Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Obituary in Wayne County IL - Feb 19,1885

Benjamin T MIZEAge: 60 years18241885

Benjamin T MIZE
Given names
Benjamin T
Birth June 1824 17
Birth of a sisterEliza J MIZE
about 1827 (Age 2 years)
Death of a fatherJohn MIZE
before 1830 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a half-brotherRawlings R Sisk
1831 (Age 6 years)
Marriage of a parentCulbertson SiskAraminta McMURTRYView this family
September 13, 1832 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a half-brotherHenry M.D. Sisk
1833 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a half-sisterCynthia C. Sisk
1838 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a half-sisterSarah Sisk
1838 (Age 13 years)
Census 1840 (Age 15 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherHenry McMURTRY
April 28, 1843 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a half-sisterLavina Sisk
1844 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a half-brotherJohn Sisk
1847 (Age 22 years)
Residence 1855 (Age 30 years)
Note: Benjamin Mize was in New Haven IL by 1855 according to newspaper advertisements and land records in …
Birth of a half-sisterLaura Sisk
1856 (Age 31 years)
Joined Masonic Lodge 816
January 2, 1858 (Age 33 years)
Note: B.T. Mize joined the Ridgway Masonic Lodge in 1858 shortly after he was married. Ridgway is adjacent to New Haven. Article from History and Families of Gallatin Co Illinois, Vol 1, Patricia Davis.
MarriageEmily EVELETHView this family
June 27, 1858 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a half-brotherJames H Sisk
1859 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a half-sisterFlorence Sisk
1859 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
William E MIZE
about January 1860 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a daughter
Annie Laura MIZE
about 1862 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maud Matilda MIZE
September 4, 1864 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a daughter
Stella MIZE
about 1868 (Age 43 years)

Birth of a son
Bennie MIZE
about 1870 (Age 45 years)

Residence 1870 (Age 45 years)
Note: Census records, land records and newspaper articles show that Benjamin and Emily Mize moved to Shawn…
Birth of a daughter
Elsie MIZE
February 11, 1872 (Age 47 years)
Birth of a daughter
10th child MIZE
January 7, 1878 (Age 53 years)

Death of a wifeEmily EVELETH
February 12, 1879 (Age 54 years)
MarriageElizabeth J BLACKARDView this family
October 7, 1879 (Age 55 years)
Death of a wifeElizabeth J BLACKARD
April 11, 1884 (Age 59 years)
Note: \"Mrs. Elizabeth Mize, born in Gallatin Co in 1832, died at her home in Fairfield, Friday April 11 aged 53 years. Member of the C.P. (Cumberland Presbyterian) church for 30 years...Taken to Gallatin Co and interred in the Olive Cemetery with her relations. Leaves a husband...(Wayne Co Press)\" From Wayne Co IL Death Notices and Obituaries 1880-1890 Comp by Betty Ann Butler Beeson p 98
Residence 1885 (Age 60 years)
Note: Benjamin and Elizabeth had moved to Fairfield, Wayne Co, IL where he died before his daughter Maud was married in 1885.
Death February 16, 1885 (Age 60 years)
Note: Benjamin's death date was recorded in baby book of his great grandson Thomas W Gaddis in 1940. In a…

Note: From George Kirk of

Note: Benjamin was an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of New Haven IL.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 17, 1824White Co, Illinois
4 months
4 years
younger sister
Mother’s family with Culbertson Sisk - View this family
Marriage: September 13, 1832Gallatin Co ILL
-8 months
3 years
6 years
1 year
7 years
4 years
10 years
4 years
1 year
Family with Emily EVELETH - View this family
Marriage: June 27, 1858White Co., IL
19 months
3 years
3 years
4 years
3 years
2 years
6 years
Family with Elizabeth J BLACKARD - View this family
Marriage: October 7, 1879Omaha, Gallatin Co IL
BLACKARD + Elizabeth J BLACKARD - View this family
wife’s husband


Only circumstantial evidence supports the claim that Araminta McMurtry Mize Sisk was the mother of Benjamin Mize of New Haven and Shawneetown. Araminta lived and was married on the border between Gallatin and White Counties where Benjamin's name first appears in 1855. In the 1830 census Araminta Mize was a widow with a young (unnamed) boy of Benjamin's age and in the 1840 census she has married Culbertson Sisk, has a young (unnamed) teenage boy consistent with Benjamin's age who was born well before her marriage to Mr Sisk. The 1850 census of the area is devoid of any mention of a Benjamin Mize. Benjamin consistently says he was born in Illinois and the 1830, 1840 census has no other Mize families in the neighborhood. Benjamin attends the same Presbyterian church as the other McMurtry's of White Co.


Note: The claim is that Benjamin Mize was the son of Araminta Mize and that he would have come with Araminta after her marriage to Culbertson Sisk in 1832. Both the 1830 and 1840 census supports this hypthesis. The 1840 census shows that a boy, age 10-14, lived in the family in 1840 even though they had only been married 8 years. Thus it is reasonable and likely that the boy was Benjamin Mize. Unfortunately Benjamin has not been identified anywhere in the 1850 census. the assumption has been that he was apprenticed to become a saddler somewhere in Illinois or KY.

Culbertson Sisk 1840 Census Bear Creek, Gallatin, Illinois Males - 5 thru 9: 2 Males - 10 thru 14: 1 Males - 20 thru 29: 1 Females - Under 5: 3 Females - 10 thru 14: 1 Females - 20 thru 29: 1


Benjamin Mize was in New Haven IL by 1855 according to newspaper advertisements and land records in Gallatin Co. He seems to have sold his New Haven properties by 1869.

\"Gallatin Co Newspaper Abstracts\" (1996) compiled by Shirley Cummins state: Feb 23, 1855 \"Saddlery at New Haven, Benj F. Mise is located in New Haven for the purpose of manufacturing and selling all articles pertaining to the business of a Saddler.\"

1860 census of New Haven:

Benj T Mize 30 Saddler Emily 21 William E 6 mos


B.T. Mize joined the Ridgway Masonic Lodge in 1858 shortly after he was married. Ridgway is adjacent to New Haven. Article from History and Families of Gallatin Co Illinois, Vol 1, Patricia Davis.


Marriage License of MIZE/EVELETH. White Co. Illinois


Census records, land records and newspaper articles show that Benjamin and Emily Mize moved to Shawneeown by 1870 and was still there in 1881 when he had an accident in a mill in Shawneetown.

Excerpt from book on early Shawneetown, Business Directory, Jan 1872: \"B.T. Mize, Saddlery & Harness, everything kept in the saddle line.\"

1870 Census Shawneetown, Gallatin, Illinois B T Mize 45, born Illinois Emaly Mize 35 Anna L Mize 8 Mana Mize 5 Tella Mize 3 B Mize 3/12 Olive Black 18 (Housekeeper)


Benjamin and Elizabeth had moved to Fairfield, Wayne Co, IL where he died before his daughter Maud was married in 1885.


Benjamin's death date was recorded in baby book of his great grandson Thomas W Gaddis in 1940. In addition, more recently death notices and obituaries have been found in Illinois newspapers from 1885:

\"B T Mize died at his home in Fairfield on Monday morning the 16th (Feb) He was for many years a resident of this county and ran a saddlery shop in Shawneetown for some time prior to his removal to Fairfield two or three years ago. Mr. Mize was an honest citizen... 5 Mar 1885 Shawneetown News\" From Wayne Co. IL Death Notices and Obituaries 1880-1890 comp by Betty Ann Butler Beeson p 110

In addition, the same newspaper on Feb 19, 1885 reported:

\"OBITUARY ... B.F. Mize died at his home in Fairfield Monday morning, Feb 16, at an avanced age, highly respected by the community. The funeral was preached at the C.P. Church by Rev W.M. Murray Tuesday afternoon.\"


From George Kirk of

Benjamin Thomas Mize lived at Shawneetown,IL. He was a Saddler, by trade b. White Co.,IL. Father John Mize mother Arminta McMurtry. Benjamin was 50 yrs old when he remarried Elizabeth Jane Blackard 47 years old b. White Co.,IL.

Ben and Elizabeth were m. at Omaha,Gallitin Co., IL. Witnesses were Spivey Blackard and Millie Armstrong

Benjamin married 1st Emily Evelth (sic). They are buried in Union Cem. White Co., IL. They have no monuments.

The Blackards, Armstrong,Lamb, McMurtry, were all related in some way.



Benjamin was an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of New Haven IL.


Benjamin was a saddler in Shawneetown and New Haven IL.

EventBen Mize Joined Masons in 1858Ben Mize Joined Masons in 1858
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Type: Manuscript
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MarriageEveleth/Mize Marriage License From White Co ILEveleth/Mize Marriage License From White Co IL
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Image dimensions: 877 × 1,099 pixels
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Type: Document
ResidenceShawneetown Article Stating BT Mize Had AccidentShawneetown Article Stating BT Mize Had Accident
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Image dimensions: 3,147 × 778 pixels
File size: 205 KB
Type: Newspaper
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MarriageBenjamin and Elizabeth Mize Wedding LicenseBenjamin and Elizabeth Mize Wedding License
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Image dimensions: 1,540 × 1,212 pixels
File size: 967 KB
Type: Document
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DeathObituary in Wayne County IL - Feb 19,1885Obituary in Wayne County IL - Feb 19,1885
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Image dimensions: 696 × 268 pixels
File size: 73 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes
DeathObituary in Wayne County - Mar 5, 1885Obituary in Wayne County - Mar 5, 1885
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Image dimensions: 629 × 372 pixels
File size: 54 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes
ReligionBook: History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin, and Williamson Counties, Illinois : from the earliest time to the presentBook: History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin, and Williamson Counties, Illinois : from the earliest time to the present
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Image dimensions: 533 × 180 pixels
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Media objectObituary in Wayne County IL - Feb 19,1885Obituary in Wayne County IL - Feb 19,1885
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 696 × 268 pixels
File size: 73 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes