Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Edward or Edwin GADDISAge: 89 years18441933

Edward or Edwin GADDIS
Birth May 16, 1844 44
Note: 1850 census lists him as being born in Indiana. Death certificate says he was born in Evansville, Ma…
Death of a fatherJohn? GADDIS
about 1849 (Age 4 years)

Census 1850 (Age 5 years) Age: 6
Note: 1850 United States Federal Census For Edward Gaddes
MarriageLillie C STORCHView this family
June 4, 1884 (Age 40 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam GADDIS
March 7, 1904 (Age 59 years)
Note: Wiliam GADDIS was born Jan 16, 1840 in Vicksburg, SC, died March 6, 1904. He was married first to M…
Death of a brotherGeorge (Gory-Gary) GADDIS
February 22, 1914 (Age 69 years)
Death of a brotherJohn GADDIS
May 12, 1915 (Age 70 years)
Death of a brotherSamuel GADDIS
January 6, 1918 (Age 73 years)
Note: Samuel's daughter Grace was living with Samuel at 5065 Cates Ave in St Louis when he died of pneumonia. She reported his death and the information on the death certificate. Unfortunately she did not report details on Samuel's parents, but she did report his birthdate ( Aug 14, 1840) and place of birth (Indiana).
Death November 10, 1933 (Age 89 years)
Cause of death: Senility
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
5 years
elder brother
elder brother
7 months
elder brother
4 years
Family with Lillie C STORCH - View this family
Marriage: June 4, 1884Vanderburgh Co., IN


1850 census lists him as being born in Indiana. Death certificate says he was born in Evansville, May 16, 1944. Also, it states his father was from Penn.

1900 Census, Vol22, ED18, Sheet7, L39-Gibson Co.,White River TWP, Hazelton IN


1850 United States Federal Census For Edward Gaddes Age: 6 Birth Year: abt 1844 Birthplace: Indiana Home in 1850: Pigeon, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USA Line Number: 34 Dwelling Number: 93 Family Number: 93 Household Members:
Name Age Wm D Grant 56 Fanny Grant 33 Mary Grant 10 Elizabeth Grant 8 Janette Grant 6 William Grant 4 Christiana Grant 1 Edward Gaddes 6

Edward was orphan, probable young brother of John Gaddis.

Shared note

THERE is a lot of contradictory information in the census records for Ed Gaddis. To wit:

In the 1900 Gibson Co, IN Census, Edward claims he was born May 1852, which is after the dates John GADDIS died...Edward also claims his father was born in Wales and his mother in France. It is possible he had a different father and took the name Gaddis. It is a mystery!

In the 1910 Benton Co, AR he claims father was born in Wales and mother in France. He claims he was born in 1856.

In the 1920 Benton Co, AR he claims father was born in Germany and mother in France. He was born in 1856.


The following are census entries for Edward Gaddis. It seems to verify that he was an orphran and the Grant family did participate in raising some of the Gaddis boys.

1850 - Pigeon Township, Vanderburgh Co, IN, Edward Gaddes, age 6, is living with Wm D and Fanny Grant. Wm is a Blacksmith from England and Edward is said to be born in Ind.

1860 - Pigeon Twp of Evansville, In, Edward Grant(sic) is still living with Wm and Fanny Grant from Scotland and England. Edward is listed as a Cooper.

1870 - 5th Ward, Evansville, IN, Edward Gadist, age 23 is living with Fanny Grant from England, employed in a shingle factory.

1880 Edward W Gaddis, age 31, is still living with Fannie Grant as her adopted son. He claims his parents are from Germany.

1900 finds Edward in White River Twp, Hazelton, Gibson Co, In, age 48, married to Lillie C. He claims his parents were from Wales and France. No children.

1910 finds Edward, age 54, in War Eagle Twp, Benton Co, Arkansas with Lillie C., age 48. He says his father was from Wales and mother from France.

In 1920 Edward and Lillie remain in War Eagle Twp, but now both are said to be 64 years old. He says his father was from Germany, spoke French and his mother was from France. He is a farmer and teacher.

In his last census, in 1930 in War Eagle, Edward claiams to be 85, from Indiana, and his parents from the US.

It should be pointed out Edward died shortly thereafter of sinility.

DeathEdward Gaddis and Lillie Starck TombstoneEdward Gaddis and Lillie Starck Tombstone
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Image dimensions: 646 × 1,081 pixels
File size: 180 KB
Type: Tombstone
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Media objectEdward GADDISEdward GADDIS
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 391 × 548 pixels
File size: 136 KB
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectGaddis brothers after 1900. Edward is probably the one in the middle.Gaddis brothers after 1900. Edward is probably the one in the middle.
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Image dimensions: 1,638 × 1,153 pixels
File size: 310 KB
Highlighted image: no