Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

May Margaret COREYAge: 84 years18951979

May Margaret COREY
Given names
May Margaret
Birth June 30, 1895 30 27
Marriage of parentsLincoln N. COREYCatherine Ann McCABEView this family
September 13, 1896 (Age 14 months)
Note: Lincoln Nicholas Corey was born on 22 May 1865 in Great Lake County, Wisconsin, died on 10 Jul 1948 …
Death of a maternal grandfatherPeter McCABE
September 13, 1896 (Age 14 months)
Death of a maternal grandmotherJane HOEY
February 2, 1902 (Age 6 years)
Death of a motherCatherine Ann McCABE
August 4, 1928 (Age 33 years)
Note: Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bryant SD.
Death of a fatherLincoln N. COREY
July 10, 1948 (Age 53 years)
Death September 14, 1979 (Age 84 years)
Note: Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bryant, Hamlin County, SD
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 13, 1896Brookings, SD
-14 months
May Margaret COREY
Birth: June 30, 1895 30 27Bryant, Hamlin Co, SD
Death: September 14, 1979Watertown, Codington Co, SD


Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bryant, Hamlin County, SD


From Findagrave for May Margaret Corey

Birth: Jun. 30, 1895 Bryant, Hamlin County South Dakota, USA

Death: Sep. 14, 1979 Watertown, Codington County South Dakota, USA