Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Micajah Y Bennett Photos

Micagah Y BENNETTAge: 79 years18661945

Birth March 23, 1866 30 28

Birth of a sisterMary Melisse Caroline BENNETT
February 14, 1868 (Age 22 months)
Birth of a sisterAnna Delilah Francis BENNETT
November 21, 1870 (Age 4 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherIsaac MOORE
after 1870 (Age 3 years)
Note: Several genealogists have claimed (conjectured) that Isaac Moore, father of Sarah Jane Moore Bennett, was murdered in Alabama after 1870. They found newspaper reports of a murder of Isaac Moore near Uniontown Alabama in 1876. However, research into the claim has shown that the Isaac Moore who was murdered was a long lived resident of Alabama, had a good deal of money and plantation there, and was almost certainly not our ancestor Isaac of Trinity Co. Verification of this can be found in the Agricultural Census of Alabama (1860s). But even better, the court case for the murder ended up in the Alabama Supreme Court! See page 96 of \"Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama\", Volume 55, By Alabama. Supreme Court which is available to freely read online. So, it is still unknown what happened to Isaac Moore of Trinity County after 1870.
Birth of a sisterNimmie BENNETT
October 30, 1873 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Hamlin BENNETT
February 15, 1876 (Age 9 years)

Birth of a sisterRosa Anna BENNETT
March 26, 1878 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterHenryetta BENNETT
November 16, 1881 (Age 15 years)

Birth of a brotherRichmond Floyd BENNETT
February 20, 1884 (Age 17 years)

Birth of a daughter
August 1889 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
October 1890 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Richard Evan BENNETT
January 31, 1892 (Age 25 years)
Address: California Death Records: Richard Evan Bennett, 6 Apr 1946, Sutter CA, b: 31 Jan 1892 Texas Mother's Name: Magee
Death of a fatherRichmond Oliver BENNETT
January 15, 1895 (Age 28 years)
Note: In one application for her pension Sarah declared Richmond died in 1895. In another she said 1896. The application for his military headstone, submitted in 1932 after Sarah had died, states he died Jan 15, 1895.

Birth of a son
Christopher C. BENNETT
December 1895 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
Modest Bell BENNETT
May 13, 1897 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
May 1900 (Age 34 years)
Census 1900 (Age 33 years)
Note: 1900 Federal Census [McCager Bennett]
Death of a sisterAnna Delilah Francis BENNETT
May 3, 1903 (Age 37 years)
Shooting 1903 (Age 36 years)
Shooting 1903 (Age 36 years)
Note: Shug became involved in a argument with a county official that resulted in Shug getting shot by the county official.
Birth of a son
July 2, 1904 (Age 38 years)
Address: California Death Records: Lloyd S Bennett, 28 Mar 1940, Imperial CA, 2 Jul l904 b. Texas Mother's Name: Magee
Birth of a son
April 9, 1907 (Age 41 years)
Census 1910 (Age 43 years)
Death of a half-brotherJohn ROGERS
January 12, 1918 (Age 51 years)
Note: From findagrave entry for John Rogers:
Census 1920 (Age 53 years)
Census 1930 (Age 63 years)
Note: Listed as
Death of a motherSarah Jane MOORE
October 23, 1931 (Age 65 years)
Note: Paper in Confederate Widow Pension states Sarah died of senility in the home of her son-in-law GW Kennedy.

Death of a half-brotherWilliam Robert ROGERS
April 21, 1937 (Age 71 years)
Note: From findagrave entry for William Rogers
Death of a sonLloyd BENNETT
March 28, 1940 (Age 74 years)
Death of a wifeLuticia “Tishie” MAGEE
July 15, 1942 (Age 76 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Jane BENNETT
August 6, 1943 (Age 77 years)
Note: From Death Certificate:
Death of a sisterNimmie BENNETT
January 1, 1944 (Age 77 years)
Note: Buried: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA in Laurel Land Memorial Park
Death November 27, 1945 (Age 79 years)
Note: California Death Record: Mccager Y Bennett
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 1860Trinity Co, Tx
10 months
elder sister
5 years
23 months
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
Mother’s family with John A. “Henry” ROGERS - View this family
Marriage: March 1, 1855Nacogdoches Tx
22 months
2 years
John Rogers, Son of Sarah Jane MooreJohn ROGERS
Birth: February 23, 1858 20Texas
Death: January 12, 1918Apple Springs, Tx
Family with Luticia “Tishie” MAGEE - View this family
15 months
16 months
4 years
17 months
3 years
3 years


1900 Federal Census [McCager Bennett] Justice Precinct 1, Trinity, Texas Spouse's Name: Tishia A Bennett Marriage Year: 1888 Father's Birthplace: Alabama Mother's Birthplace: Alabama

Mycajah Y Bennett 34 Tishia A Bennett 30 Stella O Bennett 10 Willie B Bennett 9 Richard E Bennett 7 Christopher C Bennett 4 Modest B Bennett 3 Bennett 0/12


Shug became involved in a argument with a county official that resulted in Shug getting shot by the county official.


Listed as MC Cager Bennette 64 Parents fron Ga,Ala Letitia Bennette 60 Parents from MS,LA

No others in household.


California Death Record: Mccager Y Bennett Gender: Male Birth Date: 23 Mar 1866 Birth Place: Texas Death Date: 22 Nov 1945 Death Place: Los Angeles Father's Surname: Bennett

ShootingShug Was Shot By County AttorneyShug Was Shot By County Attorney
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 471 × 459 pixels
File size: 255 KB
Type: Newspaper
Highlighted image: no
DeathMicagah Y Bennett Tombstone, Brownfield TxMicagah Y Bennett Tombstone, Brownfield Tx
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 332 × 500 pixels
File size: 52 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
Media objectMicajah Y Bennett PhotosMicajah Y Bennett Photos
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 446 × 450 pixels
File size: 67 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes