Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John Levi STOLPAge: 91 years19132004

John Levi STOLP
Birth July 30, 1913 29
Death of a maternal grandfatherLevi William SNYDER
June 9, 1925 (Age 11 years)

Death of a motherEdith Jane SNYDER
December 4, 1945 (Age 32 years)
Death of a sisterEstelle Ann STOLP
November 1984 (Age 71 years)
Death of a sisterAlvina STOLP
September 17, 2003 (Age 90 years)
Note: From findagrave: Alvina R Stolp Rodacker
Death October 18, 2004 (Age 91 years)

Note: John Levi Stolp, 91, of Richland, WA, went home to live with his Heavenly Father on October 18, 2004…
Family with parents - View this family
-3 years
elder sister
-18 months
elder sister
Alvina STOLP
Birth: July 24, 1909 25South Dakota
Death: September 17, 2003Foster Co, ND
Family with Private - View this family


John Levi Stolp, 91, of Richland, WA, went home to live with his Heavenly Father on October 18, 2004, of natural causes. He died at home with his loving children at his side. John was born in Chaseley, North Dakota, on July 30, 1913. He lived and worked for many years as an electrician in Yakima, WA, and for the past 30 years he has been a resident of Richland. He was a faithful and dedicated member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in many positions and missions for the church. He also served his friends and neighbors as a handyman, helping with all that needed his help. He was preceded in death by his first wife, June Sheldon, his second wife, Luella Miles, a daughter, Toni, and a grandson L. T. Weimer. John is survived by eight daughters, Carol Avery (Gary), Linda Weimer, Diane Funderburk (Dorsey), Irene Gunderson (Steve, deceased), Kathy Hunzeker (Bill), Paulla Woodworth (Roger), Sandra Thornock (Todd), and Tamara Pankratz; one son, Mark Stolp (Nadine); 48 grandchildren; 51 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Graveside services will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in West Hills Memorial Gardens, Yakima, WA.

Published in the Tri-City Herald on 10/19/2004.


John Stolp was an electrician who became an amateur genealogist before the "genealogy craze" began. He investigated his McCabe family roots in the 1950s and 1960s and hired a genealogist in Canada to search records in Ontario for his roots. The genealogy report produced by the Canadian genealogist still serves a useful document for present McCabe researchers. Thanks to a grand gentleman.