Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Patrick McCABEAge: 67 years17781845

Patrick McCABE
Given names
Birth about 1778
Note: Patrick's birth date is unknown. Based on the fact that Patrick McCabe appeared on the lease in Aghnalart in 1798 and, assuming this is Old Francis' brother, he must have been born before 1779.
Birth of a daughter
Catherine McCABE

Birth of a brotherFrancis McCABE
September 20, 1782 (Age 4 years)
Note: Francis' service record indicates he was born on the Townland Aghnalart in the parish of Magheracloone. He returned there after his service ended. Aghnalart means "Eagles Ford" in Irish.
Immigration 1827 (Age 49 years)
Note: In 1848 Francis McCabe stated his brother Patrick came to Ontario in 1827 where he purchased his first property. Later in 1834 he moved to his better lot on Conc 3.
Birth of a son
Patrick McCABE
about 1828 (Age 50 years)
Residence 1830 (Age 52 years)
Note: Since Francis said he was from Aghnillard, it is likely that Patrick McCabe was also a resident of the townland in Magheracloone Parish before he immigrated to Ops in Ontario about 1832. In leases, rental lists and Tithe Applotment List on the Shirley Estate from 1798 through 1830, Patrick McCabe, son of Owen McCabe appeared on the townland.
MarriageSarahView this family
before 1831 (Age 53 years)
Concession 3 Lot 13
1834 (Age 56 years)
Conc 3 Lot 13 in Ops
1837 (Age 59 years)

Death before 1845 (Age 67 years)
Probate 1855 (10 years after death)
Lawsuit 1856 (11 years after death)
Probate 1857 (12 years after death)
Family with parents - View this family
5 years
younger brother
Family with Sarah - View this family
Marriage: before 1831Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ire
-2 years


Patrick's birth date is unknown. Based on the fact that Patrick McCabe appeared on the lease in Aghnalart in 1798 and, assuming this is Old Francis' brother, he must have been born before 1779.


In 1848 Francis McCabe stated his brother Patrick came to Ontario in 1827 where he purchased his first property. Later in 1834 he moved to his better lot on Conc 3.


Since Francis said he was from Aghnillard, it is likely that Patrick McCabe was also a resident of the townland in Magheracloone Parish before he immigrated to Ops in Ontario about 1832. In leases, rental lists and Tithe Applotment List on the Shirley Estate from 1798 through 1830, Patrick McCabe, son of Owen McCabe appeared on the townland.

Shared note

PATRICK came to Ops about 1831 accrding to numerous legal documents found in the Heirs and Devicees files and land records in the Ontario archives. His family stayed behind in Magheracloone. There are two preserved letters written about 1855 attesting to the facts of his family relations in the Ops land records ; one from his brother Francis in Ops and one from his wife Sarah, who was still in Magheracloone, Monaghan.

Patrick received a land patent on Conc 3 Lot 13 west of Lindsay. There was a dispute over the title of this land, resulting in many letters in the Ops land records files. Some of the earliest Ops residents attested to facts about the case, most in support of Patrick's case but a few supporting the competing claim.

After Patrick died sometime in the 1840's, by 1855 Patrick's son Patrick (Jr.) had come to Ops from Monaghan to claim his father's land patent. From the records it is clear that old Francis McCabe of Ops was the uncle of young Patrick and the brother of Patrick Sr.

ImmigrationFrancis' 1848 Letter for Patrick Found in Ontario ArchivesFrancis' 1848 Letter for Patrick Found in Ontario Archives
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ResidenceAghnalart Townland Tithe Applotment (Partial)Aghnalart Townland Tithe Applotment (Partial)
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PropertyPeter McCabe's Letter of Support for Patrick
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PropertyFrancis' Letter for Patrick's Land Claim
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PropertyFrancis' 1848 Letter for Patrick Found in Ontario ArchivesFrancis' 1848 Letter for Patrick Found in Ontario Archives
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Image dimensions: 2,954 × 1,709 pixels
File size: 396 KB
Type: Document
ProbateSarah Writes Letter Supporting Son's Claim to Land
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LawsuitFrancis Pays Off Judgement against Patrick McCabe Jr
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ProbatePatrick McCabe's Son Granted Conc 3 Lot 13
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