Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Willian Conn LA VALLEYAge: 60 years19492009

Willian Conn LA VALLEY
Birth March 23, 1949
Death August 9, 2009 (Age 60 years)
Note: Billy Conn LaValley Obituary
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Billy Conn LaValley Obituary Graveside services for Billy Conn LaValley , Pharm. D., (Doctor of Pharmacy),age 60, are scheduled for 10:30 AM Thursday, August 13, 2009 at Oakwood Cemetery in Wewoka, Oklahoma with Dr. Michael Vallandingham officiating.

Born March 23, 1949 in Holdenville, Oklahoma to W.S. (Bud) and Faye (Harrison) LaValley, he passed away Sunday, August 9th, 2009 at his home in Wewoka.

Bill was a graduate of Wewoka High School, Class of 1967. He was a member of the 1966 Class A Football Championship team. After graduation from Wewoka High School he attended Southwestern State College in Weatherford, Oklahoma from 1967 until June 1973. Billy received his Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy. During college he was member of Pi Kappa Alpha Social Fraternity, OPHA and the Alpha Professional Pharmacy Organization. Upon receipt of his degree, Billy worked for Paul Floyd Clinic Pharmacy in Ada, OK and at Suggs Clinic from 1973 to 1976. He owned and operated Red Bud Discount Pharmacy in Wewoka from 1976 to 1988. In 1988, Billy received his Commission as a Pharmacist in the Commissioned Corp Officers of the United States Public Health with a rank of Major from 1988 to 1996.

Billy was Senior Pharmacist at Carl Albert Indian Hospital from 1988 to 1992 and transferred to the Claremore Indian Hospital in 1992 where he served until 1993. At present, he was employed by the Pawnee Indian Clinic, serving since 1996.

Bill served on the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy; The Oklahoma State Pharmacy Association; and The Indian Health Service. He was a member of the Southwestern State Pharmacy School Alumni; Wewoka Board of Adjustments; Wewoka Quarterback Club, the National Rifle Association, and Seminole Nation Historical Society. Bill was of the Baptist Faith.

Billy had a love of all sports, he especially loved his scuba diving, quail hunting, and collecting guns and pharmacy antiques. He will be missed by his English Bulldog Tuffy, that he dearly loved; all pasted English Bulldogs; and Pookie, Ryan's German Pincher.

Billy married Clella Ann Scott, the love of his life. They were married December 18,1970. Preceding Billy in death are his parents and grandparents.

Survivors include his wife, Clella, of 39 years; son, Ryan; brother, Mickey LaValley; and sister, Jaunita Foster, all of Wewoka; nieces, Amber LaValley and Debbie Javaheri; and a nephew Robert Foster. Also left to cherish his memory are a host of other relatives and friends.

8/13/2009 10:30 AM

Graveside Oakwood Cemetery