Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Flag of the Republic of Texas, 1836-1839

Able Lewis EAVESAge: 60 years17901850

Able Lewis EAVES
Birth 1790 25 31

Note: After the Texas Revolution, in 1838 the Texas Land Commission visited parts of Texas certifying settlers who qualified for a Headright. Abel appeared before the commission in Jasper Co where he proved that he had immigrated to Texas in Oct 1835. He received Headright #148. Notice that his brother Burrell Eaves also was a Texan who had come to Texas in 1833! Abel's son in law Elijah Prewitt (Pruitt) also is in the list. Although Elijah came in Oct 1835 he qualified for a full League. Perhaps Elijah was a soldier of the Texas Revolution since they were known to get more land than other settlers who arrived at that time. Unfortunately, in his report, the Clerk in Jasper Co recorded his Headright incorrectly, stating that he was awarded 1/3 of a League instead of a Full League. In 1842 Abel Lewis and Mr Glasscock petitioned the Texas Legislature to correct the mistake and award Abel a First Class Headright. The joint houses of the Republic of Texas approved the petition in a Resolution on Feb 5, 1842.

Birth of a brotherBartlet Yancy EAVES
1792 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherHoward Harvey EAVES
1794 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a brotherBurrell Ebenezer EAVES
1796 (Age 6 years)

Birth of a brotherJesse Berryman EAVES
1798 (Age 8 years)

Birth of a sisterCharity Berryman EAVES
1800 (Age 10 years)

Residence 1804 (Age 14 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherGraves EAVES II
after August 1805 (Age 15 years)
MarriageSarah Agnes FLOODView this family
March 1811 (Age 21 years)
Note: In two Bounty Land Affidavits Agnes Eaves gave different dates for her marriage:

Georgia Miltia
1812 (Age 22 years)
Note: Abel Eaves served in the Georgia Militia according to service records found in the National Archives…

Birth of a daughter
Sarah H. EAVES
January 26, 1813 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
Andrew Jackson EAVES
1815 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
Isaac Shelby EAVES
1816 (Age 26 years)
1817 (Age 27 years)
Note: Abel and his brothers joined the Concord Primitive Baptist Church when they were young men.
Birth of a daughter
Charity Berryman EAVES
1819 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
Hassman H. “Howard” EAVES
1821 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
James B. EAVES
1822 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a daughter
1825 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth A. EAVES
1828 (Age 38 years)
Census 1830 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a daughter
Lucinda (Louisiana) EAVES
1831 (Age 41 years)
Birth of a daughter
Cynthina Caroline “Synthia” EAVES
1834 (Age 44 years)
Marriage of a childElijah Edwards PRUITTSarah H. EAVESView this family
July 5, 1834 (Age 44 years)
Death of a brotherGraves Perry EAVES
November 1835 (Age 45 years)

Property 1835 (Age 45 years)
Note: According to records from 1838 Abel L Eaves immigrated to Texas by Oct 1835. After the Revolution in 1836 he was entitled to 1/3 League of land as a Republic of Texas citizen. He received a Texas Land Warrant which he sold to a Mr Glasscock before he moved to Louisiana in 1840.
Birth of a daughter
1836 (Age 46 years)

Marriage of a childWilliam Carroll MEADOWSCharity Berryman EAVESView this family
August 22, 1837 (Age 47 years)

Death of a fatherBartlett EAVES
before 1840 (Age 50 years)

Death of a motherCharity Berryman LEWIS
before 1840 (Age 50 years)

Natchitoches Land Office - S/2 E/2 SW/4 S 29 T 5 R 12
February 1, 1840 (Age 50 years)

Note: Able Lewis Eaves and Elijah Pruitt both got land at the same time in La. They left Texas for Sabine Parish LA after the Texas Revolution.

Death of a brotherJesse Berryman EAVES
after 1841 (Age 51 years)
Death of a brotherBartlet Yancy EAVES
after 1847 (Age 57 years)
Marriage of a childJames B. EAVESMary Ann Jane MILLERView this family
September 28, 1848 (Age 58 years)
Marriage of a childHassman H. “Howard” EAVESLinda (Lidy) WOODSView this family
February 5, 1849 (Age 59 years)
Death December 28, 1850 (Age 60 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1785Rutherford Co North Carolina
6 years
-3 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
5 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
Family with Sarah Agnes FLOOD - View this family
Marriage: March 1811Monticello, Jasper Co, Georgia
23 months
3 years
2 years
4 years
3 years
2 years
4 years
4 years
4 years
4 years
3 years


After the Texas Revolution, in 1838 the Texas Land Commission visited parts of Texas certifying settlers who qualified for a Headright. Abel appeared before the commission in Jasper Co where he proved that he had immigrated to Texas in Oct 1835. He received Headright #148. Notice that his brother Burrell Eaves also was a Texan who had come to Texas in 1833! Abel's son in law Elijah Prewitt (Pruitt) also is in the list. Although Elijah came in Oct 1835 he qualified for a full League. Perhaps Elijah was a soldier of the Texas Revolution since they were known to get more land than other settlers who arrived at that time. Unfortunately, in his report, the Clerk in Jasper Co recorded his Headright incorrectly, stating that he was awarded 1/3 of a League instead of a Full League. In 1842 Abel Lewis and Mr Glasscock petitioned the Texas Legislature to correct the mistake and award Abel a First Class Headright. The joint houses of the Republic of Texas approved the petition in a Resolution on Feb 5, 1842.


In two Bounty Land Affidavits Agnes Eaves gave different dates for her marriage:

"on or about Mar 9 of 1810 or 1811" and 19 Mar of 1812.


Abel Eaves served in the Georgia Militia according to service records found in the National Archives. His widow was able to get a Bounty Grant in 1859 in Louisiana based on his service, but the land was immediately transferred to a third party, according to the land patent. Abel's affidavit for a land shows he could write (sign his name).

War of 1812 Service Records about Abel L Eaves Name: Abel L Eaves Company: WOOTTON'S DETACHMENT, GEORGIA MILITIA. Rank - Induction: PRIVATE Rank - Discharge: PRIVATE Roll Box: 64 Roll Exct: 602 The National Archives


Abel and his brothers joined the Concord Primitive Baptist Church when they were young men.

Concord Primitive Baptist Church, Jasper Co., GA, 1812-1829 Minutes

"Brought from the old Book" Sept. Association 1814: Graves Eaves Sept. Association 1816: Howard Eaves Sept. Association 1817: Abel Eaves

According to Jim Eaves' web site: There is also an undated record of the male membership of the Concord Baptist Church, near Mooresboro, NC, that lists Graves Eaves, Bartlett Eaves, Abel Lewis Eaves and William Lewis as members. The church was organized 14 Oct 1804, with 31 members.


According to records from 1838 Abel L Eaves immigrated to Texas by Oct 1835. After the Revolution in 1836 he was entitled to 1/3 League of land as a Republic of Texas citizen. He received a Texas Land Warrant which he sold to a Mr Glasscock before he moved to Louisiana in 1840.


Able Lewis Eaves and Elijah Pruitt both got land at the same time in La. They left Texas for Sabine Parish LA after the Texas Revolution.


The following was taken verbatim from rootsweb. My personal research has verified most of the claims made here.

[Eaves a20856.FTW]

"Abel Lewis Eaves was born in about 1790, according to the 1850 Sabine Parisn, La Census, probably in Rutherford Co., North Carolina, the son of Bartlett and Charity Lewis Eaves. Agnes Flood, his wife, was born about 1795 in Georgia. Her maiden name is given as Flood on affidavits file with her War lf 1812 widow's pension applications on file at the National Archives, Washington, DC Her parents were James and Jane Flood, according to research done by Eleanor Smith Garrett and published in Trinity Co., Beginnings.

Agnes Flood Eaves, in an affidavit made when she applied for a War of 1812 widow's pension in 1853, said she and Abel Lewis Eaves were married 10 March 1812 in Jasper Co., Ga. In another affidavit filed with the widow's pension application, Elizabeth Stephens said she was present at their wedding, which took place near Monticello in Jasper Co., Ga.

Abel Lewis Eaves signed his full name on 17 Jan 1812 when he and Cornelius Autrey swore that they witnessed Thomas Davis assign his rights and title to a lease in Jasper Co., Ga. to Graves Eaves so presumably he had moved to Jasper Co., by then.

According to an affidavit signed by Abel Lewis Eaves that part of his pension application records (#13931) on file in the National Archives, Washington, DC, he volunteered for military service in late July or early Aug 1814 in Jasper Co., Georgia., and served under Capt. Gilbert D. Grier. He rendezvoused at Fort Hawkins and was then marched to Fort Mitchell, where he remained until his tern of service expired. He then was marched back to Fort Hawkins and discharged.

A letter from the Treasury Department, 3rd Auditors Office, dated 21 March 1860, was filed with the pension applications of him and his wife gives Abel Lewis Eaves' dates of service as 7 Aug 1814 to 7 Feb 1815 and his rank was private. The index of the War of 1812 soldiers says he was a member of Wootton's Detachment, Georgia Militia.

By 1830, Abel Lewis Eaves and His family were living in Marengo Co., Ala., where they were recorded in the census. Family included 10 children.

Abel Lewis Eaves and his brothers Burrell, Bartlett and Jesse B., and his son-in-law, Elijah E. Pruitt all immigrated to Texas in the early 1830s. All received land grants from the Republic of Texas.

According to records in the Texas General Land Office, Austin, Texas, Able Lewis Eaves arrived in Texas in October 1835 and was granted Head Right Certificate No. 148 on June 5, 1838, which entitled him to a league and a lobor of land upon payment of $5 for every labor of arable land and $2.40 for every labor of pasture land "which may be contained in the survey secured to him by this certificate."

Not sure how long Able Lewis was in Texas because the head right was actually secured by George W. Glasscock, assignee of Abel L. Eaves. So Abel had apparently sold his head right to Glasscock by June 1838 and had probably already gone to Louisiana. It was years before the actual land was surveyed and patented so, as for as can be told, he never lived on any of it.

The Abel Lewis Eaves family, along with two slaves, were recorded in the 1840 census of Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana.

Abel Lewis Eaves made an application for one of the pensions Congress had authorized for disabled soldiers who served in the "last war with England and the Indians of Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee" on 27 Sept 1847. In the application, he said that, while serving at Fort Mitchell, he contracted a disease, from exposure, which had continued to "prey upon his system until the present time rendering him entirely useless to his family and a tax and burthen on their heads and that he is poor and has a very large family and that in consequence of this disease is almost helpless."

The application was accompani8ed by an affidavit signed 20 Sept 1847 by Peter A. Ragan, Maryland in which he said he had examined Abel Lewis Eaves who "seems to be a very infirm old man entirely unable to work, almost helpless, in consequence of being very badly afflicted with the Asthma...I consider him entirely unable to assist his family in any way toward getting support."

It also was accompanied by an affidavit signed 20 Sept 1847 by J.B. Browne, which said Browne had known Abel Lewis Eaves since 1814, when "he went out as a volunteer". Stated that " at that time he was in good health and after he returned home from the service, his health became delicate and continued to decline until his disease seemed to settle in a fixed Asthma which has continued with him ever since, gradually wearing him out, and he is now helpless, not capable of giving his family any assistance, that he is poor and an object of charity..."

Agnes Flood Eaves, in a declaration under oath made 30 Jan 1860 in Trinity Co., Texas Court said Abel Lewis Eaves had been "taken with the measles" while stationed at Fort Mitchell about one month before the end of his service, "and from the effects of which attack of measles he never recovered."

On 6 Dec 1847, the W.S. Treasury Dept., Third Auditors Office, sent the War Department Pension Office a letter saying that " it appears from the roll of Capt. Gilbert D. Grier's Company of Georgia Militia, to the 7th Feb, 1815, that Abel Lewis Eaves, a private entered the service the 7th Aug 1814 and is mustered present without remark. The roll afford us no source of his having sustained any injury while in this service."

His pension application was rejected. However, according to his wife's application for a widow's pension filed 5 Oct 1853, he did get a warrant for 80 acres of land-#20565-for his War of 1812 service, which he sold.

Abel Lewis Eaves died on 28 Dec 1850, according to an affidavit signed by Agnes Flood Eaves that is part of her War of 1812 widow's application. An affidavit signed by J.B. Browne on 6 April 1860 also gives Abel Lewis Eaves' death date as 28 Dec 1850 and adds that he died on Caney Bayou, Sabind Parish, Louisiana.

On 25 Jan 1853, James Bartlett Eaves notified the 16th District Judicial Court of Louisiana that his father had died in Dec 1851 and asked that he be appointed administrator of all of the property of the succession of Abel Lewis Eaves and that an inventory be ordered of the succession. Andrew Jackson Eaves was actually appointed administrator of the sucession on 22 Nov 1853. The acknowledgement ot his apointment was signed by A.J. Eaves and by Abel Lewis Eaves' widow, Agnes, who made her mark.

In Dec 1854, Agnes Eaves and her children sold the family farm in Sabine Paris, La to Mary L. Caldwell for $150. The farm was described as the south half of the east half of the southwest squarter of section 20, township5, range 12, containing 39.8 acres. The deed transfer was signed 3 Dec 1854 with an "X" by Agnes Eaves, and her children, Charity B. Meadows, Lucinday A. Miller, Sinthey Caroline Eaves, Elizabeth Dainwood, and Sarah H. Pruitt. Isaac Eaves and Mary E. Eaves appear to have signed their names. Sons in law William Meadows, Samuel Miller, Samuell Dainwood and E.D. Pruitt also signed the deed. Most of Agnes Eaves children moved to Texas by 1857 and she apparently moved with them.

Able Lewis Eaves was a veteran of the War of 1812 and had a Land Grant for 4427 acres of land in Williamson Co., Texas. After his death his son Isaac S. Eaves, came to Texas and sold the land for $500.00.

and (Paraphrased from web site of Jim Eaves.)

Abel Lewis Eaves was born circa 1789 in Rutherford Co., NC. He was the son of Bartlett Yancy Eaves and Charity Berryman Lewis. Abel Lewis Eaves married Sara Agnes Flood in 1811 in GA. He served in the War of 1812 in Captain Greer's (Grier's) Company in Georgia Militia with Major William Wootton's Detachment. Abel had moved to Texas in 1835 but by 1840 Abel Lewis had come back across the Sabine River to LA. The family legend is, that during the Texas Revolution they feared for the safety of their families and brought them to an area not involved in the war. Abel Lewis settled in Natchitoches (now Sabine) Parish. Abel Lewis Eaves died on 28 December 1850 in at Caney Bayou, Sabine Parish, LA, His widow, Agnes Flood Eaves gave the date on an affidavit as part of her application for the War of 1812 widow's pension. He was buried in Bayou Toro, Sabine Parish, LA. Many of his family moved into Trinity County, Tx after his death. About 1856-57 his son, Isaac S. Eaves, went to Williamson County, TX to settle the estate and sold the land for $500.00 to a Mr. Huling (sic).


There are several affidavits from Sarah Agnes FLOOD Eaves in the national Archives attesting to her marriage, children, Abel Eaves military service and death.

ImmigrationAbel Lewis Eaves Headright From Texas Land CommissionAbel Lewis Eaves Headright From Texas Land Commission
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Immigration1838 Land Commission Report (Jasper Co) - Settlers Who Qualified for Land1838 Land Commission Report (Jasper Co) - Settlers Who Qualified for Land
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ImmigrationResolution by Republic of Texas Awarding Full League To AbelResolution by Republic of Texas Awarding Full League To Abel
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Image dimensions: 1,251 × 1,880 pixels
File size: 779 KB
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MarriageAgnes Eaves Affidavit of 1853 Lists Family InformationAgnes Eaves Affidavit of 1853 Lists Family Information
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MarriageSarah Gave This Affidavit in 1860 in Trinity Co TX
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Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
MilitaryBounty Land Warrant For Abel L. Eaves
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MilitaryAbel Eaves Affidavit of 1847 Details Military ServiceAbel Eaves Affidavit of 1847 Details Military Service
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CensusEzekial Pruitt and Abel Eaves in Marengo AL - 1830Ezekial Pruitt and Abel Eaves in Marengo AL - 1830
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PropertyAbel Sold His Land Warrant to Mr Glasscock
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Highlighted image: no
PropertyCopies of cash entry receipts found in National Archives.
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PropertyAbel Eaves and Elijah Pruitt Families 1840 Census Natchitoches, LAAbel Eaves and Elijah Pruitt Families 1840 Census Natchitoches, LA
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PropertyLand Patent For Abel Eaves in Sabine Co LA
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Media objectFlag of the Republic of Texas, 1836-1839Flag of the Republic of Texas, 1836-1839
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Highlighted image: yes
NoteSarah Gave This Affidavit in 1860 in Trinity Co TX
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File size: 2,652 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no