Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Bartlett EAVESAge: 75 years17651840

Bartlett EAVES
Given names
Note: Some report his middle name was Yancey.
Birth 1765 50
Note: In the Oct 1785 session of Rutherford County Court, Graves Eves proved that his son "Bartley" was under the age of 21.
Birth of a brotherSolomon EAVES
about 1776 (Age 11 years)

Death of a sisterEAVES
about 1778 (Age 13 years)

MarriageCharity Berryman LEWISView this family
1785 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
1786 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a son
Graves Perry EAVES
1788 (Age 23 years)

Birth of a son
Able Lewis EAVES
1790 (Age 25 years)
Census 1790 (Age 25 years)
Note: Bartlett Eves, 2 males over 16, 2 males under 16, 2 females.
Birth of a son
Bartlet Yancy EAVES
1792 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a son
Howard Harvey EAVES
1794 (Age 29 years)

April 1802

Note: Bartlett Eaves obtained 250 acres of land (Warrant 2411) on the waters of Webbs Creek and Puzzle Creek in Rutherford Co.
August 5, 1795 (Age 30 years)

Note: Bartlett Eves and Abel Lewis witnessed a deed for sale of property, on Puzzle Creek, Rutherford Co NC, by Thomas Davis to James Arrowood.
Birth of a son
Burrell Ebenezer EAVES
1796 (Age 31 years)

Birth of a son
Jesse Berryman EAVES
1798 (Age 33 years)

Birth of a daughter
Charity Berryman EAVES
1800 (Age 35 years)

Marriage of a childCornelius AUTREYNancy EAVESView this family
about 1800 (Age 35 years)

Census 1800 (Age 35 years)
Note: Bartlett Eaves
Death of a fatherGraves EAVES II
after August 1805 (Age 40 years)
Property June 8, 1809 (Age 44 years)
Note: Bartlett Eaves, "millwright", of Randolph Co purchased 202.5 acres from Thomas Robinson and State of…
Marriage of a childAble Lewis EAVESSarah Agnes FLOODView this family
March 1811 (Age 46 years)
Note: In two Bounty Land Affidavits Agnes Eaves gave different dates for her marriage:

Marriage of a childHoward Harvey EAVESFaithy PRICEView this family
July 26, 1816 (Age 51 years)
Marriage of a childBartlet Yancy EAVESNancy Elizabeth THOMPSONView this family
1817 (Age 52 years)

Marriage of a childJesse Berryman EAVESLydia M. NETTLESView this family
1817 (Age 52 years)

Marriage of a childEzekial PRUITTCharity Berryman EAVESView this family
1817 (Age 52 years)

Census 1830 (Age 65 years)
Note: Bartlett's family had moved to Bibb Co AL by 1828. In the 1830 census for Perry Co, just south of Bi…
Death of a brotherWilliam EAVES
about 1832 (Age 67 years)
Death of a sonGraves Perry EAVES
November 1835 (Age 70 years)

Death of a wifeCharity Berryman LEWIS
before 1840 (on the date of death)

Death before 1840 (Age 75 years)

Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
William EAVES
Birth: about 1753 38Brunswick Co, VA
Death: about 1832Jasper, Marian Co, TN
3 years
elder brother
6 years
elder sister
4 years
elder brother
3 years
12 years
younger brother
Family with Charity Berryman LEWIS - View this family
Marriage: 1785Rutherford Co North Carolina
6 years
-3 years
3 years
5 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
3 years


In the Oct 1785 session of Rutherford County Court, Graves Eves proved that his son "Bartley" was under the age of 21.


Bartlett Eves, 2 males over 16, 2 males under 16, 2 females.


Bartlett Eaves obtained 250 acres of land (Warrant 2411) on the waters of Webbs Creek and Puzzle Creek in Rutherford Co.


Bartlett Eves and Abel Lewis witnessed a deed for sale of property, on Puzzle Creek, Rutherford Co NC, by Thomas Davis to James Arrowood.


Bartlett Eaves

1 male 26-45, 1 female 26-45 4 males 0-9 (Abel,Bartlett,Howard,Burrell) , 1 male 10-15 (Graves ) 1 female 0-9 (Charity), 1 female 16-25 (Nancy)


Bartlett Eaves, "millwright", of Randolph Co purchased 202.5 acres from Thomas Robinson and State of GA for $350. The land was described as Lot 45 in Baldwin Co (later Randolph Co) GA. Recorded 15 Mar 1811.

Randolph Co, in north central Ga, was changed to Jasper Co in 1812.


Bartlett's family had moved to Bibb Co AL by 1828. In the 1830 census for Perry Co, just south of Bibb Co,

Bartlett Eaves, 1 male 60-70 1 female 70-80 1 female 15-20 1 male 10-15


Some report his middle name was Yancey.


The following was copied verbatim from rootsweb. I have not verified the information, but the general claims are consistent with known facts.

[Eaves a20856.FTW]

17 Oct 1785 session of the Rutherford Co., North Carolina., Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Bartlet Eves, Principal, Graves Eves, Samuel Hunter,Matthew Patterson and Timothy Riggs acknowledged themselves to be indebted to the State of North Carolina in the sum of 550 pounds principal and 125 securities, to be livied on their goods and chattels, etc, to be void on the condition that Bartlet Eves make his personal appearance before the Superior Court of Law and Equity to be held for the District of Morgan on the first day of March 1784, and not to depart without leave of said court.(p.173).8

Oct 1785---Graves Eves proved his son Bartlet Eves under the age of 21 years so he wouldn't have to pay a poll tax. (Rutherford Co., North Carolina, Co., Court Minutes 1781-1786, C.R. 086,301 1, October Court, 1785: Graves Eves et al.

1790---Bartlet Eaves and his father, Graves, and William Eves were all recorded in the 1790 census of North Carolina, Morgan District,Rutherford Co.,. Bartlet was in the Second Company. (p-117)

1792--Nov 13--Bartelette Eaves purchased 10 acres in Rutherford Co.,North Carolina, on the Robertson's Creek of Second Broad River adjacent to William Thomas Robertson's original grant of 430 acres, Abel Lewis' spring branch, Bartlette Eaves' house and the new Lincoln Road, boding the north corner of the Thomas Robertson's original tract said then to be in Mecklenburg Co.,. Price was 250 pounds. Recorded 28 Jan 1795. Witnesses were Thomas Hawkins and Abel Lewis. (DB L:339#1336)

1797--Sept 15--Bartlet Eaves sold to James English for 100 pounds the 10 acres he purchased in 1792. Bartlet signed with a mark "B". Witnesses were Abel Lewis and William Liversill. Deed recorded in 1800 in Rutherford Co., Nc.

1799--April 9-- Bartlett Eaves purchases from Zachariah Sullins for 75 pounds a 50-acre tract of land on the northeast side of Robinsons Creek, that was the lower part of a 200-acre tract granted to Abel Lewis by the Rutherford Co., Sheriff. Witnesses were A L Lewis, and F. Morrow. Recorded 8 may 1803, Rutherford Co., North Carolina.

1800--Bartlet eaves' family recorded in the Rutherford Co., North Carolina Census: Bartlett Eaves 1 male 26-45 (Bartlett, abt 35) 1 female 26-45 (Charity, wife) 1 female 16-25 (Nancy, abt 16) 1 male 10-15 (Graves Perry, son, abt 14) 4 males 0-9 (Abel Lewis, abt 9; Bartlett,Jr, abt 7; Howard, abt 5; (Burrell, abt 3) 1 female 0-9 (Charity, abt 1, daughter)

1808--Jan 8-- Bartlett Eaves sold to Amos Wall for 10 pounds a tract of land in Rutherford, North Carolina, on Webbs Creek containing about 38 acres. Bartlett signed with a "B". Witnesses were John Wall and John Carter. Recorded 2 Sept 1810.

1809--June 8-- Bartlett Eaves purchased land in Jasper Co., Ga., from Thomas Robinson. Recorded 15 March 18lll, filed 13 Nov 1811.

1815-- Monroe Co., ala, establishes from Creek cession lands.

1816-- Montgomery Co., Ala, carved out of Monroe Co.,.

1818-- Marengo Co., established from Choctaw cession lands

1819-- Perry Co., Ala, carved out of Montgomery Co.,.

1830--Bartlett Eaves was recorded in the 1830 census of Perry Co., Ala.

1833--May 11--A Bartlet Eaves was bondsman when Barltet E. Autery and Nancy Buttler obtained marriage bond to wed in Marengo Co., Ala. Don't know if this was Bartlett Sr or Jr.