Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John Martin DUNN1863

John Martin DUNN
Given names
John Martin
Also known as
John Daniel Dunn
Birth February 2, 1863 37 35
Christening February 2, 1863
Note: Baptism record says name is John David Dunn.
Birth of a brotherJames Joseph DUNN
1869 (Age 5 years)
Death of a fatherPatrick DUNN
August 22, 1893 (Age 30 years)
Note: Patrick Dunn
Death of a brotherSimon DUNN
September 1897 (Age 34 years)

Note: Rochester, Monroe, N. Y.
Death of a motherElizabeth McCABE
May 8, 1904 (Age 41 years) Age: 77

Death of a brotherFrancis DUNN
January 11, 1908 (Age 44 years)

Note: Rochester, Monroe, N. Y.
Census 1910 (Age 46 years)
Note: Living with his brother Frank's widow (Ellen) and her children.
Fireman Boiler in Stationary Factory
1910 (Age 46 years)

Residence 1911 (Age 47 years)
!911 Rochester Directory for John M Dunn
!911 Rochester Directory for John M Dunn

Note: Directory shows there were 2 John M Dunns in Rochester. John Dunn was still living with his sister in law at 284 Oak.

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1856Probably New York
22 months
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
3 years
7 years
younger brother


Baptism record says name is John David Dunn.


Living with his brother Frank's widow (Ellen) and her children.

ChristeningBaptism Record of John Dunn, 1863, LindsayBaptism Record of John Dunn, 1863, Lindsay
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Image dimensions: 1,627 × 739 pixels
File size: 457 KB
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Residence!911 Rochester Directory for John M Dunn!911 Rochester Directory for John M Dunn
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Image dimensions: 503 × 376 pixels
File size: 116 KB
Type: Other
Note: Directory shows there were 2 John M Dunns in Rochester. John Dunn was still living with his sister in law at 284 Oak.