Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary Polly FISHER Gabriel

Mary FISHERAge: 96 years18321928

Married name
Birth March 27, 1832 29 19
Birth of a sisterNancy J FISHER
June 29, 1836 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherCaleb FISHER
1839 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam FISHER
May 27, 1842 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a sisterEllender “Ellen” FISHER
about 1845 (Age 12 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherCaleb FISHER
about 1845 (Age 12 years)
Death of a fatherHenry FISHER
1845 (Age 12 years)
MarriageDaniel T GABRIELView this family
May 20, 1849 (Age 17 years)

Birth of a daughter
Mary Elizabeth GABRIEL
1850 (Age 17 years)

CensusDaniel T GABRIELView this family
1850 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a daughter
Louisa Ellen GABRIEL
November 10, 1852 (Age 20 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMary HEATHER
about 1855 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
July 4, 1863 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
July 26, 1867 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a son
William Thomas GABRIEL
March 7, 1871 (Age 38 years)
Marriage of a childRobert SCOTTLouisa Ellen GABRIELView this family
September 17, 1872 (Age 40 years)
Note: This is to Certify that on the 17th day of September AD 1872, Robert Scott and Miss Louisa Gabriel w…
Death of a daughterAnnie GABRIEL
1890 (Age 57 years)

Death of a husbandDaniel T GABRIEL
November 11, 1893 (Age 61 years)
Death of a brotherTrustram FISHER
March 31, 1896 (Age 64 years)
Death of a daughterLouisa Ellen GABRIEL
June 18, 1922 (Age 90 years)
Burial of a daughterLouisa Ellen GABRIEL
June 1922 (Age 90 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam FISHER
April 14, 1927 (Age 95 years)
Death November 15, 1928 (Age 96 years)

Cemetery: Freedom Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 13, 1827Cooper Co, MO
2 years
elder brother
16 months
elder brother
Trustram FISHER
Birth: February 25, 1831 28 18Cooper Co MO
Death: March 31, 1896Morgan Co. Mo
13 months
4 years
younger sister
Birth: June 29, 1836 33 23Morgan Co, MO
Death: February 23, 1930Morgan Co, MO
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
William FISHER
Birth: May 27, 1842 39 29Morgan Co, MO
Death: April 14, 1927Morgan Co, MO
4 years
younger sister
Family with Daniel T GABRIEL - View this family
Marriage: May 20, 1849
19 months
3 years
18 years
William Thomas GabrielWilliam Thomas GABRIEL
Birth: March 7, 1871 42 38Glenstead, MO
Death: April 23, 1958Shoshone, Lincoln, Idaho, USA
4 years

Media object

William, Owen, Etta, Polly and Unknown

CensusCensus shows Daniel & Mary living next door to her mother Nelly FisherCensus shows Daniel & Mary living next door to her mother Nelly Fisher
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Image dimensions: 778 × 340 pixels
File size: 110 KB
Type: Document
Media objectMary Polly FISHER GabrielMary Polly FISHER Gabriel
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Image dimensions: 329 × 532 pixels
File size: 24 KB
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectMary Ann FISHER GabrielMary Ann FISHER Gabriel
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 157 × 220 pixels
File size: 16 KB
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectPolly and Family MembersPolly and Family Members
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Image dimensions: 584 × 499 pixels
File size: 84 KB
Note: William, Owen, Etta, Polly and Unknown
Media objectLouisa Gabriel Scott With Mother Polly Fisher GabrielLouisa Gabriel Scott With Mother Polly Fisher Gabriel
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Image dimensions: 1,876 × 1,163 pixels
File size: 1,242 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectPolly Fisher and One of her Great-grandchildrenPolly Fisher and One of her Great-grandchildren
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Image dimensions: 1,029 × 1,790 pixels
File size: 998 KB
Type: Photo