Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William STILLAge: 34 years18151849

William STILL
Birth January 7, 1815 32 36
Note: It is believed that this entry from the parish records of St Mary Le Strand, Westminster in London i…

Birth of a sisterElizabeth STILL
1816 (Age 11 months)
Note: The census for 1851 is hard to read. The Ancestry reader says that Elizabeth was born in Smitlake; but it appears more likely that it is Mortlake, Surrey.
Birth of a brotherJames STILL
September 13, 1816 (Age 20 months)

Note: In 1848 William Still was living in Bath but was summoned to court for examination of his debts at the County Court of Somersetshire in Bath, July 8, 1848.
Summons of William Still To Court in Newspaper, 29 June 1849
Summons of William Still To Court in Newspaper, 29 June 1849

Note: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, June 29, 1848

Baptism of a brotherJames STILL
November 10, 1816 (Age 22 months)
Death of a brotherJames STILL
December 15, 1822 (Age 7 years) Age: 6
Note: Burial record for James Still , age 6, of 7 Feathers Court, the address of the John Still family in other parish records of St Mary le Strand. The 15 Dec 1822 entry seems to clearly be Hill but another record found in the Westminster Archives shows the name is James Still with abode 7 Feathers Court. (Film Roll 20 of St Mary Le Strand Records, Westminster Archives,London.)

Death of a fatherJohn STILL
January 6, 1828 (Age 12 years)
John Still Burial Record, St Mary Le Strand Parish, Westminster
John Still Burial Record, St Mary Le Strand Parish, Westminster

Note: The death of John Still was difficult to determine for many years. The name in the St Mary Le Strand records was incorrectly given as John Hill of 7 Feathers Court in Westminster, a known address of the Still family. A close look at the original burial ground records (Film Roll 21, St Mary Le Strand Parish, Westminster Archives), shows that the correct name was actually John Still age 44. Buried in Russell Court Ground.

Burial of a fatherJohn STILL
1828 (Age 12 years)
Note: According to Film Roll 21, St Mary Le Strand Parish, Westminster Archives. His name is correctly given as John STILL, not Hill.
MarriageAnn Priscilla SUMMERSView this family
January 22, 1837 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Sabina STILL
February 26, 1837 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a son
William Frederick STILL
July 3, 1839 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ann Priscilla STILL
May 29, 1841 (Age 26 years)
Law Stationer
1841 (Age 25 years)
Address: 25 Castle St Holborn
Birth of a daughter
Marriot STILL
1842 (Age 26 years)
Baptism of a daughterAnn Priscilla STILL
May 15, 1842 (Age 27 years)
Death of a daughterMarriot STILL
August 10, 1843 (Age 28 years)
Note: William and Priscilla Still were the only married Still family living on Castle St in 1843. John Sti…
Death of a sisterSarah STILL
about 1843 (Age 27 years)
Note: Estimated, based on absence of marriage record in Holborn and census record of 1841. There is a pos…
Birth of a daughter
Mary Ann STILL
May 1845 (Age 30 years)
Note: From the birth records at St Andrews, Holborn. Mary Ann - born to William and Ann Priscilla Still of Castle Street. William is a Law Stationer. Baptized 4 May 1845 by J.D. Hare, LDD. No. 2534.
Death of a daughterMary Ann STILL
October 19, 1845 (Age 30 years)
Note: London, England, Deaths and Burials, 1813-1980 about Mary Ann Still
Residence February 17, 1846 (Age 31 years)
Note: It's not clear where the William Still family lived in 1846, but they certainly had lived in Holborn by 1846. Found in the film 1866571 in the National Archives at KEW, St Andrew Holborn list of Poor Rate Defaulters - William Still was summoned to appear before Alderman James Duke, 17 Feb 1846, #51 William Still 2 - 3.11.3 for not paying tax.
Birth of a daughter
August 24, 1846 (Age 31 years)
Note: The census of 1851 states that Maria was born in Bath Somerset and the GRO record states that Maria Still was born Aug 24, 1846 in Bath. Her parents are listed and William is stated to be a Law Clerk. Since we have letters from William to Ann Priscilla in Bath, it is certain that this birth entry corresponds to our family. The family was listed as living in Ivy Cottage, Widcombe, Somerset, but the baptism certificate states that their abode was in Beechen Hill. Ivy Cottage and Beechen Hill are just across the little river from the main part of Bath.
Death of a brotherJohn STILL
March 7, 1847 (Age 32 years)
Address: Castle St, Holborn
Note: Entry from the City of London Burials states that John Still was buried 7 Mar 1847 at St Andrew Holborn.
Residence 1848 (Age 32 years)
Address: 34 St James Parade, Bath & 8 Twerton Terrace Parish of Walcot Bath
Note: William went bankrupt at some point and lived in Bath before moving on to Bilston in 1849.
Death October 24, 1849 (Age 34 years)
Cause of death: Suicide by Drowning

Newspaper Article About William's Suicide
Newspaper Article About William's Suicide

Note: The Globe, Monday Oct 29, 1849 (London Paper)

Birth of a daughter
Caroline STILL
1850 (2 months after death)

Birth of a daughter
Frances STILL
June 1850 (7 months after death)

Christening of a daughterCaroline STILL
June 30, 1850 (8 months after death)
Christening of a daughterFrances STILL
June 30, 1850 (8 months after death)
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
Birth: January 1810 27 31Richmond, Surrey, England
Death: about 1843England
5 years
-3 years
elder brother
5 years
younger sister
-8 years
elder sister
8 years
younger brother
Birth: September 13, 1816 33 37St Mary Le Strand Parish, Westminster, London, England
Death: December 15, 18227 Feathers Court, St Mary's LeStrand Parish
Family with Ann Priscilla SUMMERS - View this family
Marriage: January 22, 1837St Andrew Church, St Andrew Parish, Holborn, City of London, County of Middlesex, England
1 month
2 years
Will Still as Union SoldierWilliam Frederick STILL
Birth: July 3, 1839 24 26St Andrew Parish, Holborn, City of London, County of Middlesex, England
Death: October 16, 1918Xenia, Wayne Co., IL
23 months
19 months
Marriot STILL
Birth: 1842 26 29Holborn, Middlesex, England
Death: August 10, 1843Holborn, Middlesex, England
3 years
Mary Ann STILL
Birth: May 1845 30 32Holborn, Middlesex, England
Death: October 19, 1845Holborn, Middlesex, England
16 months
4 years
6 months


It is believed that this entry from the parish records of St Mary Le Strand, Westminster in London is that of William:

William Still b. 07 Jan 1815, Christened 19 Feb 1815. Parents John Still and wife Elizabeth. Another entry on that date was for William's brother John.


It's not clear where the William Still family lived in 1846, but they certainly had lived in Holborn by 1846. Found in the film 1866571 in the National Archives at KEW, St Andrew Holborn list of Poor Rate Defaulters - William Still was summoned to appear before Alderman James Duke, 17 Feb 1846, #51 William Still 2 - 3.11.3 for not paying tax.


William went bankrupt at some point and lived in Bath before moving on to Bilston in 1849.


In 1848 William Still was living in Bath but was summoned to court for examination of his debts at the County Court of Somersetshire in Bath, July 8, 1848.

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William wrote this letter while he was in Bilston, evidently working while his family was in Bath and London. An original is in the hands of Virgina Gaddis of Washington,DC .

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Ann PORTER, Ann Priscilla SUMMERS Still and family came on the ship Palestine in 1857, arriving at NY harbor 8 Sept 1857.

Shared note

WILLIAM Still married Ann SUMMERS in the St. Andrew's Parish in Holburn, on the north side of the Thames, in 1837. the family resided on Castle St. in St Andrew's Parish according to the 1841 census (St Andrews Holborn, District 3, page 44(old) or page 26(new).

William Still and his brother John Still were law stationers in London in the 1840s. It may be that he was not successful, but for whatever reasons, by 1849 he was working in Bilston northwest of Birmington. His wife and children were living in Bath and and later joined him while he was working in the north.

Burial records from St Andrew, Holborn, London show that Marriot STILL age 1 of Castle Street was buried Aug 10, 1843. Another entry shows the burial of Mary Ann Still, also of Castle St, Holborn, age 1, on Oct 19, 1845. Since Mary Ann STILL came to America with her family in 1857, this second Mary Ann may have been an earlier child her died and then a second daughter was named Mary Ann.

Virginia Gaddis has has two copies of letters that William wrote from Bilston to his wife Ann Priscilla in Bath and his mother-in-law Ann PORTER in South London.

The letter from William Still to his wife in 1849 mentions his sister Mary. The will of John Still in 1847 verfies the identities of William's sisters and mother.

A death certificate for William in the English archives verifies the family story that William Still drowned in the Serpentine River (in London) in 1849 by suicide.

Ann Priscilla SUMMERS Still was living with her mother on Grange Road on the night of 30th of March, 1851 according to the 1851 Census of England. At this time she had 6 children, the babies being 9 months old and born in Surrey, Bermondsey. William's family emigrated from London to Indiana in 1857.

Shared note

WITNESSES at the marriage- James OLIVER and Mary STILL

BirthPainting showing St Mary Le Strand circa 1824Painting showing St Mary Le Strand circa 1824
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FactSummons of William Still To Court in Newspaper, 29 June 1849Summons of William Still To Court in Newspaper, 29 June 1849
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Image dimensions: 1,109 × 1,264 pixels
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Type: Newspaper
Note: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, June 29, 1848
DeathLast Letter From William to His Wife Ann, On Day He DiedLast Letter From William to His Wife Ann, On Day He Died
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DeathNewspaper Article About William's SuicideNewspaper Article About William's Suicide
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Type: Newspaper
Note: The Globe, Monday Oct 29, 1849 (London Paper)
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Media objectLetter from William to Ann in 1849
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Media objectTyped Copy of Letter from Wiliam to Ann Colley 1849
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Note: William wrote this letter while he was in Bilston, evidently working while his family was in Bath and London. An original is in the hands of Virgina Gaddis of Washington,DC .
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Highlighted image: no
Media objectShip Palestine circa 1840Ship Palestine circa 1840
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