Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Graves EAVES IIAge: 90 years17151805

Birth about 1715 37
Birth of a brotherWilliam EAVES
1719 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn EAVES
about 1720 (Age 5 years)
Death of a fatherGraves EAVES
1746 (Age 31 years)
Property 1747 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
William EAVES
about 1753 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
Burrell EAVES
about 1755 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a daughter
about 1760 (Age 45 years)

Residence October 27, 1760 (Age 45 years)
Note: Deed Book 6, Brunswick Co VA
Birth of a son
Buckner EAVES
about 1763 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a son
Bartlett EAVES
1765 (Age 50 years)
Note: In the Oct 1785 session of Rutherford County Court, Graves Eves proved that his son "Bartley" was under the age of 21.
Census December 2, 1768 (Age 53 years)
Note: Graves, John, Thomas, and William Eaves listed in Poll taken for Nathaniel Edwards Jr at election of Burgesses for Brunswick Co.
Property February 1775 (Age 60 years)
Note: Graves Eaves obtained a patent for 109 acres east side of Second Broad River near Robeson and Cathey…
Birth of a son
Solomon EAVES
about 1776 (Age 61 years)

Death of a daughterEAVES
about 1778 (Age 63 years)

Property March 20, 1783 (Age 68 years)
Note: Graves Eaves bought 200 acres of land on both sides of Puzzle Creek from Thomas Roberson for £55.
Marriage of a childBartlett EAVESCharity Berryman LEWISView this family
1785 (Age 70 years)
Death of a brotherThomas EAVES
1785 (Age 70 years)
Note: Eaves Thomas Will 1785 WB-2 pp 503
Census October 1787 (Age 72 years)
Note: Graves Eaves, an infirm man, was exempted from paying a poll tax.
Census 1790 (Age 75 years)
Note: From Morgan District, Rutherford Co, NC east of the Second Broad River between Cane and Roberson Cre…
Census 1800 (Age 85 years)
Note: Graves Eaves
Religion 1804 (Age 89 years)
Note: Graves and Bartlett Eaves were listed among the members of Concord Baptist Church - as was Susanne Eaves, probably William's wife. The church was located a mile south of Bostic and organized 14 Oct 1804. The membership list was created between 1804 and 1812.
Death after August 1805 (Age 90 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1713Northumberland Co, VA
5 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Family with Martha Yancy - View this family
William EAVES
Birth: about 1753 38Brunswick Co, VA
Death: about 1832Jasper, Marian Co, TN
3 years
6 years
4 years
3 years
12 years


Deed Book 3, Page 365, Graves II Sold Land Inherited From Father

Indenture made 24 November 1747, between Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves of Brunswick County, sons & Devisees of Graves Eaves the Elder Late of the said County decd and John Freeman of Surry County, whereas the said graves Eaves, decd. in & by his last will & Testament proved & Recorded in the Court of the said County of Brunswick 6 February 1741, did amongst other things give & devise unto the said Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves his Land & plantation whereon he lived, £30, on North side of Meherrin River, 100a. Signed Thomas Eaves (bhm), Graves Eaves (bhm). Witnesses: James Clack, Peter Tatum, St. Clack. Court January 7, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves and Leanna the wife of the said Thomas & Sarah the wife of the said Graves personally appeared and relinquished their Right of Dower. Deed Book 3, Page 365.


Deed Book 6, Brunswick Co VA

From the list of Surveys from October, 1759 to June, 1760, by Drury STITH, Surveyor Deed Book 6, pages 625-626: October 27, 1760, Surveyed for Graves EAVES, 30 Acres of Land Joining Nathl. Edwards line on South side Meherrin


Graves, John, Thomas, and William Eaves listed in Poll taken for Nathaniel Edwards Jr at election of Burgesses for Brunswick Co.


Graves Eaves obtained a patent for 109 acres east side of Second Broad River near Robeson and Cathey's lines.

Graves later sold this land to Abel Lewis for £60 on Dec 5, 1785.


Graves Eaves bought 200 acres of land on both sides of Puzzle Creek from Thomas Roberson for £55.

In 1785 Eaves was granted 100 acres of land adjacent to this property.


Graves Eaves, an infirm man, was exempted from paying a poll tax.


From Morgan District, Rutherford Co, NC east of the Second Broad River between Cane and Roberson Creeks:

Graves Eves 1 male over 16, i male under 16, 1 female, 1 slave

Close by are Bartlet Eves 2 males over 16, 2 males under 16, 2 females Abel Lewis 1 1 2 1(slave)


Graves Eaves Morgan, Rutherford Co, North Carolina Free White Males 45 and Over : 1 Free White Females 45 and Over : 1 Number of Slaves: 4 Number of Household Members Over 25 : 2 Number of Household Members: 6


Graves and Bartlett Eaves were listed among the members of Concord Baptist Church - as was Susanne Eaves, probably William's wife. The church was located a mile south of Bostic and organized 14 Oct 1804. The membership list was created between 1804 and 1812.

Shared note

ALL information about the Eaves listed here has come from Doris Eaves McAdams' write up in Trinity Co Beginnings, family F398