Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Margaret MulhollandAge: 100 years19052005

Margaret Mulholland
Birth April 9, 1905 26
Death of a motherMargaret Mary McCABE
February 22, 1949 (Age 43 years)

Death May 12, 2005 (Age 100 years) Age: 100

Note: From FindaGrave: Birth: Apr. 9, 1905 Death: May 12, 2005

From FindaGrave: Birth: Apr. 9, 1905 Death: May 12, 2005

Born and Died: Arlington, SD. Buried: 05/17/05. She was married to William A. Antonen in 1946. He passed in 1986. She was then married to Fred Grano in 1988 and he passed in 2003.

Burial: Arlington Cemetery Brookings County South Dakota, USA