Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Bert Lee GADDISAge: 75 years18861962

Birth April 2, 1886 21 21
Birth of a sisterEstella Leona GADDIS
December 13, 1891 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherHarry Lawrence GADDIS
February 26, 1893 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherClarence GADDIS
November 15, 1895 (Age 9 years)
Death of a brotherClarence GADDIS
June 26, 1896 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a brotherPreston Gilbert GADDIS
May 21, 1901 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a brotherHerman William GADDIS
October 19, 1906 (Age 20 years)
MarriageCrystal B NICHOLSView this family
March 6, 1910 (Age 23 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn GADDIS
May 12, 1915 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnn Priscilla STILL
May 21, 1915 (Age 29 years)
Death of a motherMaud Matilda MIZE
February 3, 1941 (Age 54 years)
Burial of a motherMaud Matilda MIZE
February 5, 1941 (Age 54 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Alfred GADDIS
April 9, 1947 (Age 61 years)
Burial of a fatherWilliam Alfred GADDIS
April 11, 1947 (Age 61 years)
Death February 12, 1962 (Age 75 years)
Burial February 14, 1962 (2 days after death)
Family with parents - View this family
Birth: April 2, 1886 21 21Wayne City, Wayne Co., Illinois
Death: February 12, 1962Bartlesville, Washington Co., OK
6 years
younger sister
14 months
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Tombstone of baby Clarence GADDISClarence GADDIS
Birth: November 15, 1895 31 31Wayne Co, IL
Death: June 26, 1896Wayne Co, IL
younger brother
5 years
younger brother
Family with Crystal B NICHOLS - View this family
Birth: April 2, 1886 21 21Wayne City, Wayne Co., Illinois
Death: February 12, 1962Bartlesville, Washington Co., OK
Marriage: March 6, 1910


Delayed Certificate of Birth for Bert GADDIS, Delayed #1, Page 89. County of birth of William GADDIS wrong...there is no Ward Co., IN...maybe it's Warwick Co., IN.

Shared note

FROM Constant and Bea: In 1886 Bert Lee GADDIS was born. Bert N. GADDIS, age 4, and his mother came to visit the newborn, which was Bert Lee's uncle and grandmother. The new mother asked Bert N. what should we name the baby and Bert N. said name him Me. So the story was told by Bert Lee's sister, Leona Estelle GADDIS Norred.

Media objectBert and CrystalBert and Crystal
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