Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Calvin (Cab) GANNAge: 49 years18211870

Calvin (Cab) GANN
Birth about 1821 28 30
Birth of a brotherSamuel GANN
1825 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherAdam GANN
1827 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherCharles GANN
1829 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherEilsha GANN
about 1833 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterMartha J. GANN
1834 (Age 13 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherAdam PAINTER
June 25, 1835 (Age 14 years)
Note: US pension records from East TN state that Adam died June 25, 1835. (
Death of a paternal grandfatherThomas GANN
July 25, 1840 (Age 19 years)
Note: A list of Rev War pensioners from East TN lists Thomas Gann and states he died in 25 July 1840. (
MarriagePriscilla OLINGERView this family
1844 (Age 23 years)
Death of a motherSarah (Sally) PAINTER
about 1860 (Age 39 years)

Death after 1870 (Age 49 years)
Note: Burial: Aft. 1870, Lone Rock Cemetery, Jasper Township, Dallas, Missouri
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 1, 1812Washington Co TN
3 years
elder brother
6 years
elder brother
1 year
elder brother
-5 months
elder brother
6 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
5 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
Family with Priscilla OLINGER - View this family
Marriage: 1844Green Co, TN


Burial: Aft. 1870, Lone Rock Cemetery, Jasper Township, Dallas, Missouri


In 1871 Calvin was living in Dallas Co MO, according to his father's estate.