Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Patrick McCABEAge: 33 years18281861

Patrick McCABE
Birth about 1828 50
Marriage of parentsPatrick McCABESarahView this family
before 1831 (Age 3 years)
Death of a fatherPatrick McCABE
before 1845 (Age 17 years)
Death of a motherSarah
1855 (Age 27 years)
Address: Presumed to be: Magheracloone, Monaghan Ireland
Death of a sisterCatherine McCABE
after 1855 (Age 27 years)

Census 1861 (Age 33 years)
Conc 3 Lot 13, Ops Township, Victoria Co, ONT

Note: Evidently Patrick lost a lawsuit vs William McMahon and was going to lose the land he inherited from his father Patrick Sr. According to the land records in the courthouse, Francis McCabe, Patrick's uncle, paid the debt to Mr McMahon so the Patrick Jr could retain the land.
Death after 1861 (Age 33 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1831Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ire
-2 years


Evidently Patrick lost a lawsuit vs William McMahon and was going to lose the land he inherited from his father Patrick Sr. According to the land records in the courthouse, Francis McCabe, Patrick's uncle, paid the debt to Mr McMahon so the Patrick Jr could retain the land.

Shared note

PATRICK came to OPS about 1854 to claim his father's land, S1/2 Conc 3 Lot 13. He did receive title but was embroiled in a lawsuit (for unknow reason) but I believe it involved a dispute over the land. His uncle, Francis, paid the judgement to the lawsuit as a loan(See document 155, Book 1 Vic Land Book), which Patrick repaid. Patrick must have had financial problems since he sold the land to his cousin Simon during the 1860's. Don't know what happened to Patrick but he was not listed in the 1869 Victoria Co Directory, nor was he in the 1871 census. As far as can be told, neither his mother nor sister Catherine came to Ops.


The newspaper Peterborough Review on June 13, 1856 had the following advertisement:

SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND: Will be sold at the Courthose, in the town of Peterborough, on Monday the Eighth day of September next, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, the following Lands and Tenements, viz:- IN THE QUEENS BENCH, William McMahon, Plaintiff, vs Patrick McCabe, Defendent. The north half of Lot 13 in the 3rd Con. of the Township of Ops. James Hall, Sheriff.

PropertyNotice in Newspaper of Patrick's LandNotice in Newspaper of Patrick's Land
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NoteNotice in Newspaper of Patrick's LandNotice in Newspaper of Patrick's Land
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Image dimensions: 503 × 352 pixels
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Type: Newspaper
Highlighted image: no