Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Adolph DODD1867

Adolph DODD
Birth October 1867 33 30

Death of a fatherAlfred DODD
December 3, 1868 (Age 14 months)
Death of a maternal grandmotherAnn Priscilla SUMMERS
March 28, 1880 (Age 12 years)
Burial of a maternal grandmotherAnn Priscilla SUMMERS
1880 (Age 12 years)
Death of a motherElizabeth Sabina STILL
February 27, 1885 (Age 17 years)
Census 1900 (Age 32 years)
Note: Name: Adolph Dodd
Death of a sisterAlice DODD
July 20, 1913 (Age 45 years)

Name: Adolph Dodd Home in 1900: Glaize, Jackson, Arkansas Probable census entry for Adolph in 1900:

Age: 32 Birth Date: Oct 1867 Birthplace: Indiana Race: White Ethnicity: American Gender: Male Relationship to Head of House: Boarder Father's Birthplace: England Mother's Birthplace: England Marital Status: Single Residence : Barren & Glaize Townships, Jackson, Arkansas