Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Simeon SHORTAge: 55 years17901845

Simeon SHORT
Given names
Birth about 1790
Birth of a sisterNaomi SHORT
1797 (Age 7 years)
Note: According to 1850 census of Simspn Co MS, Naomi SHORT Magee Miles was born in (approximately) 1797 in Ga.
Louisiana Militia
1814 (Age 24 years)
Note: NAME: Short, Simon
MarriageElizabeth MAGEEView this family
December 27, 1815 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
1818 (Age 28 years)
Note: The connection of Maria Short of Rankin Co to Siemon Short is circumstantial. Her marriage took place in the same county where Simeon resided in 1838 , in 1840 she lived adjacent to Simeon and the families went to San Augustine Tx at the same time in 1841, along with Simeon's sons Elbern and Jonas Short.
Birth of a son
Elbern SHORT
1820 (Age 30 years)
Residence 1820 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
1825 (Age 35 years)
Residence 1830 (Age 40 years)
Note: Simeon and his wife Elizabeth MAGEE were still living in Washington Parish as late as 1830.
Death of a fatherJonas SHORT
1831 (Age 41 years)
Note: Jonas Short appeared in several tax lists from 1823 through 1825 but had disappeared from the tax ro…
Marriage of a childCharles M IRBYMaria SHORTView this family
January 2, 1838 (Age 48 years)
Note: Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 about Mariah Short
Death of a fatherJonas SHORT
1840 (Age 50 years)
Note: In 1840 a Jonas Short appeared in Texas with Simeon Short and Elbern Short where Jonas was granted 320 acres by a land commission in Jasper Co. This might have been old Jonas Short with his son and grandson. Or it might have been young (15 years old) Jonas, son of Simeon. No age was given in the land record.
Conditional Certificate Recipients in Jasper Co Tx, 1841

Note: Charles Irby and his Short in-laws were in Jasper Co Tx obtaining land in 1841. Evidently they did not stay but returned to Rankin Co MS by 1850.

Census 1840 (Age 50 years)
Note: Census shows Simeon still living in Louisiana in 1840.
Residence November 1840 (Age 50 years)
Note: Evidently, in Nov of 1840 Simeon and (his son?) Jonas Short moved across the Sabine to the Republic of Texas. Simeon was able to qualify for 640 acres and Jonas received 320 acres of \"Conditional Certificates\" indicating Simeon brought his family with him.
Conditional Certificate Recipients in Jasper Co Tx, 1841

Note: Charles Irby and his Short in-laws were in Jasper Co Tx obtaining land in 1841. Evidently they did not stay but returned to Rankin Co MS by 1850.


Note: In 1828 Simeon Short was listed in the Tax Rolls for Simpson CO MS.
Property 1841 (Age 51 years)
Note: Simeon was granted Land Certificate Number 23 for 640 acres by the Land Commissioners in Jasper Co, Republic of Texas.
Death about 1845 (Age 55 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Divorce: November 26, 1831Mississippi
-34 years
younger sister
-6 years
Family with Elizabeth MAGEE - View this family
Marriage: December 27, 1815St. Tammany Parish LA
3 years
8 years
-4 years


NAME: Short, Simon RANK: Private COMPANY: De Clouet's Reg't., La. Militia Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812


Simeon and his wife Elizabeth MAGEE were still living in Washington Parish as late as 1830.

Simeon Short Washington, Louisiana Males - Under 5: 1 5 thru 9: 1 10 thru 14: 1 30 thru 39: 1 Females - Under 5: 2 5 thru 9: 1 10 thru 14: 1 30 thru 39: 1


Census shows Simeon still living in Louisiana in 1840.


Evidently, in Nov of 1840 Simeon and (his son?) Jonas Short moved across the Sabine to the Republic of Texas. Simeon was able to qualify for 640 acres and Jonas received 320 acres of \"Conditional Certificates\" indicating Simeon brought his family with him.


In 1828 Simeon Short was listed in the Tax Rolls for Simpson CO MS. In 1830 he was listed in the US census of Washington Parish LA. In 1838 he was listed in Rankin Co MS. In 1840 he was listed in the US census of Rapides LA. In Nov 1840 he was listed as having immigrated to Jasper Co, Republic of Texas.


Simeon was granted Land Certificate Number 23 for 640 acres by the Land Commissioners in Jasper Co, Republic of Texas.


There is some evidence that Jonas Short of GA,LA,MS was also the father of Davis Short of GA,LA,MS. Some information taken from the Short message board on in 2013 provides some insight.


Unconfirmed reports from the Internet state that Simeon and Elizabeth Short were parents of Jonas Short, Elbern Short and Jackson Short of Jasper Co Tx. Simeon, Jonas and Elbern were all listed on the Conditional Certificates list in 1841 for Jasper Co, Republic of Texas.

MarriageMarriage Entry for Simeon Short and Elizabeth MageeMarriage Entry for Simeon Short and Elizabeth Magee
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ResidenceSimeon Living Next to Evan James in Washington Parish, 1820Simeon Living Next to Evan James in Washington Parish, 1820
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Highlighted image: no
CensusSimeon Short in 1840 Census, Rapides LASimeon Short in 1840 Census, Rapides LA
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Highlighted image: no
ResidenceConditional Certificate Recipients in Jasper Co Tx, 1841
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Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Note: Charles Irby and his Short in-laws were in Jasper Co Tx obtaining land in 1841. Evidently they did not stay but returned to Rankin Co MS by 1850.
Residence1828 Census Simpson Co MS - Simeon Short1828 Census Simpson Co MS - Simeon Short
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Highlighted image: no
PropertyLand Commission Granted Certificates to Holden Magee and Simeon ShortLand Commission Granted Certificates to Holden Magee and Simeon Short
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Image dimensions: 1,190 × 395 pixels
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Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
NoteConditional Certificate Recipients in Jasper Co Tx, 1841
Format: application/pdf
File size: 3,819 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Note: Charles Irby and his Short in-laws were in Jasper Co Tx obtaining land in 1841. Evidently they did not stay but returned to Rankin Co MS by 1850.