Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary RIIS McCabe

Ingeborg Mary RIISAge: 88 years18761964

Ingeborg Mary RIIS
Given names
Ingeborg Mary
Married name
Ingeborg Mary McCABE
Birth 1876

Note: 1880 United States Federal Census for Ingeborg Mary Riis
Birth of a daughter
Esther Marie McCABE
June 18, 1910 (Age 34 years)
Death of a husbandCharles Peter McCABE
March 28, 1940 (Age 64 years)
Death June 25, 1964 (Age 88 years)

1880 United States Federal Census for Ingeborg Mary Riis Birthplace: Minnesota Home: Windom, Cottonwood, Minnesota

Father's Name: Frithjof Riis Father's Birthplace: Norway Mother's name: Ingeborg L. Riis Mother's Birthplace: Norway

Frithjof Riis 35 Ingeborg L. Riis 32 Laura P. Riis 11 Christian J. H. Riis 9 Elizabeth S. Riis 7 Ingeborg Mary Riis 4 Henry F. Riis 8m

Shared note

ACCORDING to geneal published by Gwen Brown:

Mary Riis McCabe lived in Cambridge MN at time of her fathers death.

DeathObituary of Mary Ingeborg Riis McCabe, 1964Obituary of Mary Ingeborg Riis McCabe, 1964
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Image dimensions: 156 × 398 pixels
File size: 27 KB
Type: Newspaper
BurialCharles and Mary RIIS McCabe Tombstone, Wheatland Co MTCharles and Mary RIIS McCabe Tombstone, Wheatland Co MT
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Image dimensions: 1,000 × 750 pixels
File size: 335 KB
Type: Photo
Media object(Ingeborg) Mary with daughter Ester(Ingeborg) Mary with daughter Ester
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Image dimensions: 1,056 × 1,626 pixels
File size: 149 KB
Highlighted image: no
Media objectMary RIIS McCabeMary RIIS McCabe
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 979 × 1,333 pixels
File size: 79 KB