Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Ruth Hesper BRAINARDAge: 95 years19102006

Ruth Hesper BRAINARD
Married name
Ruth Hesper GADDIS
Birth September 18, 1910 25 21
Birth of a brotherPaul BRAINARD
October 8, 1911 (Age 12 months)

Death of a motherAnna Audry KING
August 17, 1919 (Age 8 years)
Death of a fatherSeth Arthur BRAINARD
May 1, 1949 (Age 38 years)
MarriageHerman William GADDISView this family
November 22, 1950 (Age 40 years)
Death of a husbandHerman William GADDIS
October 5, 1978 (Age 68 years)
Cause: Cancer of the Phargnx
Burial of a husbandHerman William GADDIS
October 7, 1978 (Age 68 years)
Death of a brotherPaul BRAINARD
June 1985 (Age 74 years)

Note: SSN Death Records:
Death June 18, 2006 (Age 95 years)
Family with parents - View this family
13 months
younger brother
Family with Herman William GADDIS - View this family
Marriage: November 22, 1950Tarrant County, Texas
Herman William GADDIS + Vera Allene SCOTT - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: January 24, 1931Wagoner, Wagoner, OK- Tommy GADDIS says that they eloped. Have no proof of this.
Divorce filed: July 13, 1950Corpus Christi, Texas
9 years
Tom Gaddis In UniformThomas William GADDIS
Birth: September 12, 1939 32 27Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas
Death: January 17, 2016Corpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, USA
6 years
Susie circa 1998Susan GADDIS
Birth: February 10, 1946 39 34Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas
Death: January 25, 2011San Marcos, Hays, Tx