Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Ann Priscilla SUMMERSAge: 67 years18121880

Ann Priscilla SUMMERS
Married name
Ann Priscilla STILL
Birth November 21, 1812 25 27
Note: ARMY RECORDS BIRTHS:"Priscilla Summers Guernsey 1812 13th(sic)Regt vol 5 page 15"
Death of a paternal grandfatherCharles SUMMERS
January 12, 1817 (Age 4 years)
Note: From the parish register:
Birth of a half-sisterSusan COLLEY
1820 (Age 7 years)

Note: Susan was Ann's stepchild.
Marriage of a parentJohn STINNERAnn PORTERView this family
October 30, 1820 (Age 7 years)
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot

Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.

Death of a fatherFrederick SUMMERS
1820 (Age 7 years)

Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot

Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.

Marriage of a parentSamuel GROVESAnn PORTERView this family
January 1, 1823 (Age 10 years)
Note: From London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1931
Marriage of a parentCharles COLLEYAnn PORTERView this family
Type: Religious marriage
December 24, 1826 (Age 14 years)
Note: From London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1931
MarriageWilliam STILLView this family
January 22, 1837 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Sabina STILL
February 26, 1837 (Age 24 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherJames PORTER
February 17, 1838 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
William Frederick STILL
July 3, 1839 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ann Priscilla STILL
May 29, 1841 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marriot STILL
1842 (Age 29 years)
Baptism of a daughterAnn Priscilla STILL
May 15, 1842 (Age 29 years)
Death of a daughterMarriot STILL
August 10, 1843 (Age 30 years)
Note: William and Priscilla Still were the only married Still family living on Castle St in 1843. John Sti…
Birth of a daughter
Mary Ann STILL
May 1845 (Age 32 years)
Note: From the birth records at St Andrews, Holborn. Mary Ann - born to William and Ann Priscilla Still of Castle Street. William is a Law Stationer. Baptized 4 May 1845 by J.D. Hare, LDD. No. 2534.
Death of a daughterMary Ann STILL
October 19, 1845 (Age 32 years)
Note: London, England, Deaths and Burials, 1813-1980 about Mary Ann Still
Birth of a daughter
August 24, 1846 (Age 33 years)
Note: The census of 1851 states that Maria was born in Bath Somerset and the GRO record states that Maria Still was born Aug 24, 1846 in Bath. Her parents are listed and William is stated to be a Law Clerk. Since we have letters from William to Ann Priscilla in Bath, it is certain that this birth entry corresponds to our family. The family was listed as living in Ivy Cottage, Widcombe, Somerset, but the baptism certificate states that their abode was in Beechen Hill. Ivy Cottage and Beechen Hill are just across the little river from the main part of Bath.
Death of a husbandWilliam STILL
October 24, 1849 (Age 36 years)
Cause: Suicide by Drowning

Newspaper Article About William's Suicide
Newspaper Article About William's Suicide

Note: The Globe, Monday Oct 29, 1849 (London Paper)

Birth of a daughter
Caroline STILL
1850 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a daughter
Frances STILL
June 1850 (Age 37 years)

Christening of a daughterCaroline STILL
June 30, 1850 (Age 37 years)
Christening of a daughterFrances STILL
June 30, 1850 (Age 37 years)
Census 1851 (Age 38 years)
Note: In 1851 Ann Still was living with her mother Ann Colley in St Magdalen's Parish, Bermondsey (South London), after William committed suicide in 1849.
Emigration September 8, 1857 (Age 44 years)
Note: Still Family Included Ann Porter Summers Colley, Ann Priscilla's mother.
Census between June 1860 and October 1860 (Age 47 years)
Note: 1860 United States Federal Census For Priscilla Still
Marriage of a childJohn GADDISAnn Priscilla STILLView this family
August 8, 1861 (Age 48 years)
Death of a motherAnn PORTER
September 3, 1862 (Age 49 years)
Burial of a motherAnn PORTER
1862 (Age 49 years)
Marriage of a childCharles WILSONFrances STILLView this family
December 26, 1866 (Age 54 years)
Census 1870 (Age 57 years)

Note: 1870 United States Federal Census For Ann P Still
Marriage of a childJudge Elam FISHERMaria STILLView this family
May 9, 1872 (Age 59 years)
Death March 28, 1880 (Age 67 years)
Burial 1880 (Age 67 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 28, 1805Parish of Broadway, County of Dorset, England
13 months
elder brother
6 years
Mother’s family with Charles COLLEY - View this family
Marriage: December 24, 1826St George the Martyr, Southwark, South London, England
-6 years
Mother’s family with John STINNER - View this family
Marriage: October 30, 1820Edinburgh, Scotland
Mother’s family with Samuel GROVES - View this family
Marriage: January 1, 1823St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Family with William STILL - View this family
Marriage: January 22, 1837St Andrew Church, St Andrew Parish, Holborn, City of London, County of Middlesex, England
1 month
2 years
Will Still as Union SoldierWilliam Frederick STILL
Birth: July 3, 1839 24 26St Andrew Parish, Holborn, City of London, County of Middlesex, England
Death: October 16, 1918Xenia, Wayne Co., IL
23 months
19 months
Marriot STILL
Birth: 1842 26 29Holborn, Middlesex, England
Death: August 10, 1843Holborn, Middlesex, England
3 years
Mary Ann STILL
Birth: May 1845 30 32Holborn, Middlesex, England
Death: October 19, 1845Holborn, Middlesex, England
16 months
4 years
6 months


ARMY RECORDS BIRTHS:"Priscilla Summers Guernsey 1812 13th(sic)Regt vol 5 page 15"


In 1851 Ann Still was living with her mother Ann Colley in St Magdalen's Parish, Bermondsey (South London), after William committed suicide in 1849.


Still Family Included Ann Porter Summers Colley, Ann Priscilla's mother.

Priscilla Still 44 William Still 18 Priscilla Still 16 Marian Still 11 Caroline Still 9 Fanny Still 7 Ann Colley 76 Elizabeth Still 20


1860 United States Federal Census For Priscilla Still Age: 18 Birth Year: abt 1842 Gender: Female Birth Place: England Home in 1860: Campbell, Warrick, Indiana Post Office: Canal Dwelling Number: 978 Family Number: 978 Household Members:
Name Age Ann Colley 77 Priscilla Still 40 (48) (Ann Priscila Summers) Priscilla Still 18 (Ann P Still) William Still 20 Caroline Still 9

Maria 13, was living with a different family in Evansville. Francis 10, was living in Campbell township with her sister Elizabeth, who had married Alfred Dodd.


1870 United States Federal Census For Ann P Still Age in 1870: 57 Birth Year: abt 1813 Birthplace: Isle of Wight Dwelling Number: 2 Home in 1870: Campbell, Warrick, Indiana Race: White Gender: Female Post Office: Canal Occupation: Dress Maker Father of Foreign Birth: Y Mother of Foreign Birth: Y Household Members:
Name Age William F Stile 30 Arno P Stile 57 Caroline Stile
Elizabeth Dodd 33 Allice Dodd 10 Anna Dodd 7 Adolphone Dodd 2 John Oliver 23

Media object

Ann PORTER, Ann Priscilla SUMMERS Still and family came on the ship Palestine in 1857, arriving at NY harbor 8 Sept 1857.

Shared note

IN the copy of a letter from Virgina Gaddis written in 1997, Virgina states:

" The name that comes forward is Ann Priscilla, daughter of Frederick SUMMERS and his bride Ann PORTER. Frederick, whose discharge paper we have, fought with Wellington in the Battle of Waterloo; he was wounded in the Napoleon campaign in Egypt and North Africa. A baby son was buried along the Nile. Frederick SUMMER'S parents disowned him for marrying Ann PORTER, (the word was that she was a bar-maid). She, Ann PORTER, attempted to interest the SUMMERS in their granddaughter after Frederick's death, but they did not relent."

Ann Priscilla SUMMERS married William Still in the London district of Holburn in 1837. They lived in there until late in the 1840s when letters indicate that she lived in Bath and then Bilston, where William was employed. William died in 1849 leaving Ann pregnant with twins. She moved to St Mary Magdalene Parish, Bermondsey on the impoverished south side of London to live with her mother Ann PORTER Colley.

Ann Pricilla SUMMERS Still was living with her mother on Grange Road on the night of 30th of March, 1851 according to the 1851 Census of England. At this time she had 6 children, the babies being 9 months old and born in Surrey, Bermondery.

Both in the 1851(English) and 1860(US) census, Ann Pricilla is listed as a dressmaker. In the 1851 census, it says she was born in Guernsey. In her obituary it says she was born in the Isle of Jersey. There are some mistakes in the 1851 Census ( the age of Priscilla is 4 and Maria is 9...should be reversed)

In the Society of Genealogists records in London, ARMY RECORDS Births, an entry "Priscilla Summers Guernsey 1812 13th regt vol 5 page 15" reasserts the family story that Ann Priscilla was born on the Isle of Guernsey while her father was in the british military.

Ann Priscilla bought her family to Indiana in 1857. She died in Warrick, Indiana in 1880 after safely transplanting her family from London to rural America.

Shared note

WITNESSES at the marriage- James OLIVER and Mary STILL

Census1851 Census Entry for Ann Colley and Family1851 Census Entry for Ann Colley and Family
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EmigrationPassenger List for Ship Palestine Lists the Still FamilyPassenger List for Ship Palestine Lists the Still Family
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Media objectShip Palestine circa 1840Ship Palestine circa 1840
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