Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Patrick McCABEAge: 20 years18471867

Patrick McCABE
Given names
Birth April 14, 1847 42 32
Note: Sponsors were Thomas Martin and Betty McCabe.
Birth of a brotherFrancis Thomas McCABE
January 1851 (Age 3 years)
Note: The date of Francis' birthday is questionable. The only possible entry in the Magheracloone Parish …
Birth of a brotherJohn McCABE
June 23, 1856 (Age 9 years)
Note: Entry from the parish records of Magheracloone Monaghan: June 23, 1856. Joannes McCABE, Doagh. Son of Francisci et Margarita MARTIN. Sponsor Michael McCram and Francisca Lamb.
Death of a brotherJohn McCABE
1861 (Age 13 years)
Note: John was not with the family when they came to Canada in 1861, which probably means he had died before then.
Death of a paternal grandfatherFrancis McCABE
August 9, 1862 (Age 15 years)
Note: Entry from BRITISH PENSIONERS ABROAD by Norman Crowder: pp 243 "Fra McCabe, pension awarded 7 June…

Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas MARTIN
about 1865 (Age 17 years)
Death November 1867 (Age 20 years) Age: 19
Note: This is most likely record for Patrick's death.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before April 1840Monaghan Ireland
17 months
elder brother
9 years
younger brother
Francis Thomas McCABE
Birth: January 1851 46 36Corlea Township, Magheracloone Parish, Monaghan Ireland
Death: October 21, 1923Tiffany Township Eddy Co North Dakota
-5 years
elder brother
2 years
Patrick McCABE
Birth: April 14, 1847 42 32Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ire
Death: November 1867OPS Victoria Co Ontario
9 years
younger brother


Sponsors were Thomas Martin and Betty McCabe.


This is most likely record for Patrick's death.

Shared note

PATRICK age 13 was traveling with rest of McCabes when arrived at NYC on May 23, 1861. I assume he was also a child of Francis and Margaret. I don't know what happened to him.

Patrick's birth was confirmed in parish records of Magheracloone, (P.5774 Nat Lib Ire)... April 14, 1847. Patt McCabe S. of Frank and Margaret S. Thomas Martin and Biddy McCabe (Page Heading 1847 )

Church records indicate that he probably died in 1869 ,,,, but I can't be sure. A Patrick of the correct age died in Lindsay then, but I can't be sure it was this Patrick who died. In the cemetary in Lindsay the name Patrick is listed on the same tombstone as our Thomas MCCABE who is buried there with his family. I assume the name Patrick was placed there as a memorial to Thomas' brother who had died earlier.

BirthPatrick McCabe Baptism Magheracloone 1847Patrick McCabe Baptism Magheracloone 1847
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DeathInternment Entry from Catholic Church in LindsayInternment Entry from Catholic Church in Lindsay
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