Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Regimental Colours for 35th Regiment of Foot

Frederick SUMMERSAge: 32 years17871820

Frederick SUMMERS
Birth November 1787 49 47
Note: Nov 5 1787 is the likely date of Frederick Summers baptism, but there are other possibilities. The …
Frederick Summers - 35th Foot Soldiers List

Note: WO 25/372 from the British Archives has information on Frederic Summers including his age, place of birth, date of separation from the Army. It also states he was a Volunteer from the South Gloucestershire on 19 Apr 1805.

Baptism November 5, 1787

Note: Found in the British Archives in document WO25/1729, daily accounts of the 35th Foot in the 1810-181…
Birth of a sisterMartha SUMMERS
November 5, 1787
Military service between January 7, 1800 and September 4, 1802 (Age 12 years)
35th Foot of the British Army
between 1805 and 1816 (Age 17 years)
Note: Frederick Summers appeared in musters and soldier lists of the 35th Foot from 1805-1816.

South Glocestershire Militia
1805 (Age 17 years)

Note: According to his muster record in the 35th Foot, Frederick Summers Volunteered from the South Glocestershire Militia 19 April 1805, as did many others in his company.
Military service between April 19, 1805 and June 12, 1816 (Age 17 years)
Note: Napoleonic War - Regimental indexes 1806 Transcription
MarriageAnn PORTERView this family
August 28, 1805 (Age 17 years)
Note: DORSET MARRIAGES VOL 2, transcribed by Clifford Tatler, SOG.
Birth of a son
October 2, 1806 (Age 18 years)
Death of a sonMale SUMMERS
September 13, 1807 (Age 19 years)
Note: Ann's baby boy Summers led a short but difficult, eventful life. He was born in Sicily after the 2n…
Death of a motherMartha VIZARD
June 10, 1810 (Age 22 years)
Note: From Dursley Parish Register:
Birth of a daughter
Ann Priscilla SUMMERS
November 21, 1812 (Age 25 years)
Note: ARMY RECORDS BIRTHS:"Priscilla Summers Guernsey 1812 13th(sic)Regt vol 5 page 15"
13th Regiment of Foot
between 1817 and 1820 (Age 29 years)
Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Ca…

Death of a fatherCharles SUMMERS
January 12, 1817 (Age 29 years)
Note: From the parish register:
Death 1820 (Age 32 years)

Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot

Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 2, 1760Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
6 months
elder sister
28 years
-24 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
Birth: March 4, 1767 28 26Dursley, Gloucestershire
Death: March 4, 1767Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
3 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
Birth: October 28, 1777 39 37Dursley, Gloucestershire
Death: 1848Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
16 months
elder brother
Birth: February 19, 1779 40 38Dursley, Gloucestershire
Death: February 24, 1779Dursley, Gloucestershire
18 months
elder sister
7 years
Family with Ann PORTER - View this family
Marriage: August 28, 1805Parish of Broadway, County of Dorset, England
13 months
6 years
Charles COLLEY + Ann PORTER - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: December 24, 1826St George the Martyr, Southwark, South London, England
-6 years
John STINNER + Ann PORTER - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: October 30, 1820Edinburgh, Scotland
Samuel GROVES + Ann PORTER - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: January 1, 1823St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England


Nov 5 1787 is the likely date of Frederick Summers baptism, but there are other possibilities. The parish records of Dursley have a baptism record for Frederick Summers and Martha Summers, children of Charles and Martha Summers on 5 Nov 1787. One possibility is that these were not twins but a delayed baptism for Frederick who was born a year earlier. Frederick's records from the British Army on 17 June 1816 stated he was 29 years and 220 days of age. Computing backwards, this would put his birthdate in Nov 1786. ( WO 25/372.) There was also a baptism record for Fredc Summers, son of Charles and Martha on 16 Oct 1783. It is likely that young Fredc died soon after 1783 and the next son was given the same name - a common occurrence. Frederick's discharge papers state he was born in Cam Parish, near Dursley.

FREDERIC SUMMERS 05 Nov 1787 Baptism place DURSLEY Father's first name(s) Charles Mother's first name(s) Martha County Gloucestershire Record set Gloucestershire Baptisms


Frederick Summers appeared in musters and soldier lists of the 35th Foot from 1805-1816.


According to his muster record in the 35th Foot, Frederick Summers Volunteered from the South Glocestershire Militia 19 April 1805, as did many others in his company.


Found in the British Archives in document WO25/1729, daily accounts of the 35th Foot in the 1810-1815 era.

25 Dec 1810. Twenty five men died and it appears to be at Walchern under the command of Maj C.C. Arnett. The next month's account had 23 dead and 2 deserted, Three more died between 25 Feb and 24 March with 2 more desertions under Capt C Wall, Commanding Officer reporting. Returns in July-Aug reported 4 desertions and no deaths. In the following Feb/Mar 2012 report it was stated that the unit was in Shorncliffe Barracks until 25 May/24 June where they were found at Guernsey for 4 months. No more entries were found until 1813.

Margate Oct 25-Nov 26/1813 Hoeven Holland Nov 25-Dec 24/1813 Holland Dec 25-Mar 24/1814 Antwerp Mar 25-May 24/1814 Newport May 25-Aug 24/1814 Bruges Aug 25-Jan 1815 Ostend Jan 24-Mar 1815 Courtray Mar 25-May 24/1815 Camp Near Paris May 25 - Sep 24/1815 Marcou?? Sept 25 -Nov/1815 Audinghen (Near Calais) France Nov 25-Dec 24/1815 Dover Dec 25-Jan 24/1816 Waterford Ireland Jan 25-Apr 24/1816

Military service

Napoleonic War - Regimental indexes 1806 Transcription Record collection:Regimental & service records Collections from:United Kingdom, Copyright Barbara Chambers

Frederick Summers Year:1805 Enlistment Apr 19 Regiment:2/35th Foot, Rank:Serjeant WO25:967

Also, copied from original discharge papers of Frederick Summers. Originals in possession of Virginia Gaddis of Washington.

"Discharged 12 June 1816. E.H. Berkeley Commanding Officer. Sergeant Summers of 2nd Battalion, 35th Regiment

Elgin Fencibles 7 Jan 1800-4 Sep 1802 Thirty fifth 19 April 1805 - 12 June 1816, 11 years 54 days.

Served at Egypt, Walcheren, Holland and Waterloo. Wounded by musketball at Walcheren.

Sergeant Frederick Summers born in the parish of Cam in a near town of Dursley in the County of Gloucester.

5 feet 10 inches, dark brown har, fair complexion, hazle eyes

S.S. Scarfe Captain 35th Regiment"

And found in the British Archives: Frederick Summers name is listed as sergeant of the 35th Foot in the list of soldiers present at the Battle of Waterloo, in Capt Weare's Co, 2nd Battalion.


DORSET MARRIAGES VOL 2, transcribed by Clifford Tatler, SOG.

Marriage of Ann Porter and Frederick Summers (soldier 35 Regt), 28 Aug 1805 - by banns. (Looks like Frederick signed name, she made X). Witnesses: William Read and Thomas Whittle.

The LDS microfiln of the Bishop's Transcripts for Broadway has a gap for records in the time frame of this document; however, the other pages from the film appear to be identical in handwriting and form to this document. Evidently, the copy held by the family is a contemporary document.


A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. Evidently Frederick Summers, formerly of the 35th Foot, had reenlisted into the British Army in a different unit sometime between 1816 and 1820. This record is almost certainly a record for Ann PORTER Summers of Frensham, wife of Sgt Frederick Summers of Dursley.

Records of the 13th Regiment of Foot from Jun 1817 to 1820 show that Frederick Summers had rejoined the British Army after leaving the 35th Foot in 1816. In 1817 the 13th Regiment was in the Channel Island but they were moved to Hilsea Barracks in Portsmouth in June 1819. From there they were transferred to Scotland on Sept 25, 1819 to help suppress the Scottish rebellion. At various times he was in Glasgow, Stirling Castle and Edinburgh Castle where he died before Oct 20, 1820.

Napoleonic War Records 1775 - 1817 From findmypast has this entry: First name(s) Frederick Last name Summers Rank Corporal Regiment 1/13th Foot+ Enlistment year 1817 Enlistment day 10 Enlistment month Mar WO25 reference 931 Category Military Service & Conflict Subcategory Regimental & Service Records Collections from Great Britain, UK None

There are 11 mentions of Frederick Summers, a payroll clerk & Waterloo Man, in WO 12/3040 and WO 12/3041 of the British Archives. (1817-1820) The first record shows he must have joined the 13th as a Corporal but was promoted back to Sergeant sometime between June and Sept, 1817. He was stationed in Guernsey for most of his time with the 13th.

Media object

Frederick was a Color Sargeant in the 35th Regiment of Foot from 1806 until 1816. As a British soldier he saw action in Sicily, Egypt, Walcheren and Waterloo. His unit marched in a victory parade in Paris, after Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.His descendents still have the orange color sash that he wore as the Color Sargeant of his battalion.

Media object

Only the first battalion of the 35th Foot fought at San Pietro di Maida in Calabria, Italy against the Napoleonic forces. Frederick was probably still in England at the time of the battle since it was reported the 2nd Battalion did not arrive in Sicily until July 9, 1806.


Frederick's parents were almost certainly Charles Summers and Martha Vizard according th parish records and also to the fact that Charly Summers,son of Charles and Martha was also a cordwainer according to the Nympsfield parish records - as was Frederick (according to his mulitary records.)


Recent research has revealed more information about Frederic Summers and his wife Ann Porter. We had known that, after the Battle of Waterloo, Frederick left the 35th Regiment of Foot when they returned in 1816. We had no further information on him after that except that a family story (written in Indiana some 80 years later) said that he had died soon after. Newly discovered records from Edinburgh Scotland and from Muster Books in the British archives show that circa 1818 Frederick rejoined the British Army in the 13th Regiment, not the 35th. The 13th was stationed in the Channel Island of Guernsey and I conjecture Frederick and his wife Ann Porter wanted to return to Army life in Guernsey where they had lived in 1812 when their daughter Ann Priscilla was born. But the records show that the 13th was transferred to Scotland in 1819 to suppress an uprising of Glasgow factory workers and Frederick died sometime around October 1820. Now we have discovered that Ann immediately remarried another soldier from the 13th - John Stinner. I haven't been able to find the outcome of this marriage; the 13th Regiment was sent to Nepal in 1822 but I don't know if Stinner and Ann went with them. It's possible she did: Ann had been an army wife and followed Frederick from post to post, battles and all, for 15 years. Added: Research has shown that Stinner must have died because Ann married for the third time to a man named Samuel Groves, in London in 1823. However Groves died by 1826 whereas Ann married her fourth and final husband Charles Colley, 24 Dec 1826, in the London borough of Southwark.

BirthFrederick Summers - 35th Foot Soldiers List
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Note: WO 25/372 from the British Archives has information on Frederic Summers including his age, place of birth, date of separation from the Army. It also states he was a Volunteer from the South Gloucestershire on 19 Apr 1805.
BirthFrederick and Martha, Son & Daughter of Charles & Martha SummersFrederick and Martha, Son & Daughter of Charles & Martha Summers
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BaptismDursley Baptism Record for Frederick & Martha, Dursley 1787Dursley Baptism Record for Frederick & Martha, Dursley 1787
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MilitaryFrederick Summers in Muster Book of 35th FootFrederick Summers in Muster Book of 35th Foot
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MilitaryFrederick Summers' Muster Record (Page 2)Frederick Summers' Muster Record (Page 2)
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Type: Photo
MilitaryFrederick Summers' Muster Record (Page 2)Frederick Summers' Muster Record (Page 2)
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Military serviceSoldiers of the 35th Regiment Present at Waterloo
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MarriageHandwritten Marriage Record Preserved by Family
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MilitaryFirst Page of June 1817 Muster for 13th Regiment in GuernseyFirst Page of June 1817 Muster for 13th Regiment in Guernsey
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MilitaryFrederick Summers in 13th Regiment Muster, June 1817Frederick Summers in 13th Regiment Muster, June 1817
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MilitaryMuster Record for Frederick Summers in 13th Regiment March 1819Muster Record for Frederick Summers in 13th Regiment March 1819
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DeathAnn Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th FootAnn Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
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Image dimensions: 1,856 × 686 pixels
File size: 201 KB
Type: Document
Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.
Media objectRegimental Colours for 35th Regiment of FootRegimental Colours for 35th Regiment of Foot
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Note: Frederick was a Color Sargeant in the 35th Regiment of Foot from 1806 until 1816. As a British soldier he saw action in Sicily, Egypt, Walcheren and Waterloo. His unit marched in a victory parade in Paris, after Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.His descendents still have the orange color sash that he wore as the Color Sargeant of his battalion.
Media objectKings Colour 35th Foot RegimentKings Colour 35th Foot Regiment
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Media objectPainting of 35th Regiment in Battle of Maida, 1806Painting of 35th Regiment in Battle of Maida, 1806
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Note: Only the first battalion of the 35th Foot fought at San Pietro di Maida in Calabria, Italy against the Napoleonic forces. Frederick was probably still in England at the time of the battle since it was reported the 2nd Battalion did not arrive in Sicily until July 9, 1806.
Media objectAnn Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th FootAnn Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,856 × 686 pixels
File size: 201 KB
Type: Document
Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.