Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Regimental Colours for the Francis' unit, 74th Highlanders

Francis McCABEAge: 79 years17821862

Francis McCABE
Given names
Birth September 20, 1782
Note: Francis' service record indicates he was born on the Townland Aghnalart in the parish of Magheracloone. He returned there after his service ended. Aghnalart means "Eagles Ford" in Irish.
MarriageSarah RICHARDSView this family

Note: Catholic records for Magheracloone parishes are nonexistent before 1827 - hence no information is available on this marriage. It is possible that Sarah Richards was Francis' second wife since there is a large difference in ages between Francis Jr and his younger siblings. In 1827, when Francis applied for land in Toronto, he stated he had 3 sons and 2 daughters. So there is one son and one daughter whose names are unknown to us.
Birth of a son
Francis “Red” McCABE
about 1805 (Age 22 years)
Note: It is difficult to know Francis' true birth year. Based on his age indicated in various documents, h…
Discharged from Chelsea Hospital
May 24, 1816 (Age 33 years)
Note: Francis was discharged as as Out Patient of Chelsea Hospital (near London) in 1816. He was discharged based on the fact he was no longer fit to serve after being wounded in battle in Spain and also on the fact that the British army was retiring entire units after the Napoleon Wars had ended.

Military service between 1809 and 1816 (Age 26 years)
Note: The 1808-09 pay book for the 74th Foot in the British archives shows that Francis joined the regimen…
Note: The 13th Royal Veteran Battalion was raised in 1813 at Lisbon from Peninsula War invalids. It served in 1815 in Ostend, returned to Sheerness, and was renumbered on disbandment of other veteran battalions to become the 7th Royal Veteran Battalion. The battalion was disbanded in 1816 at Chelsea. [Wiki]

Birth of a daughter
about 1820 (Age 37 years)
Note: We know Francis had several children but not all of their names were known. On 12 Sept 2024 a newspaper article from 1838 was found that named Anne McCabe as a missing daughter of Francis McCabe. She was last seen in NY city about 1838.
Residence 1822 (Age 39 years)
Note: In a small book (Rent Arrears 1822-1823 ) found in the in the Shirley Estate records, Warwickshire Archives (CR 229 16/1), an entry was found for Francis McCabe - proving that he returned to Aghnalard after being pensioned from the British Army in 1815. It showed that he was 6.7.8 (English money) in arrears on his rent for land on Aghnalard in Magheracloone parish. It was later in 1823 that he rejoined the British Army, though it is not clear whether he was recalled to the service or he rejoined voluntarily.
2nd Royal Veteran Battalion - British Army
1823 (Age 40 years)
Note: Records found in British Archives.

Birth of a son
Simon McCABE
March 1, 1827 (Age 44 years)
Emigration May 1827 (Age 44 years)
Note: Original records from the Canada Archives show that Francis arrived in Upper Canada in May 1827. In…
Emigration December 5, 1827 (Age 45 years)
Note: Francis arrived in Canada requesting land - as a pensioned soldier of the 7th Veteran Battalion. Entry can be found in Book N, pg 188 C-104 of the Archives of Canada.

Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth McCABE
about 1828 (Age 45 years)
Note: Francis grew up on the Townland of Aghanalart, Magheracloone, in the Baroney of Farney in the southernmost part of Co Monaghan.
Lot 17 in Concession 10 in Ops
1832 (Age 49 years)
Concession 2 Lot 14
1835 (Age 52 years)
Death of a wifeSarah RICHARDS
before 1840 (Age 57 years)

Marriage of a childFrancis “Red” McCABEMargaret MARTINView this family
before April 1840 (Age 57 years)
Note: Document D/3531/M/5/1 from the PRONI shows that in April 1840, evident newlyweds Frank McCabe and h…
Concession 10 Lot 11
1840 (Age 57 years)
Note: Francis received the original patent on this lot in 1840. He was given the land because he was a pensioned soldier of the 74th Foot and 7th Reserve Battalions of the British army. He was on the land before 1829.
Second marriage to Widow Muldoon 1840 (Age 57 years)
Note: Various records that prove that the Widow Muldoon who married Frank McCabe in early 1840's was, in fact, Rebecca Maria Muldoon - a widow. Her maiden name is not known. The papers show that the Frank McCabe who lived on Conc 10 Lot 11 was, in fact, the same man who married Widow Muldoon. It is a conjecture but, almost assuredly true, that the Widow Muldoon was the mother of Jane Muldoon who married into a different(Michael) McCabe family who lived on Conc 7 Lot 15.
Religious marriageRebecca Maria (Widow) MuldoonView this family
November 16, 1841 (Age 59 years)
Death of a brotherPatrick McCABE
before 1845 (Age 62 years)
Marriage of a childSimon McCABEMary Ann McCABEView this family
August 9, 1853 (Age 70 years)
Letters For Patrick McCabe Jr. 1855 (Age 72 years)
Note: In 1848 and 1855 Francis testified in favor of his brother Patrick's ownership of lot 13 on concession 3 in OPs. Both letters verify that Patrick was his brother, that he died before 1848, that Francis was a pensioned soldier from the 7th RVB, that Patrick arrived in OPs in 1827, and Patrick left a wife, son and daughter in Ireland.

Marriage of a childPatrick DUNNElizabeth McCABEView this family
about 1856 (Age 73 years)
CensusRebecca Maria (Widow) MuldoonView this family
1861 (Age 78 years)
Death of a wifeRebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon
after 1861 (Age 78 years)
Concession 9 Lot 19
1862 (Age 79 years)
Note: The documents contained within this item show the continuous relationship to this lot by Old Francis McCabe heirs, eventually ending with the sale and waiver of rights to the land by Francis' known daughter Elizabeth Dunn to Thomas McCabe, son ofFrancis McCabe and Margaret Martin. The purpose of this demonstration is to argue that the son named Francis (of Laxton) who inherited rights to this property in Old Francis' will of 1862 is the same man as the father of the man (Thomas McCabe) who ended up with the property in 1895. Thus establishing the father/son relationship between Old Francis and Francis McCabe, husband of Margaret Martin and father of Thomas McCabe.

Will August 1862 (Age 79 years)
Note: Francis wrote a will in Aug 1862 shortly before his death. He left the bulk of his estate to his 2 year old grandson Francis (son of Simon); to his daughter Elizabeth Dunn and husband Patrick; to his son Francis (Jr.) of Laxton; to Simon and to Simon's father-in-law Patrick McCabe. (Patrick's daughter was Mary Ann McCabe - Yes, another McCabe married a McCabe in Lindsay.)

A Second Copy of Francis McCabe Will, 1862, Victoria Co Ontario
A Second Copy of Francis McCabe Will, 1862, Victoria Co Ontario

Note: Francis will is referred to in land records of Ops including Conc 3 Lot 13, the land of his brother …

Death August 9, 1862 (Age 79 years)
Note: Entry from BRITISH PENSIONERS ABROAD by Norman Crowder: pp 243 "Fra McCabe, pension awarded 7 June…

Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
5 years
Family with Sarah RICHARDS - View this family
16 years
9 years
-10 months
Family with Rebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon - View this family
Marriage: November 16, 1841St Mary's Catholic Church in Lindsay
<unknown> MULDOON + Rebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon - View this family
wife’s husband
8 years
Birth: July 15, 1828 41Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland
Death: May 22, 1901Cook Co., IL, USA


Francis' service record indicates he was born on the Townland Aghnalart in the parish of Magheracloone. He returned there after his service ended. Aghnalart means "Eagles Ford" in Irish.


Francis was discharged as as Out Patient of Chelsea Hospital (near London) in 1816. He was discharged based on the fact he was no longer fit to serve after being wounded in battle in Spain and also on the fact that the British army was retiring entire units after the Napoleon Wars had ended.

Military service

The 1808-09 pay book for the 74th Foot in the British archives shows that Francis joined the regiment at Regimental Headquarters on Aug 7, 1809 - rather than at one of the recruiting depots around Ireland and Scotland. He actually joined as one of two substitutes for John Neill, which allowed John Neill to leave the service. There was no indication as to why he joined as a substitute but perhaps he was able to receive remuneration from Mr. Neill.

[ WO 12/8066 Privates for 24 June 1809 - 24 Sept 1809... Francis McCabe, 7 Aug - 24 Sept, 47 days, Recruit at headquarters 7 Aug, enlisted for John Neil as a labor??. John Neil, discharged, 12 Aug 1809, having found two substitutes by permission of Commander. ]

A muster roll for the 74th Foot was found in the Archives at KEW. Supposedly it was taken in 1810 but that it difficult to verify. On this record it was claimed that Francis was born in Hilsboro, Co Down. This is probably a mistake because in his discharge papers he claimed he was born in Aughnalard Townland, County Monaghan where he lived. The 74th Foot was sent to Portugal in 1810 where it remained for the duration of the Napoleonic Wars.

Francis spent the last 4 years of his service in the 13th Royal Veteran Battalion, in Portugal and finally in Belgium as the British Army met Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. Francis' unit was in reserve well away from the fighting in Belgium.

13th (7th) Royal Veteran Battalion Secondary Titles: June 1815 – 7th Royal Veteran Battalion Regimental History 1813: 25 March - raised at Lisbon from Peninsula War invalids 1814: Portugal; Lisbon  1815: February – England; April – Belgium; Ostend; June – re-numbered as 7th Royal Veteran Battalion 1816:March – England; Sheerness; 24 May - disbanded at Chelsea Senior Officers 19 November 1812: Colonel – William Raymond 25 January 1813: Lt Col Archibald McDonnell 21 October 1813: Lt Col Robert Haly Burton 25 January 1813: Major George Langlands 26 October 1815: Major P D Fellowes

Military service

The 13th Royal Veteran Battalion was raised in 1813 at Lisbon from Peninsula War invalids. It served in 1815 in Ostend, returned to Sheerness, and was renumbered on disbandment of other veteran battalions to become the 7th Royal Veteran Battalion. The battalion was disbanded in 1816 at Chelsea. [Wiki]


Catholic records for Magheracloone parishes are nonexistent before 1827 - hence no information is available on this marriage. It is possible that Sarah Richards was Francis' second wife since there is a large difference in ages between Francis Jr and his younger siblings. In 1827, when Francis applied for land in Toronto, he stated he had 3 sons and 2 daughters. So there is one son and one daughter whose names are unknown to us.


In a small book (Rent Arrears 1822-1823 ) found in the in the Shirley Estate records, Warwickshire Archives (CR 229 16/1), an entry was found for Francis McCabe - proving that he returned to Aghnalard after being pensioned from the British Army in 1815. It showed that he was 6.7.8 (English money) in arrears on his rent for land on Aghnalard in Magheracloone parish. It was later in 1823 that he rejoined the British Army, though it is not clear whether he was recalled to the service or he rejoined voluntarily.


Records found in British Archives.

WO 121 Royal Hospital, Chelsea: Discharge Documents of Pensioners WO 121/209 Certificates of Service and related correspondence.

FRANCIS MCCABE. Born MAGHERADONE, Monaghan. Served in 7th Royal Veteran Battalion; 2nd Royal Veteran Battalion. Discharged aged 38 after 8 years 8 months of service.

Partial History of 2nd RVB 1821.12.25 re-formed at Newry 1826.04.24 disbanded at Enniskillen

Deployment and Service: 1821.12.25 raised at Newry 1822.04 Ireland: Londonderry 1826.04.24 disbanded at Enniskillen

Francis' Discharge paper shows Francis was from Aghnalart, Magheracloone Parish,Monaghan. (Modern spelling is Aghinillard.) He was to receive his pension at Carrickmacross.


Original records from the Canada Archives show that Francis arrived in Upper Canada in May 1827. In December, based on his 8 years of service in the British Army, he applied to His Majesty's Representative for 100 acres of land. There is no doubt that this record is for the man Francis McCabe who received a patent in 1840 for 100 acres of land in Conc 10 Lot 11, Ops Township, Victoria County. The date, Dec 5 1827, listed on the patent agrees with the date of application on the following record.

Name: McCabe, Francis Place: Toronto Year: 1827 Volume: 350A Bundle: M 15 Petition: 102 Microfilm: C-2208 Reference: RG 1 L3

Transcription (Page 1) To his Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland CCS Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada Major General Commanding His Majesty's Forces therein --- In Council

The Petition of Francis McCabe of Toronto yeoman

Humbly Sheweth

That ?one petitioner is a native of the County of Monaghan, Ireland, whence he emigrated to the Province in May last with 3 Sons and 2 Daughters. That ?one Petitioner served His Majesty as a soldier upward of Eight years, and is an Out Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, as appea? by the hospital hereto amended?. That ?one petitioner was discharged in the year 1816. that he has taken the Oath of Allegiance ??? whereof is also he?to a??ded, and having never received any ??t of Land, humbly prays Your Excellency will be pleased to present him 100 acres as a discharged Soldier.

And as in ?? bound ?one Petitioner will ever pray

Francis X McCabe


Government House 20th Nov 1827


I do not find that the Petitioner has received any land. or order for land.

20 Nov 1827 Thos Rideout

Recommendation for 100 acres as a discharged Soldier.

Order issued Same Day


Francis arrived in Canada requesting land - as a pensioned soldier of the 7th Veteran Battalion. Entry can be found in Book N, pg 188 C-104 of the Archives of Canada.


Francis grew up on the Townland of Aghanalart, Magheracloone, in the Baroney of Farney in the southernmost part of Co Monaghan.


Francis received the original patent on this lot in 1840. He was given the land because he was a pensioned soldier of the 74th Foot and 7th Reserve Battalions of the British army. He was on the land before 1829.

Second marriage to Widow Muldoon

Various records that prove that the Widow Muldoon who married Frank McCabe in early 1840's was, in fact, Rebecca Maria Muldoon - a widow. Her maiden name is not known. The papers show that the Frank McCabe who lived on Conc 10 Lot 11 was, in fact, the same man who married Widow Muldoon. It is a conjecture but, almost assuredly true, that the Widow Muldoon was the mother of Jane Muldoon who married into a different(Michael) McCabe family who lived on Conc 7 Lot 15.

Letters For Patrick McCabe Jr.

In 1848 and 1855 Francis testified in favor of his brother Patrick's ownership of lot 13 on concession 3 in OPs. Both letters verify that Patrick was his brother, that he died before 1848, that Francis was a pensioned soldier from the 7th RVB, that Patrick arrived in OPs in 1827, and Patrick left a wife, son and daughter in Ireland.


The documents contained within this item show the continuous relationship to this lot by Old Francis McCabe heirs, eventually ending with the sale and waiver of rights to the land by Francis' known daughter Elizabeth Dunn to Thomas McCabe, son ofFrancis McCabe and Margaret Martin. The purpose of this demonstration is to argue that the son named Francis (of Laxton) who inherited rights to this property in Old Francis' will of 1862 is the same man as the father of the man (Thomas McCabe) who ended up with the property in 1895. Thus establishing the father/son relationship between Old Francis and Francis McCabe, husband of Margaret Martin and father of Thomas McCabe.


Francis wrote a will in Aug 1862 shortly before his death. He left the bulk of his estate to his 2 year old grandson Francis (son of Simon); to his daughter Elizabeth Dunn and husband Patrick; to his son Francis (Jr.) of Laxton; to Simon and to Simon's father-in-law Patrick McCabe. (Patrick's daughter was Mary Ann McCabe - Yes, another McCabe married a McCabe in Lindsay.)


Entry from BRITISH PENSIONERS ABROAD by Norman Crowder: pp 243 "Fra McCabe, pension awarded 7 June 1816; resident Toronto, Ont Canada; died Aug 9 1862, Toronto. Source: WO 120 Vol 70 pg 260. Index #7002.

There is no doubt that the Francis McCabe, pensioner of the British Army, is one and the same as the Francis McCabe who came from Magheracloone Monaghan in 1827, settled Conc 10 Lot 11, married the Widow Muldoon and died in Aug 1862 leaving land to his children in Ops, including Francis McCabe of Laxton.

Media object

\"The 74th Regiment of Foot, or Argyll Highlanders, was one of the regiments raised in order to help bring the American Rebellion to a speedy end. In December of 1777, His Majesty, King George III, granted letters of service to John Campbell of Barbreck, Scotland. These letters gave Campbell of power to raise a regiment of foot, 1,082 men strong. There were to be eight (8) battalion companies with 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 5 sergeants, 5 corporals, 2 drummers and 100 private soldiers each; one (1) light infantry and one (1) grenadier company each with 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 5 sergeants, 5 corporals, 2 drummers, 2 pipers and 100 private soldiers each. The recruits were to be at least 5'4\" tall and aged 18 through 30. Courtesy of Stephen Belyea of the re-created 74th Regt of Foot. In actual fact, by 1816 the 74th fought under Wellington in India, Portugal and Spain - not against the American colonies.

Media object

this lease was discovered in the Shireley Estate records in the PRONI. The lease covers 91 Irish acres in the townland of Aughnalart in the parish of Magheracloone in 1777. It is a conjecture that one of the McCabes listed here (Francis, Owen) is the parent of the old British soldier Francis.


Francis came from Magheracloone, Monaghan. Here is the description of Magheracloone from the famous Ireland Topographical Dictionary by Samuel Lewis in 1837.

MAGHERACLOONY, a parish, in the barony of FARNEY, county of MONAGHAN, and province of ULSTER, 2 1/2 miles (S. W.) from Kingscourt, on the confines of the counties of Louth, Cavan, and Meath, and on the mail coach road from Dublin to Londonderry; containing 8444 inhabitants. On the verge of this parish, at the ford of Bellahoo, a battle was fought in 1539, between the Lord Grey and O'Nial and O'Donell; at the same spot one was also fought by Gen. Ireton. The parish comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 12,952 statute acres (including 336 1/2 under water) principally good arable and pasture land; there are a few detached bogs, and some extensive plantations, but scarcely any waste land. Of late years the land has been much improved by extensive draining and the large quantity of lime used as manure; limestone is abundant in the southern part; coal of indifferent quality is also found. A branch of the river Leggan bounds the parish for about four miles on the south-west: the principal lakes are those of Fea, Feo, Rahans, and Graghlone, besides which there are some smaller. The principal seats are Lough Fea Castle, the residence of Evelyn J. Shirley, Esq., a spacious and handsome structure in the Elizabethan style ofarchitecture, situated in a richly planted demesne, including Lough Fea within its limits; Derry, of S. Pendleton, Esq.; and Coolderry, of G. Forster, Esq. The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Clogher, and in the patronage of the Bishop; the rectory is impropriate in Col. Moore. The tithes amount to £1116. 13. 4., of which £686. 13. 4. is payable to the impropriator, and £430 to the vicar. The glebe-house, erected in 1816, cost £941. 10. 9 1/4., of which £323. 1. 7. was a gift, and £415. 7. 85. a loan, from the late Board of First Fruits, the residue having been supplied by the incumbent; the glebe comprises 40 acres, valued at £60 per annum. The church is a neat modern structure, built in 1835, at an expense of £738. 9. 2 3/4., being a loan from the same Board. The R. C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church, and has chapels at Rocks and Corlan; the latter, a spacious oblong structure, 90 feet by 40, was erected in 1825, and has a burial-ground attached: the site was given by E. J. Shirley, Esq., who contributed £25 towards the building. The parochial school is aided by the incumbent; the school-house is a good slated building, erected at an expense of £150, part of which was a grant from the lord-lieutenant's school fund. There are two other schools, to each of which Mr. Shirley contributes £5 per ann., and one under the National Board; also 16 private schools.


See these web pages for more information on the 74th Regiment of Foot:

See this link for a (partial) map of Maghercloone itself. Notice that Corlea, Doagh and Aghinillard (sic), townlands where Frank McCabe was known to have lived, are clustered together in the NW part of the parish.


"Old" Francis McCabe came to Ops, Victoria Co, Ontario in about 1828. He was settled in Ops on Concession 10 Lot 11 by 1829, receiving his patent in 1840. Francis was a former soldier in the British army, serving with the 74th Regiment of Foot from 1809 to 1813 and the 7th Reserve Battalion from 1813 to 1816. Many army records confirm these details. Francis was wounded in the neck in 1812 or 1813 while fighting in Spain with Wellington's forces against the French. Army records conflict - one states that he was born in Magheracloone and another states that he was born in Hillsborough, County Down; however, army records from his service in the 2nd RVB in Ireland verify that he was born in Monaghan - specifically at Aghnalart townland in Magheracloone. Francis returned to Aghnalart in Magheracloone after his army service in 1816 where a record in the Shirley Estate verifies he lived in Aghnalart until drafted by the British Army back into service in 1822. His unit, the 2nd Reserve Battalion, served in Ireland for two years, suppressing possible rebellion throughout Ireland.

It is not clear when he married Sarah Richards, but she was the mother of his youngest son Simon who was born about 1827. It is possible he had a previous wife who gave birth to his oldest son Francis, who was born before 1810. When Francis came to Toronto in 1827 he said he had 3 sons and 2 daughters. A widower, Old Francis married the "Widow Muldoon" in 1841 - they lived in Ops onConcession 10 Lot 11 and later moved to property slightly north, Concession 9 Lot 18. Francis bought and sold several properties in the 1830s-1850s in Ops.

Francis younger brother Patrick emigrated to Ops in about 1831. Patrick was helped a great deal by his brother according to numerous letters and documents in the Heir and Devisee Files in the Toronto archives. Patrick died about 1845. Francis provided financial support to Patrick's son, Patrick Jr., when he arrived in Ops about 1855. Patrick Jr. applied for and received title to his father's property, Conc 3 Lot 13; however, there must have been some dispute over the title since Victoria County land records indicate that Francis had to help pay for a judgement against Patrick Jr. in a lawsuit that ensued.

Starting in 1851, Francis' children did begin to emigrate from Monaghan to Ops. Simon, the youngest came first. He settled in Ops and then homesteaded in Eaton, Manitowoc Co, Wisconsin in 1854. He remained in Ops until about 1865 when his family permanently left Ops for Wisconsin. Simon was dead by 1871.

Old Francis' daughter Elizabeth McCABE Dunn and her husband Patrick came to Ops about 1860, settled near her father and eventually farmed Old Francis property for many years. Elizabeth's husband Patrick DUNN died before 1895 and all of the family moved to Rochester NY. They sold the remaining part of Old Francis' property (Conc 9 Lot 19) to Thomas McCabe (son of Francis "Jr" and grandson of Old Francis) in 1895. (Thomas was the only known descendent of Old Francis who remained in Ops after 1895.)

It is certain that this Old Francis McCabe is the father of the younger Francis McCabe who immigrated to Ops from Monaghan Ireland in May of 1861. Some family historians have indicated that the younger Francis' father was named Michael, called "Quaker". But there is no evidence of this. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that this "Old Francis" was the father of Francis (husband of Margaret Martin) who arrived in May 1861 to Ops. Francis "Jr" had been a young man of about 20 when his father left Ireland. Old Francis' wife back in Ireland must have died shortly after 1830 since the family did not emigrate to Canada as had been planned and in 1841 old Francis married the Widow Muldoon in Lindsay.

Francis "Jr" and Margaret Martin's son Michael McCabe, presumably Old Francis' grandson, came to Ops in Nov 1859 as an 18 year old having arrived on the ship John Bright at the port of New York. Michael was living with Old Francis and his wife Rebecca according to the 1861 census of Ops. In May 1861 Francis McCabe Jr., who immigrated with his wife Margaret MARTIN and three remaining sons, arrived from Liverpool on the ship John Bright at NY harbor. Evidently family lore had been correct - to wit, in 1859 Michael "Big Mickey" had come from Ireland to live with his grandfather in Lindsay - preceding the arrival of the rest of his family by two years.

Old Francis died in August 1862, leaving a will naming the above mentioned children (and Simon's 2 year old son Francis) as his heirs. Old Francis' will stated that his son Francis lived in Laxton, close to Ops. The marriage records of Michael ("big Mickey") McCabe in 1864 state that he lived in Laxton with his parents, Francis and Margaret. There are no other Francis McCABE in the Ops vicinity in the 1861 census; so it is VERY likely that the Francis named as Old Francis' son, is in fact the Francis married to Margaret Martin as stated above.

It is not known who old Francis' father was but the most likely candidate is Owen McCabe of Aghnalart in Magheracloone. Research at the PRONI in Belfast produced the following facts from the Shirley Estate documents: (a) Lord Shirley signed a lease in 1777 with Francis McCabe, Owen McCabe and 2 others for a 21 year lease of 91 Irish acres in the townland of Aghanallart (sic, various spellings over the years .) (PRONI D/3531/T/2/3 ) (b) An 1802 restatement of the leases did not have any information on the Aghnalart townland in the PRONIi; however, a lease found in the Warwickshire Archives ( CR 229/222/3) shows that the only McCabes leasing on Aghnalart in 1799 were Owen and Patrick McCabe. In 1802, the lease on Aghnalart had changed to Owen, Patrick and Francis McCabe. (c) Over the next 28 years, various leases and the Tithe Applotment show that Owen and Patrick(his son) lived on Aghnalart - as did Francis for part of that time. Old Francis and Patrick have been proven to be brothers who came to Ops in Ontario about 1830 from Aghnalart. (d) Francis' son Frank was found to be a cottier living on the leased land of James Richards in the townland of Aghanalart in 1840 (PRONI D/3531/M/5/1). (e) Baptism records from the Parish of Magheracloone state that Frank and Margaret McCabe lived in Corlea and Doagh at the time of births of their sons Francis and John. The townlands of Doagh, Aghnalart and Corlea are all clustered together in Magheracloone, just west of the present parish church in Drumgossat. It is very likely that Old Francis lived in that area with his father before he left for the British army in 1809. Thus the most likely name for old Francis' father is Owen, with Francis the most likely alternative. (There may be other McCabes in 1777 leases but the only other one found in the search of 1777 lease records was Peter McCabe of 'Corneagh' )

Since old Francis' wife was Sarah Richards (according to marriage records of Simon in Ops) and James Richards is the only Richards found in various searches of Shirley documents and church records, he is probably a relative of Sarah and thus of Francis' family. It is not known whether old Francis had more than one wife in Ireland, but it is certainly possible, perhaps probable. His oldest son Frank was born before 1809 and his two other children Elizabeth and Simon were born after 1825, with 6 years of army service and 10 years of civilian life in between the births. At present, searches of the Shirley Estate records and parish records of Magheracloone have produced no evidence of Sarah. However, the Shirley Estate records and some Church records show that a James Richards was a long time resident of Aghnalart (Aghinillard) - the townland that is proved to be Francis' birthplace.


According to HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE 74TH REGIMENT (HIGHLANDERS) by Richard Cannon, a small book found in the Library of Congress, Francis McCabe was listed as one of the wounded soldiers of Wellington's army at the Battle of Salamanca, July 22, 1812. This confirms the information in his discharge papers of 1815 that Francis was wounded (shot in the neck) in Spain. The wound must have been serious since Francis was transferred to the 13th Garrison Battalion in the Spring of 1813.


New finding, Feb 3, 2010. Francis may have rejoined the Army after his discharge in 1815.

Record found in British Archives.

WO 121 Royal Hospital, Chelsea: Discharge Documents of Pensioners WO 121/209 Certificates of Service and related correspondence.

FRANCIS MCCABE. Born MAGHERADONE, Monaghan. Served in 7th Royal Veteran Battalion; 2nd Royal Veteran Battalion. Discharged aged 38 after 8 years 8 months of service. Residence or place where pension paid stated in document. See film image 701. Covering dates 1825

Partial History of 2nd RVB

1819.11.25 re-formed at Portsmouth from out-pensioners to curb political unrest 1821.06.24 disbanded at Gosport

1821.12.25 re-formed at Newry 1826.04.24 disbanded at Enniskillen

Deployment and Service: 1819.11.25 raised at Portsmouth 1819 England: Gosport 1820.08 Waterford 1821.06.24 disbanded at Gosport

1821.12.25 raised at Newry 1822.04 Ireland: Londonderry 1826.04.24 disbanded at Enniskillen

BirthMagheracloone, described in 1831Magheracloone, described in 1831
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MilitaryTranscribed Copy of Discharge Papers
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MilitaryCopy of Page 1 of Discharge Papers (Difficult to Read)
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Military serviceFrancis McCabe Muster Roll 74th Foot (WO 25/467)Francis McCabe Muster Roll 74th Foot (WO 25/467)
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Military serviceMuster for 7th Reserve Battalion in 1815
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ResidenceShirley Estate 1/2 Year Arrears Book 1822-1823Shirley Estate 1/2 Year Arrears Book 1822-1823
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Image dimensions: 1,002 × 266 pixels
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MilitaryFrancis McCabe Listed in 2nd Veteran Battalion 1821-1825Francis McCabe Listed in 2nd Veteran Battalion 1821-1825
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Image dimensions: 3,189 × 1,954 pixels
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Type: Document
MilitaryDischarge Papers for Francis McCabe's Final Tour, Ending in 1825Discharge Papers for Francis McCabe's Final Tour, Ending in 1825
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Image dimensions: 2,602 × 2,159 pixels
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EmigrationFrancis McCabe's Request for Land Record (FHL 1630684)
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EmigrationFrancis Arrival to Canada Requesting Free Land
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Emigration1829 Article by wilderness traveler in Canada that mentioned Francis McCabe in Ops1829 Article by wilderness traveler in Canada that mentioned Francis McCabe in Ops
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Image dimensions: 364 × 531 pixels
File size: 75 KB
Type: Newspaper
ResidenceOld 1790 Map of Farney Found in Warrickshire ArchivesOld 1790 Map of Farney Found in Warrickshire Archives
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 4,800 × 3,982 pixels
File size: 1,277 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
PropertyBought-Sold Lot in 1832
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File size: 153 KB
PropertyLetter stating Francis sold land in 1835
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File size: 17 KB
PropertyFrancis' Patent for Conc 10 Lot 11
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File size: 60 KB
Second marriage to Widow MuldoonMarriage, Confirmation, Census, Land Records that prove Widow Muldoon's Identity
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File size: 301 KB
Letters For Patrick McCabe Jr.Francis' 1848 Letter for Patrick Found in Ontario ArchivesFrancis' 1848 Letter for Patrick Found in Ontario Archives
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,954 × 1,709 pixels
File size: 396 KB
Type: Document
Letters For Patrick McCabe Jr.Francis Wrote Letter in 1855 In Support of Patrick McCabe Land RequestFrancis Wrote Letter in 1855 In Support of Patrick McCabe Land Request
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,004 × 1,542 pixels
File size: 408 KB
Type: Document
CensusFrancis McCabe, Widow Muldoon, Michael McCabe 1861 Census, Ops, VictoriaFrancis McCabe, Widow Muldoon, Michael McCabe 1861 Census, Ops, Victoria
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 3,997 × 3,659 pixels
File size: 905 KB
Type: Document
PropertyMcCabe History on Lot 19 of Concession 9
Format: application/pdf
File size: 538 KB
PropertyRecord of Sale of Francis' Farm
Format: application/pdf
File size: 180 KB
Type: Photo
WillFrancis Will Recorded in 1862
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File size: 257 KB
WillA Second Copy of Francis McCabe Will, 1862, Victoria Co OntarioA Second Copy of Francis McCabe Will, 1862, Victoria Co Ontario
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 5,390 × 4,238 pixels
File size: 1,227 KB
Type: Document
Note: Francis will is referred to in land records of Ops including Conc 3 Lot 13, the land of his brother …
DeathFrancis McCabe Death Recorded in British War Office Records, WO 120/70Francis McCabe Death Recorded in British War Office Records, WO 120/70
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 5,187 × 3,077 pixels
File size: 647 KB
Type: Document
DeathFrancis's Patent for Conc 10 Lot 11 clearly shows he was Pensioner of 7th RGVFrancis's Patent for Conc 10 Lot 11 clearly shows he was Pensioner of 7th RGV
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Image dimensions: 1,725 × 821 pixels
File size: 534 KB
Media objectRegimental Colours for the Francis' unit, 74th HighlandersRegimental Colours for the Francis' unit, 74th Highlanders
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 618 × 300 pixels
File size: 47 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectInformation on outside of (large) lease signed by a Francis McCabe, 1777
Format: application/pdf
File size: 230 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectMagheracloone TownlandsMagheracloone Townlands
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 825 × 1,124 pixels
File size: 330 KB
Highlighted image: no
Media objectDischarge (Pension) Papers from Chelsea Hospital in 1815
Format: application/pdf
File size: 3,468 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Media objectRecord of Sale of Francis' Farm
Format: application/pdf
File size: 180 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectTranscribed Copy of Discharge Papers
Format: application/octet-stream
File size: 5 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
Media objectFrancis' Entry on 2nd Veteran Battalion Muster in 1820s
Format: application/pdf
File size: 362 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Media objectDeed From Francis McCabe to Kerr, OPS, 1845Deed From Francis McCabe to Kerr, OPS, 1845
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,259 × 749 pixels
File size: 452 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Note: Francis owned several pieces of property in Ops between 1828 and 1862. This document shows him selling 50 acres of land to James Kerr in 1845.
Media objectFrancis McCabe Muster Roll 74th Foot (WO 25/467)Francis McCabe Muster Roll 74th Foot (WO 25/467)
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 8,176 × 6,094 pixels
File size: 3,277 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no