Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mycajah Y. BENNETTAge: 49 years18071856

Mycajah Y. BENNETT
Birth 1807 27 27
Death of a paternal grandmotherMary SNOW
between 1805 and 1811
Birth of a brotherJacob BENNETT
1814 (Age 7 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherMicajah BENNETT
1824 (Age 17 years)
MarriageMary COTTONView this family
August 27, 1826 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
1828 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Frances BENNETT
1829 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
John Pinkston BENNETT
January 22, 1832 (Age 25 years)

Note: In 1830 census Micajah showed up in Fayette Co Ga. He had with him one small boy and girl - evidently Peter and Frances - and his wife Sarah.

Note: 1840 Census Micajah Bennett Capt Simmons District, Fayette, Georgia
Property 1832 (Age 25 years)
Note: From Fayette Co Ga Deeds: Robinson, Jeptha to Bennett, Micajah Book C 89 Deed Dated 20 Dec 1832 filed 14 Nov 1833
Birth of a daughter
about 1834 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
Richmond Oliver BENNETT
March 11, 1836 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
June 18, 1838 (Age 31 years)
Death of a motherFrances PINKSTON
after 1840 (Age 33 years)
Death of a fatherPeter BENNETT
after 1843 (Age 36 years)
Marriage of a childJonathan HIGHTOWERSarah Frances BENNETTView this family
July 10, 1844 (Age 37 years)
Note: Georgia Marriages, 1699-1944 from
Death of a maternal grandmotherAthalia Jane CARROLL
December 31, 1846 (Age 39 years)
Marriage of a childPeter BENNETTDalia SHELBYView this family
October 9, 1848 (Age 41 years)

Census 1850 (Age 43 years)
Note: M.Y. Bennett was farming 700 acres in Rusk Co, according to the Ag census of Oct 24 1850.
CensusMary COTTONView this family
1850 (Age 43 years)
Note: 1850 Census for Mycajah Bennett in Rusk Co Tx
Marriage of a childJohn Pinkston BENNETTSarah “Sadie” POSTONView this family
about 1850 (Age 43 years)

Marriage of a childJohn Pinkston BENNETTMary Jane DAVISView this family
May 8, 1856 (Age 49 years)

Death 1856 (Age 49 years)
Property 1857 (12 months after death)
Note: Mycajah received a land patent from Texas; he applied for survey in 1852.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1804
4 years
younger brother
Family with Mary COTTON - View this family
Marriage: August 27, 1826Wilkes GA
5 years
3 years
2 years
2 years
-10 years
2 years


In 1830 census Micajah showed up in Fayette Co Ga. He had with him one small boy and girl - evidently Peter and Frances - and his wife Sarah.


1840 Census Micajah Bennett Capt Simmons District, Fayette, Georgia

Free White Males - Under 5: 1 - 5 thru 9: 1 - 10 thru 14: 1 - 30 thru 39: 1 - Females - Under 5: 1 - 5 thru 9: 2 - 30 thru 39: 1 Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 1 - 24 thru 35: 1 Total Slaves: 2 Total All Persons - 10


From Fayette Co Ga Deeds: Robinson, Jeptha to Bennett, Micajah Book C 89 Deed Dated 20 Dec 1832 filed 14 Nov 1833


M.Y. Bennett was farming 700 acres in Rusk Co, according to the Ag census of Oct 24 1850.


1850 Census for Mycajah Bennett in Rusk Co Tx

MY Bennett 43 Farmer Ga Mary 43 Ga John 18 Ga Rebecca 18 Ga Richmond 14 Ga Mary 12 Ga


Mycajah received a land patent from Texas; he applied for survey in 1852.

County: Trinity Abstract Number: 84 District/Class: Houston 3rd File Number: 000347 Original Grantee: Bennett, Mycajah Y Patentee: Bennett, Mycajah Y Title Date: Patent Date: 16 Jun 1857 Patent No: 1202 Patent Vol: 13

Media object

Mycajah got Indian land in the 1832 Georgia Land Lottery, but for some reason, did not take the land. A Mr. Park got the land later.

Shared note

COULD have been born about 1807 according to 1850 Census of Rusk Co Tx. M. Y. Bennett listed as 43.

Marriage of MY BENNETT to Mary COTTON recorded in Book B, fo 110 12 June 1828.

Some dates of the MY Bennett family are from the Family Group sheet sent to me by Panola's son, in 1999. Labeled Fam Grp Sheet. Prepared by Patricia L. (Fondren) Murray.


Mycajah got Indian land in the 1832 Georgia Land Lottery, but for some reason, did not take the land.

Micager Bennett 169 24th DISTRICT, THIRD SECTION, CHEROKEE Residence=Griffin's Fayette County


1840 census in Fayette Co Georgia:

Bennett, Micajah Males: 1 LT 5, 1LT 10, 1LT 15, 1LT 40, Females: 1LT 5, 2LT 10, 1LT 40, Male Slaves: 1LT 24, 1LT 36


Fayette County, Georgia: Jury Selection for the 1834 March Term of the Superior Court. March Term 1834

The Honorable the Superior Court of Fayette County met present according to an ajournment present his Honor Hiram Warner Judge of Said Court Petit Jury No. 2 Sworn to wit:

1 William H. Avrea 7 Solomon Whatley 2 Louden Doney 8 Alfred M. Reeves 3 Hiram Moses 9 Jesse Locklier 4 Isham Rozier 10 Carter Houston 5 William Powell, Jr 11 Micajah Bennett 6 Jonathan Springer 12 Abram W. Moulder

Source: Microfilm of the actual Superior Court Minutes: LDS microfilm # 209358


Taken verbatim from Trinity County GenWeb site:


Bennett Cemetery is reached by taking State Highway 94 north from Groveton, Texas, for twelve miles. The cemetery sign is located about two miles past Centerville School. Turn left and follow the unpaved road about one-quarter mile up a small hill to one of the largest cemeteries in the county.

Georgia native, Mycajah Y. Bennett arrived in Texas with his family by 1850 when he is listed in the census for Rusk County. According to family tradition, he and others were clearing trees from this hill when he remarked that upon his death he would like to be buried here under a particular large tree. When he died in 1856, they honored his request. As other family members and friends died, they were buried near him in what came to be known as Pleasant Hill Cemetery. His is the first known burial, although local history dates the cemetery to 1843 prior to the Bennett’s’ ownership of the property. The burial ground was later renamed Bennett Cemetery, and Mycajah’s son Richmond Oliver Bennett reportedly donated the land for use as a burial ground for the agricultural community of Crecy. Records indicate a Baptist church was at one time located adjacent to the burial ground. A cemetery association was formed in 1902 and continues to maintain the cemetery, which has more than 1500 graves including those of military veterans and pioneer area settlers.


Mycajah and Mary were cousins. Mycajah's father Peter Bennett and Mary's mother Sally were siblings.

MarriageCopy of Official Marriage Book EntryCopy of Official Marriage Book Entry
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CensusAgricultural Census of Rusk Co TxAgricultural Census of Rusk Co Tx
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CensusFayette Co Ga Census - Micajah BennettFayette Co Ga Census - Micajah Bennett
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Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 521 × 800 pixels
File size: 229 KB
Type: Tombstone
Highlighted image: no
PropertyFile From Texas Land Office for Mycajah Bennett Land Patent
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File size: 4,534 KB
Type: Document
Media objectMycajah Bennett Listed as 1832 Land Lottery Winner
Format: application/pdf
File size: 19 KB
Highlighted image: no
Note: Mycajah got Indian land in the 1832 Georgia Land Lottery, but for some reason, did not take the land. A Mr. Park got the land later.
Media objectBennettCemeteryMemorial.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 521 × 800 pixels
File size: 229 KB
Type: Tombstone
Highlighted image: no
Media objectMarriage License for Mycajah and Mary
Format: application/pdf
File size: 662 KB