Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Isaac MOOREAge: 59 years18111870

Given names
Birth about 1811
Note: 1867 Voter Registration of Texas states he was born in South Carolina; but the 1870 census in Trinit…
MarriageDelila SNELLView this family

Note: From Snell surname at Genforum, posted by Sandra Nunley, July 23, 2002:
Birth of a daughter
Renvey MOORE
1827 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Elizabeth MOORE
1828 (Age 17 years)
Census 1830 (Age 19 years)
Note: The 1830 census of Wilcox shows Isaac Moor with his young family:
Birth of a daughter
Ann Eliza MOORE
October 15, 1832 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
William Hamlin MOORE
1835 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Jane MOORE
about April 19, 1837 (Age 26 years)
4 Quarter Sections Township 20, Range 1W
1839 (Age 28 years)
Note: Isaac Moore received 2 patents for land in Shelby County in 1839. He added 2 more quarter sections later and remained on the land until 16 Jun 1854 when he sold all quarter sections to W.P. Wharton. He appeared in East Texas soon after. Here are copies of two patents; the first from Shelby Co proves that he lived in Wilcox Co before moving to Shelby Co 1839.

Marriage of a childWilliam ROGERSRenvey MOOREView this family
April 4, 1844 (Age 33 years)
Note: Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969
Marriage of a childCharles Madison LESTERAnn Eliza MOOREView this family
July 11, 1846 (Age 35 years)
Note: Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 about Ann E Moore
MarriageNancy LOVELADYView this family
January 11, 1847 (Age 36 years)
Death of a wifeDelila SNELL
1847 (Age 36 years)
Marriage of a childSamuel SALSERMary Elizabeth MOOREView this family
December 18, 1849 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a daughter
Caroline MOORE
1850 (Age 39 years)
Census 1850 (Age 39 years)
Note: This census confirms that Isaac was from SC and newly married to Nancy Lovelady. The last four chil…
Birth of a daughter
Melissa MOORE
1851 (Age 40 years)
Marriage of a childJohn A. “Henry” ROGERSSarah Jane MOOREView this family
March 1, 1855 (Age 44 years)
Property December 24, 1856 (Age 45 years)
Note: Isaac had moved to Trinity Co by 1856, where he got a land patent in 1859. The affidavit states he …
Marriage of a childRichmond Oliver BENNETTSarah Jane MOOREView this family
December 1860 (Age 49 years)
Note: Sarah's application for a Confederate Widow's Pension states she was married Dec 1860 in Trinity Co.
Death after 1870 (Age 59 years)
Note: Several genealogists have claimed (conjectured) that Isaac Moore, father of Sarah Jane Moore Bennett, was murdered in Alabama after 1870. They found newspaper reports of a murder of Isaac Moore near Uniontown Alabama in 1876. However, research into the claim has shown that the Isaac Moore who was murdered was a long lived resident of Alabama, had a good deal of money and plantation there, and was almost certainly not our ancestor Isaac of Trinity Co. Verification of this can be found in the Agricultural Census of Alabama (1860s). But even better, the court case for the murder ended up in the Alabama Supreme Court! See page 96 of \"Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama\", Volume 55, By Alabama. Supreme Court which is available to freely read online. So, it is still unknown what happened to Isaac Moore of Trinity County after 1870.
Family with Delila SNELL - View this family
-8 years
5 years
3 years
-7 years
Family with Nancy LOVELADY - View this family
Marriage: January 11, 1847Shelby Co, ALA
4 years
2 years


1867 Voter Registration of Texas states he was born in South Carolina; but the 1870 census in Trinity says MS.

1867 Voter Reg: Isaac Moore Trinity Pct 4 South Car

Jan 31, 1868 Reg Isaac Moore South Car

1870 Census Penington Post Office District Trinity Co Tx

Isaac Moore 59 M W Farmer $200 MS 1 male child > 21 Mrs Nancie Moore 56 F W Ala Melissie 19 F W Ala Attended school within year

In 1880 census Isaac's daughter Renvey says her father and mother were both born in S Carolina; in the 1900 census she says her father was born in MS and her mother in S Carolina.


From Snell surname at Genforum, posted by Sandra Nunley, July 23, 2002:

A John Snell's will appears in Wilcox County, Alabama, Will Book dated 30 Dec 1835 and lists the following:

"my son" John Snell "Daughter" Lovey Carr wife of John Carr Anna Kebler wife of Peter Kebler Mary Wilmore wife of Samuel Wilmore dec'd Sarah Thompson wife of William Thompson Delila Moore wife of Isaac Moore "my son" Hamlin A. Snell "my daughter" Laviney or Lavicy Snell

The will was proved 15 Jan 1838.

My note: Isaac and Delila named one of their sons William Hamlin, further evidence that this is the father-in-law of Isaac.


The 1830 census of Wilcox shows Isaac Moor with his young family:

Isaac Moor age 20-30 Wife 20-30 2 female children under 5 (Renvey and Mary)

John Snell and wife (Delila's parents) also lived in Wilcox Co.


Isaac Moore received 2 patents for land in Shelby County in 1839. He added 2 more quarter sections later and remained on the land until 16 Jun 1854 when he sold all quarter sections to W.P. Wharton. He appeared in East Texas soon after. Here are copies of two patents; the first from Shelby Co proves that he lived in Wilcox Co before moving to Shelby Co 1839.



Name: Isaac Moore Spouse: Nancy L Lovelady Marriage Date: 11 Jan 1847 County: Shelby State: Alabama Performed By Title: Justice of the Peace Performed by Name: O B Harris Source information: Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research


This census confirms that Isaac was from SC and newly married to Nancy Lovelady. The last four children are from her first marriage. The other children are Isaac's, from his first marriage. Evidently Caroline did not survive childhood.

[Isaac Moore] Age: 50 Birthplace: South Carolina Home in 1850: Shelby, Alabama

Isaac Moore 50 Nancy Moore 45 Eunice Moore 18 William Moore 16 Sarah Moore 12 Caroline Moore 0 William Lovelady 17 Rhoda Lovelady 14 Nancy Lovelady 12 Virginia Lovelady 10


Isaac had moved to Trinity Co by 1856, where he got a land patent in 1859. The affidavit states he moved onto vacant land in Trinity Co on Dec 24, 1856.

County: Trinity Abstract Number: 423 District/Class: Houston 3rd File Number: 000899 Original Grantee: Moore, Isaac Patentee: Moore, Isaac Title Date: Patent Date: 19 Sep 1859 Patent No: 506 Patent Vol: 26


Elain Lockhart Letter, Letter from Elain Lockart to Tom McCabe on 12/31/1992 lists the children of Isaac Moore.


Several genealogists have claimed (conjectured) that Isaac Moore, father of Sarah Jane Moore Bennett, was murdered in Alabama after 1870. They found newspaper reports of a murder of Isaac Moore near Uniontown Alabama in 1876. However, research into the claim has shown that the Isaac Moore who was murdered was a long lived resident of Alabama, had a good deal of money and plantation there, and was almost certainly not our ancestor Isaac of Trinity Co. Verification of this can be found in the Agricultural Census of Alabama (1860s). But even better, the court case for the murder ended up in the Alabama Supreme Court! See page 96 of \"Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama\", Volume 55, By Alabama. Supreme Court which is available to freely read online. So, it is still unknown what happened to Isaac Moore of Trinity County after 1870.


From Bennett Cemetery memorials:

MOORE, Unknown Born 1807, died 1856, Father of Sarah Jane Moore Bennett – Unmarked

(Note: I'm this information is wrong. TM)


From the Nacogdoches message borard on

ladylinda51 Posted: 13 Feb 2007 6:12PM

Well move over and I will introduce my self, because you are my cousin through my g-g-g-grandmother Sarah Jane Moore, and yes, Isaac and Delila are her parents. John A. (Henry) Rogers was her first husband my g-g-g-grandfather so now we need to connect the two Men, John A.(Henry)Rogers, and William M. Rogers. I pray you may have the answer to how he died, how did g-g-g-grandmother meet Richmond Oliver Bennett.

I, like I said, am the g-g-g-grand daughter of John A. and Sarah Jane Moore, Rogers, Bennett. They had two children before [what] ever happened to John. The two children where William Robert Rogers who married Wealthy Clemintine Hodges 1st marriage, then Mary Francis Sanders 2nd marriage. Second child was Johnny/John/ C. Rogers born about 1859 and then December 25, 1860 Sarah married Richmond Oliver Bennett. William and Clemmie Hodges, Rogers where my g-g-grandparents. They had a daughter named Sarah Ruby Rogers, Davis who married my grandfather Lewis Washingotn Davis, and they had four boys, 1st was my father Robert William Davis b. April 21, 1917. Then dad married mom, Macel, Mary Edan Granger, Davis and here I am. So we are kin through the Moore side, and if we find out the two boys, Willim and John where cousins, we will be kin through that side also. We will be a whole lot of cousins removed in many ways, lol. My name is Linda Sue, Jones maiden, Davis.

maggielo Posted: 13 Feb 2007 9:49AM

Renvey Moore Rogers was my ggggrandmother. Her parents were Isaac and Delila Snell Moore. It is believed that Isaac was murdered when he returned to Alabama from TX. He moved to Trinity Co. TX around 1856 from Shelby Co. AL.

Isaac and Delila married in 1827 in Cloudland, Chattoga, GA. I know of 6 children and they may have had more: Renvey, Mary Elizabeth, Ann Eliza, Eunice "Nicey", Sarah Jane, & William Hamlin.

I think Delila was the daughter of John Snell, b 1770 and died 1825 in Wilcox, AL.

I have always thought that John A. "Henry" Rogers was connected to my line of Rogers but can't prove it. He may have been a brother to William M. "Billy" Rogers that married Renvey Moore, sister to Sarah Jane Moore


In a personal letter from maggelio on

Isaac Moore and Delila Snell married in 1827 in GA according to a record in the US & International Marriage Record 1560-1900. According to the Millennium File on ancestry, Annie Eliza Moore was born 10/15/1827 to Isaac and Delila Snell Moore. According to census records, she was born in 1832. Her sister, Renvey, my gggrandmother, according to census records was born in1827. In Alabama Marriages, 1809-1920 it records that Isaac Moore married Nancy L Lovelady 1/11/1847 in Shelby Co AL. They had at least one child, Melissa, born in 1851. Isaac's other children by Delila are Renvy b 1827, Mary Elizabeth b 1828, Ann Eliza b 1832, Eunice b 1833, William Hamlin b 1835, and Sarah Jane b 1837.

Ann Eliza is on the 1850 Al census but she is already married. Renvey is on the 1850 TX census and she is already married, also. Sarah Jane is in TX in 1855 when she married; so, I guess the family was in the process of moving.


Taken from

Isaac Moore (b. December 22, 1811, d. November 16, 1876)

Isaac Moore was born December 22, 1811 in Mississippi, and died November 16, 1876 in Alabama. He married (1) Delila Snell on 1827 in Alabama, daughter of John Snell. He married (2) Nancy L. Lovelady on January 11, 1847 in Shelby County Alabama.

Notes for Isaac Moore: There is news of the murder of Issac Moore that was reported in Tuscaloosa Gazette. This Issac Moore was living near Uniontown, Alabama where he was found murdered by unknown parties. A descendant of our Issac Moore, Elaine Ingram Lockhart says he went back and forth to Alabama a lot. Since Issac never returned to Texas from his last trip to Alabama, the family believes this Issac Moore that was murdered was our ancestor, which would explain why he never returned back home to Texas.

Issac along with some of his children and their spouses and families came to Texas from Shelby County, Alabama about 1856 and settled in the county of Trinity. Henderson Vick and Levi English made affidavit that they were acquainted with Issac Moore and that he had settled on vacant land December 24, 1856 when he made application for ownership. Issac received survey and title to 160 acres of land situated about 15 miles from the town of Sumpter on March 20, 1857. Property was located west of Apple Springs, Texas on Hwy. 94, near Elaine Lockhart's present residence. She was told by her mother that Issac had a tanning shop where he tanned hides for personal use and possibly trade.

Birth1867 Voter List with Moores and Bennetts Trinity Co Tx
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PropertyShelby Co Land Patent for Isaac Moore of Wilcox Co
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Property1852 Patent for Isaac Moore Land in Shelby Co
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PropertyPatent File From Texas Archives for Isaac Moore
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