Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John H Bennett Photo

John Hamlin BENNETTAge: 89 years18761965

John Hamlin BENNETT
Given names
John Hamlin
Birth February 15, 1876 39 38

Birth of a sisterRosa Anna BENNETT
March 26, 1878 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterHenryetta BENNETT
November 16, 1881 (Age 5 years)

Birth of a brotherRichmond Floyd BENNETT
February 20, 1884 (Age 8 years)

Death of a fatherRichmond Oliver BENNETT
January 15, 1895 (Age 18 years)
Note: In one application for her pension Sarah declared Richmond died in 1895. In another she said 1896. The application for his military headstone, submitted in 1932 after Sarah had died, states he died Jan 15, 1895.

Death of a sisterAnna Delilah Francis BENNETT
May 3, 1903 (Age 27 years)
MarriageNancy ROGERSView this family
August 19, 1903 (Age 27 years)
Death of a half-brotherJohn ROGERS
January 12, 1918 (Age 41 years)
Note: From findagrave entry for John Rogers:
Census 1930 (Age 53 years)
Note: Name: John H Bennett
Death of a motherSarah Jane MOORE
October 23, 1931 (Age 55 years)
Note: Paper in Confederate Widow Pension states Sarah died of senility in the home of her son-in-law GW Kennedy.

Death of a half-brotherWilliam Robert ROGERS
April 21, 1937 (Age 61 years)
Note: From findagrave entry for William Rogers
Death of a sisterMartha Jane BENNETT
August 6, 1943 (Age 67 years)
Note: From Death Certificate:
Death of a sisterNimmie BENNETT
January 1, 1944 (Age 67 years)
Note: Buried: Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA in Laurel Land Memorial Park
Death of a brotherMicagah Y BENNETT
November 27, 1945 (Age 69 years)
Note: California Death Record: Mccager Y Bennett
Death of a sisterHenryetta BENNETT
May 21, 1962 (Age 86 years)
Burial of a sisterHenryetta BENNETT
1962 (Age 85 years)
Note: From findagrave for Henryetta Bennett Deaton.
Death December 16, 1965 (Age 89 years)
Note: Obituary of John Hamlin Bennett
Note: Obituary of Bennett, John Hamlin
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 1860Trinity Co, Tx
10 months
elder sister
5 years
elder brother
23 months
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
2 years
2 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
Mother’s family with John A. “Henry” ROGERS - View this family
Marriage: March 1, 1855Nacogdoches Tx
22 months
2 years
John Rogers, Son of Sarah Jane MooreJohn ROGERS
Birth: February 23, 1858 20Texas
Death: January 12, 1918Apple Springs, Tx
Family with Nancy ROGERS - View this family
Marriage: August 19, 1903Nacogdoches Tx


Name: John H Bennett Home in 1930: Precinct 2, Terry, Texas

John H Bennett 54 Parents born Ga,Ala Nancy Bennett 44 Hayden Bennett 25 Travis Bennett 21 Reynold Bennett 16 Daisy Bennett 15 Odena Bennett 12 Aubry Bennett 9 Dorthy M Bennett 6


Obituary of John Hamlin Bennett 18 Dec 1965 , Abilene, Taylor, Texas, USA John Bennett Rites TodayANSON (RNS) - Funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in First Baptist Church for John H. Bennett, 89, who died at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Shady Oaks Nursing Home in Abilene.Burial will be in Mt. Hope Cemetery, with Lawrence Funeral Home in charge.Surviving are his wife; two sons, Travis of Anson and Reginald of Merkel; six daughters, Mrs. Ivory Addison of Anson, Mrs. Earl Brock of Seminole, Mrs. R. W. Sims of Bronte, Mrs. Ray Meeks of Crane, Mrs. Ira Marshal of Midland and Mrs. James Williams of Abilene; a brother Floyd of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Rosie Kennedy of Seabrook and Mrs. Mary Magee of Eagle Lake; 35 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.[Originally published in The Abilene Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas, 18 Dec 1965, Page 5B]


Obituary of Bennett, John Hamlin

John Bennett Rites Today ANSON (RNS) - Funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in First Baptist Church for John H. Bennett, 89, who died at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Shady Oaks Nursing Home in Abilene. Burial will be in Mt. Hope Cemetery, with Lawrence Funeral Home in charge. Surviving are his wife; two sons, Travis of Anson and Reginald of Merkel; six daughters, Mrs. Ivory Addison of Anson, Mrs. Earl Brock of Seminole, Mrs. R. W. Sims of Bronte, Mrs. Ray Meeks of Crane, Mrs. Ira Marshal of Midland and Mrs. James Williams of Abilene; a brother Floyd of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Rosie Kennedy of Seabrook and Mrs. Mary Magee of Eagle Lake; 35 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Detail

Abilene Reporter-News, The

DeathJohn Hamlin Bennett's Death CertificateJohn Hamlin Bennett's Death Certificate
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Media objectJohn H Bennett PhotoJohn H Bennett Photo
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Media objectJohn H and Nancy Rogers BennettJohn H and Nancy Rogers Bennett
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