Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Andrew “Andy” PRUITT
Birth August 1850 48 37

Death of a maternal grandfatherAble Lewis EAVES
December 28, 1850 (Age 4 months)
Birth of a brotherJames W. PRUITT
January 25, 1852 (Age 17 months)

Death of a fatherElijah Edwards PRUITT
May 6, 1866 (Age 15 years)
Note: The Texas Land Office has record of patent for Elijah Pruitt that was distributed to his heirs in 18…
Death of a motherSarah H. EAVES
January 25, 1890 (Age 39 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Jane PRUITT
April 6, 1893 (Age 42 years)
Death March 19, 1904 (Age 53 years)