Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Thomas GANNAge: 76 years17641840

Thomas GANN
Birth March 17, 1764 31 29
Note: Thomas, in his application for a Rev War pension, stated that he was born 17 Mar 1764 in Virginia. Thomas' father Adam probably was living close to his widowed mother Elizabeth Gann near Winchester VA at the time of Thomas' birth.
Revolutionary War in North Carolina

Birth of a brotherAdam C. GANN
1769 (Age 4 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJoseph ABEL
May 1772 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth GANN
about 1775 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a brotherDaniel L GANN
about 1777 (Age 12 years)
Marriageunknown View this family
about 1788 (Age 23 years)

Note: Kay says her research proves Elizabeth was NOT Thomas' wife. \" Elizabeth was the widow of Ison/Isom Gann. We have no idea who was the wife of Thomas. I also believe that Mary Gann Corbitt was the daughter of Thomas. This is based upon the connections that I have found in Rhea and Hamilton County.\"
Death of a motherJane ABEL
about 1788 (Age 23 years)

Birth of a son
Cornelius GANN
1791 (Age 26 years)

Tennessee Militia
1793 (Age 28 years)
Note: According to Thomas' Rev War pension application he participated in many skirmishes with the Cheroke…
Birth of a son
John (Jack) GANN
about 1793 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas GANN JR
1796 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
George GANN
1798 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth GANN
1802 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Preston GANN
April 20, 1802 (Age 38 years)
Death of a fatherAdam GANN
August 6, 1812 (Age 48 years)
Note: \"Will of Adam Gann, dated 8 Mar. 1812: Blessed be God attest this my last will and testament finding myself in a great indisposion of body but in my rite reasons and in my perfect senses first of all committing my body to the yearth and my soul to God who gave it I think proper to fix my afares leaving Adam Gann and Nathan Gann my executors of my estate first of all I leave unto my beloved wife Christan Gann all my estate consisting of one negro in the hands of my son Dam (probably Dan for Daniel) Gan and all my horses all my cattle sheep and hogs and household furniture to remain in the hands of my wife Christen Gan during her natural life or widowhood and then to be divided equally amonsts my three children Peggy Gan Hannah Gan Samuel Gan unto all my sons and daughters begottn by my first wife I leave one doler to each of them as witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal. Adam (his X mark) Gann, Test George McGuer, Test Joseph McArter,\" (Recorded in Will Book No. 2, Page No. 18, Jefferson County, Tennessee) (Spellings are as used in the original handwritten document.)
Marriage of a childJohn (Jack) GANNSarah (Sally) PAINTERView this family
December 1, 1812 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a son
Robert GANN
about 1821 (Age 56 years)
Death of a brotherIsham GANN
July 1825 (Age 61 years)
Address: According to Gann Gazette (Vol 21, No 1, pp 7) Isham (or Isom) died intestate circa July of 1825 and Cornelius Williams was appointed administrator of his estate Aug 2, 1825 in Rhea Co TN.
Revolutionary War Pension 1832 (Age 67 years)

Note: Thomas applied for Rev War Pension in 1832, as a captain. He was denied due to the lack of corroborating evidence. Thomas reapplied for pension in 1834 as a private. He got his pension. He lost his pension papers and reapplied for back payments in 1836.

Death July 25, 1840 (Age 76 years)
Note: A list of Rev War pensioners from East TN lists Thomas Gann and states he died in 25 July 1840. (
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
11 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
4 years
6 years
younger brother
7 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
-16 years
elder sister
Father’s family with CHRISTEN - View this family
Family with unknown - View this family
Marriage: about 1788
6 years
4 years
-4 years
12 years
-3 years
4 years


Thomas, in his application for a Rev War pension, stated that he was born 17 Mar 1764 in Virginia. Thomas' father Adam probably was living close to his widowed mother Elizabeth Gann near Winchester VA at the time of Thomas' birth.


Kay says her research proves Elizabeth was NOT Thomas' wife. \" Elizabeth was the widow of Ison/Isom Gann. We have no idea who was the wife of Thomas. I also believe that Mary Gann Corbitt was the daughter of Thomas. This is based upon the connections that I have found in Rhea and Hamilton County.\"


According to Thomas' Rev War pension application he participated in many skirmishes with the Cherokee Indians as a Captain in Gen John Sevier's army in TN. One skirmish he mentioned was the "sharp skirmish" at the junction of the Coosa and High Tower.

A summary of the battle was found on a History of the Cherokee web site:

1793 - Oct; Chief John WATTS with the main body of the Cherokee army moved northward across the "Clinch River", then on to the Tennessee River and the Etowah River, where the army entrenched itself. When the Cherokee army discovered a group of white soldiers half-mile downriver, they left their fortifications and ran to kill them, exposing themselves to the main white army of about 600 men under Command of Colonel John SEVIER, who had set the trap. John WATTS army lost many men, guns and supplies. They fell back in disorder from SEVIER'S attack, crossing the Coosa River. At Etowah or "Hightower", the Cherokee army confronted Colonel John SEVIER and lost there too, a major and final defeat. [Trail of Tears, John Ehue, pg 45]

The site of the battle is located in the modern town of Rome GA. The DAR has erected a monument to the Battle of Hightower on its site.

Revolutionary War Pension

Thomas applied for Rev War Pension in 1832, as a captain. He was denied due to the lack of corroborating evidence. Thomas reapplied for pension in 1834 as a private. He got his pension. He lost his pension papers and reapplied for back payments in 1836.


A list of Rev War pensioners from East TN lists Thomas Gann and states he died in 25 July 1840. (

MilitaryRevolutionary War RecordRevolutionary War Record
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MilitaryRevolutionary War Record (Continued)Revolutionary War Record (Continued)Pension Abstract for Thomas and Samuel Gann
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Revolutionary War PensionThomas' original letter of application in 1832 for captain's pension
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Revolutionary War PensionThomas' application for private's pension in 1834
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Revolutionary War PensionThomas applied for copies of pension papers and back payment.
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DeathRecord of Final Voucher from Pension (National Archives)Record of Final Voucher from Pension (National Archives)
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Media objectPension Abstract for Thomas and Samuel Gann
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Media objectGann Family From Hamilton Co TN
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Note: This history of the Gann family in Hamilton Co TN appeared in the Chattanooga newspaper.