Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Oscar Barrington SCOTTAge: 74 years18731948

Oscar Barrington SCOTT
Birth July 28, 1873 30 20
Birth of a brotherJames D SCOTT
November 8, 1880 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a brotherClarence Thomas SCOTT
March 26, 1882 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherAlbert O SCOTT
February 3, 1884 (Age 10 years)

Note: This is the probably birth record of Albert Scott from MO Vital Record
Birth of a brotherWalter SCOTT
September 6, 1885 (Age 12 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherDaniel T GABRIEL
November 11, 1893 (Age 20 years)
MarriageMary Lucinda NEWKIRKView this family
December 11, 1895 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Bryan SCOTT
December 20, 1897 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Robert Ray SCOTT
June 9, 1903 (Age 29 years)

Death of a fatherRobert SCOTT
February 24, 1917 (Age 43 years)
Note: Versailles Mo The Statesman. Publication: March 1, 1917

Burial of a fatherRobert SCOTT
February 26, 1917 (Age 43 years)
Death of a motherLouisa Ellen GABRIEL
June 18, 1922 (Age 48 years)
Burial of a motherLouisa Ellen GABRIEL
June 1922 (Age 48 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherMary FISHER
November 15, 1928 (Age 55 years)

Death of a wifeMary Lucinda NEWKIRK
June 5, 1945 (Age 71 years)
Death April 10, 1948 (Age 74 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 17, 1872Morgan County MO at the residence of J GABRIEL
10 months
7 years
younger brother
17 months
younger brother
22 months
younger brother
19 months
younger brother
Family with Mary Lucinda NEWKIRK - View this family
Marriage: December 11, 1895at the brides home
2 years
6 years

Shared note


"The O. B. Scotts also reared Edith NEWKIRK, niece of Ludie. She married Malcolm Moore, son of George and Edna Moore." (History of Morgan Co.) Have a nice little write up on this family from the book, History of Morgan Co. MO.