Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Harry Michael SPELLMANAge: 78 years19071985

Harry Michael SPELLMAN
Given names
Harry Michael
Birth May 26, 1907
MarriageMary Ellen FADDENView this family
October 16, 1926 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
Harry Richmond SPELLMAN
December 4, 1927 (Age 20 years)
Death of a wifeMary Ellen FADDEN
1970 (Age 62 years)
Note: According to the Grand Forks Heritage Book, after her mother died Mary Ellen moved in with Margaret Connolly in Havre, MT.
Death July 17, 1985 (Age 78 years)
Family with Mary Ellen FADDEN - View this family
Marriage: October 16, 1926Seattle, King Co, WA
14 months
Harry Richmond SpellmanHarry Richmond SPELLMAN
Birth: December 4, 1927 20 19Washington, USA
Death: December 3, 1994Seattle, King Co, WA