)

Birth of a son
Andrew “Andy” PRUITT
August 1850 (Age 48 years)

Census 1850 (Age 47 years)
Note: Notice Elijah is called E E Pruitt , not E D Pruitt, which suggests that Edwards is his middle name.
Death of a brotherJohn PRUITT
September 18, 1851 (Age 49 years)
Birth of a son
January 25, 1852 (Age 49 years)

CensusSarah H. EAVESView this family
1860 (Age 57 years)
Note: Elijah Pruitt Family in1860 Census:
Marriage of a childEvan James MAGEEMalinda Finklin PRUITTView this family
March 26, 1860 (Age 57 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam PRUITT
September 11, 1865 (Age 63 years)
Death May 6, 1866 (Age 63 years)
Note: The Texas Land Office has record of patent for Elijah Pruitt that was distributed to his heirs in 18…
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
7 years
elder brother
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
6 years
elder brother
3 years
Family with Sarah H. EAVES - View this family
Marriage: July 5, 1834Marengo Co, Alabama
20 months
20 months
17 months
5 years
23 months
5 years
18 months
-11 years


Supposedly Elijah is living with his future Father-In-Law (Abel Eaves) in the 1830 census of Marengo AL.


Elijah Prewitt (Pruitt) was listed among the settlers who applied for land in Before the Land Commission Proceedings in Jasper Co, Tx in 1838. He qualified for a full League of Land even though he had not arrived until Oct 1835. Perhaps he was a soldier of the 1836 Texas Revolution from Mexico since he received more land than others who arrived at the same time.


In 1840 Elijah got 40 acres from US government in Cash Entry #1791. For the S 1/2 W 1/2 SE/4 S 29 T 5 R 12 .

Elijah got a full Patent to his land, signed by President John Tyler, on July 10, 1844. Original patent is in the National Archives in Washington DC.


Elijah Prewitt appeared before the Land Commission in Jasper Texas in 1838 where he gave evidence that he arrived in Texas Oct 1835. Asa consequence he received a Headright to a League of Land which he sold to a Mr. Glasscock.


Elijah Pruitt and Able Eaves living side by side.


Notice Elijah is called E E Pruitt , not E D Pruitt, which suggests that Edwards is his middle name.

E E Pruitt 48 Sara Pruitt 36 Age 36 Born GA Melissa Pruitt 15 Melinda Pruitt 13 Alonzo Pruitt 10 Martha Pruitt 9 Peter Pruitt 7 Will Pruitt 5 Andrew Pruitt 0


Elijah Pruitt Family in1860 Census: Western District, Trinity, Texas Post Office: Sumpter

Elija Pruit 56 So Car Sarah Pruit 46 Georgia Martha J Pruit 18 Elonzo G Pruit 21 Peter H Pruit 16 William Pruit 14 Andrew J Pruit 10 James W Pruit 8


He was known as Elijah D Pruitt. Land Records from National Archives give his full name as Elijah Edward Pruitt.


The Texas Land Office has record of patent for Elijah Pruitt that was distributed to his heirs in 1871. It was attested and witnessed by his widow Sarah Pruitt and E.J. Magee, son-in-law.

County: Trinity Abstract Number: 495 District/Class: Houston Scrip File Number: 000300 Original Grantee: Pruitt, E D Patentee: Pruitt, E D (Heirs) Title Date: Patent Date: 24 Oct 1871 Patent No: 428 Patent Vol: 19


There is a web site, linked from the Trinity Co Genealgy web site, that has information on the Pruitts.

(The information in this web site has not been verified, but it appears to be well researched.) Quoting from the site:

John Pruitt b. 1760 m. Mary Hopper, beget twelve children including Elijah D. Pruitt, b. July 27, 1802, South Carolina; m. Sarah Eaves, July 05, 1834, Marengo Co. AL. Elijah D. and Sarah Eaves Pruitt settled in Trinity Co. TX. Another son of John and Mary Hopper, Ezekiel Berryman Pruitt 1800-1880 m. Charity Eaves 1800-1879 and begat four children:

CensusEzekial Pruitt and Abel Eaves in Marengo AL - 1830Ezekial Pruitt and Abel Eaves in Marengo AL - 1830
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MarriageAlabama Marriage Record of Elijah Pruitt and Sara Eaves, 1834Alabama Marriage Record of Elijah Pruitt and Sara Eaves, 1834
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Type: Document
Property1838 Land Commission Report (Jasper Co) - Settlers Who Qualified for Land1838 Land Commission Report (Jasper Co) - Settlers Who Qualified for Land
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Highlighted image: no
PropertyCopies of Land Entry receipts from National Archives.
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EventTexas Headright #159 for Elijah in Texas ArchivesTexas Headright #159 for Elijah in Texas Archives
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Image dimensions: 1,131 × 1,474 pixels
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Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
CensusAbel Eaves and Elijah Pruitt Families 1840 Census Natchitoches, LAAbel Eaves and Elijah Pruitt Families 1840 Census Natchitoches, LA
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Image dimensions: 1,036 × 88 pixels
File size: 120 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
CensusElijah Pruitt Census 1850, Sabine LAElijah Pruitt Census 1850, Sabine LA
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Image dimensions: 2,904 × 1,883 pixels
File size: 508 KB
Type: Photo
DeathSarah Pruitt Granted Elijah's Land Patent After His Death
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Type: Document