Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Rebecca Maria (Widow) MuldoonAge: 74 years17871861

Rebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon
Given names
Rebecca Maria (Widow)
Married name
Rebecca Maria (Widow) McCABE
Married name
Rebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon
Birth about 1787
Note: Probably Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland
Birth of a son
1818 (Age 31 years)
Note: The children of William Muldoon, in their census responses, maintained William was born in Northern Ireland; e.g. Ulster. William's naturalization record in 1848, sworn in Rochester NY, stated he was from Fermanagh Ireland. His brother Arthur's obit stated he was from EnnisKillen, Fermanagh, Ireland.
Birth of a daughter
about 1821 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
July 15, 1828 (Age 41 years)
Note: Arthur's obituary gives his birth place. His birthdate is unknown because he gave dates varying from 1810 to 1828 but his application for citizenship give July 15, 1828.
Marriage of a childWilliam MULDOONAnn KENTView this family
Type: Religious marriage
April 18, 1839 (Age 52 years)
Note: Record found in Anglican Archives in Toronto, May 2011.
Death of a husband<unknown> MULDOON
before 1841 (Age 54 years)

Religious marriageFrancis McCABEView this family
November 16, 1841 (Age 54 years)
Marriage of a childMichael McCABEJane MULDOONView this family
November 16, 1842 (Age 55 years)
Confirmation January 18, 1850 (Age 63 years)
Source: Lindsay Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary Baptisms, Book Marriages 1850-1865
CensusFrancis McCABEView this family
1861 (Age 74 years)
Proof of First Name

Note: Francis' marriage in Ops identified his wife as Widow Muldoon, with no hint of her first name. In 1854 Francis sold some land and Widow Muldoon was identified as Rebecca Mccabe. Also, the 1861 census for Francis verified that widow Muldoon was named Rebecca.

Note: The first husband and pedigree of Rebecca (Widow) Muldoon McCabe are not known but the following is …
Death after 1861 (Age 74 years)
Family with <unknown> MULDOON - View this family
8 years
Birth: July 15, 1828 41Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland
Death: May 22, 1901Cook Co., IL, USA
Family with Francis McCABE - View this family
Marriage: November 16, 1841St Mary's Catholic Church in Lindsay
Francis McCABE + Sarah RICHARDS - View this family
husband’s wife
16 years
9 years
-10 months

ConfirmationLindsay Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary Baptisms, Book Marriages 1850-1865

Probably Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland


Francis' marriage in Ops identified his wife as Widow Muldoon, with no hint of her first name. In 1854 Francis sold some land and Widow Muldoon was identified as Rebecca Mccabe. Also, the 1861 census for Francis verified that widow Muldoon was named Rebecca.


The first husband and pedigree of Rebecca (Widow) Muldoon McCabe are not known but the following is our best conjecture of her family.

The Widow Muldoon's name first appeared on Ops in the record of her marriage to old Francis McCabe in Lindsay in Nov 1841. However the Muldoon family had appeared in various Census of Population of Ops by 1839.

1839 Census -- Arthur Muldoon, 2 males > 16, no females, living close to Michael McCabe, approximately Conc 7. This is likely Arthur and William Muldoon arriving in Ops.

1840 Census - William Muldoon, his new wife Ann Kent, and baby living on East side of Ops in approximately Conc 11. Arthur Muldoon is living close by with 2 females over age 16 - probably his mother Widow Muldoon and his sister Jane Muldoon who have arrived in Ops.

1841 - Actually Jan 1842 - William Muldoon continues to live on East side of Ops with wife and child. However, Arthur Muldoon is listed with 1 young male, 1 old male (himself) , 1 young female and 2 older females. By Jan 1842 the Widow was already married to Francis McCabe and his household shows 1 young male, 2 older males, and 2 older females; thus Rebecca must be the mother of Arthur, not his wife. Jane Muldoon is one of the older females but we can't tell which family unit she is listed in.

Summarizing, the most likely scenario is that the Widow Rebecca Muldoon is the mother of all three known Muldoons in OPS, William, Arthur, and Jane.


Rebecca Maria Muldoon was born in Ireland and immigrated to Canada before 1839. Her maiden name is unknown. Her husband or son was probably Arthur Muldoon who settled on Concession 7 in Ops, although that is not proved. In any case she was a widow by 1841 when she married "Old" Francis (Frank) McCabe of Ops. Rebecca was confirmed as a Catholic in the church at Downeyville in 1850 and her name appears in land transactions in the early 1850s when Francis sold his original homestead. There is no doubt that the Widow Muldoon who married Frank McCabe(as listed in the marriage records of St Marys) is the same as Rebecca Maria Muldoon.

Rebecca is living with Francis in the 1861 census of Ops. In the same household is Francis' newly arrived grandson, Michael McCabe, who had come to Ops in 1859 from Monaghan.

It is not known when Rebecca died. She was not mentioned in Frank's will of Aug 1862.


I have placed Ann Muldoon in this family due to the fact that this Muldoon family lived close to Ann's husband George Downey of Ops and, also, that William Muldoon wrote a letter of support for George Downey in 1861. In addition several descendants of George Downey and Ann Muldoon are DNA matches with descendants of Jane Muldoon in the database..

ConfirmationConfirmation Record for Rebecca Maria McCabe (Widow Muldoon)Confirmation Record for Rebecca Maria McCabe (Widow Muldoon)
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CensusFrancis McCabe, Widow Muldoon, Michael McCabe 1861 Census, Ops, VictoriaFrancis McCabe, Widow Muldoon, Michael McCabe 1861 Census, Ops, Victoria
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FactDeed Record #7770 in Victora Co Verified Name RebeccaDeed Record #7770 in Victora Co Verified Name Rebecca
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Note: Film 0202264 in FHL