Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Banner of George Washington's Headquarters

Shadrack PINKSTONAge: 45 years17501795

Birth before 1750 27
Note: It has NOT been proved that Shadrack is the son of William and Ann but this conjecture is the most accepted by Pinkston genealogists.
Revolutionary War Service

Note: Shadrack was issued a warrant based upon his Rev War Service.
Military service
Note: Military records in National Archives show that in Nov 1776, Shadrack joined 11th Va Regiment commanded by Col Daniel Morgan and was a corporal under Capt William Smith. By June of 1777 he was a private in the guards of the Commander in Chief - George Washington. In Dec 1779 he was discharged after 3 years of service.

Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam PINKSTON
1764 (Age 14 years)
Note: This may not be the same William Pinkston. (There was a William Pinkston who came into Maryland on a ship earlier in the century.) Also, the William Pinkston who lived in Frederick Co was a carpenter according to records in the Maryland Archives.
Death of a brotherGreenbury PINKSTON
1771 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Greenberry PINKSTON
about 1773 (Age 23 years)

Birth of a son
about 1774 (Age 24 years)

MarriageAthalia Jane CARROLLView this family
before 1776 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a daughter
about 1780 (Age 30 years)
Residence 1784 (Age 34 years)
Note: Shadrack Pinkston and Henry Pinkston were mentioned in the Executor's Accounts for the estate of Mary Bland 28 Sept 1784 in Fauquier VA.
Census 1794 (Age 44 years)
Note: Shadrack Pinkston first appears as a taxpaper in 1794, living on Rocky Creek.
Wilkes Co Ga
April 1, 1794 (Age 44 years)

Note: From the Wilkes Co Ga Deed Book NN: p 334. 1 Apr 1794, John Russell and Elizabeth, his wife, to Shadrick Pinkston, all of Wilkes Co., for 100 pounds, 218 acres on branches of Dry Fork of Rocky Creek, adj Carter,Crewsell,Cooper,Jackson, granted to John Cooper, 22 Jan 1789, sold by Cooper to said John Russell by deed. Wit: John Talbot Jr, Hunphrey Burdett, Joseph Prather. Proved 21 July 1795, registered 12 May 1796.
Death July 21, 1795 (Age 45 years)
Probate 1795 (Age 45 years)
Note: The following was taken from research presented by Linda Sparks Starr:
Probate 1800 (4 years after death)
Note: Shadrack Pinkston died after the war in 1794 at Wilkes Co GA (near Augusta.) Settling his estate was a long, discordant affair. His widow Althia remarried quickly and her husband Fadda Jarrott seemed to try and cut the children (adult and minor) out of the estate. In 1800 the local court sent a summons to Fadda and Althia requiring them to appear and show why they had not produced an account of the estate. The argument continued for many years, Here's a copy of the 1800 summons to Fadda and wife from the local court, found in the GA Archives.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1743Baltimore Co, MD
8 years
-5 years
elder brother
5 months
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
-16 months
elder sister
Family with Athalia Jane CARROLL - View this family
Marriage: before 1776
5 years
-6 years
Fadda JARROTT + Athalia Jane CARROLL - View this family
wife’s husband


It has NOT been proved that Shadrack is the son of William and Ann but this conjecture is the most accepted by Pinkston genealogists.


Shadrack was issued a warrant based upon his Rev War Service.

Military service

Military records in National Archives show that in Nov 1776, Shadrack joined 11th Va Regiment commanded by Col Daniel Morgan and was a corporal under Capt William Smith. By June of 1777 he was a private in the guards of the Commander in Chief - George Washington. In Dec 1779 he was discharged after 3 years of service.


Shadrack Pinkston and Henry Pinkston were mentioned in the Executor's Accounts for the estate of Mary Bland 28 Sept 1784 in Fauquier VA.


Shadrack Pinkston first appears as a taxpaper in 1794, living on Rocky Creek.


From the Wilkes Co Ga Deed Book NN: p 334. 1 Apr 1794, John Russell and Elizabeth, his wife, to Shadrick Pinkston, all of Wilkes Co., for 100 pounds, 218 acres on branches of Dry Fork of Rocky Creek, adj Carter,Crewsell,Cooper,Jackson, granted to John Cooper, 22 Jan 1789, sold by Cooper to said John Russell by deed. Wit: John Talbot Jr, Hunphrey Burdett, Joseph Prather. Proved 21 July 1795, registered 12 May 1796.


The following was taken from research presented by Linda Sparks Starr:

Probate Records of Shadrack Pinkston (c1750 - 1794)

The following was taken from microfilmed copies of the original "Loose Papers" of Wilkes County, Georgia, in the Georgia Department of Archives and History. Mixed in with Shadrack Pinkston Sr's probate is that of his son, Greenberry (c1781 - 1828). Papers were not placed in order before microfilming and sometimes items belonging to both probates are found on one page. For this work, everything is arranged chronologically by return dates and Greenberry's probate papers are in a separate file. Portions of many pages are difficult to read, and some are totally illegible because of ink blots. Unreadable, but logical letters or words based on context are [within brackets]. Otherwise, blank [ ] brackets are used when words could not be deciphered. One of the more interesting findings is the differing shapes and sizes of paper used for recording receipts for payment and official returns. Sizes of some receipts are noted. No attempt was made to present the pages, line for line, as found in the originals. Spelling remains true to the original record, but highlighting of names and minor punctuation were added. A serendipitous finding was the number of original signatures. Several of these are scanned and appear elsewhere on the web page. Linda Sparks Starr, February 2005

Shadrack Pinkston Bond: Atha Pinkston adm Georgia Wilkes Superior Court Office Recorded in Book 22 page 106 & 107 this 27 day February 1798 B. Catching Clk

Georgia Know all men by these presents that we Athaeliaza Pinkston, John Talbot & John Owens are held and firmly bound unto David Terrell register of probates for Wilkes County & his Successors in office in the Sum of two thousand Spanish milled Dollars to be paid to the said Register of probates and his successors in office to which payment well & truly to be made and done we bind our selves and every of our Heirs Executors and administrators in the whole and for the whole, Jointly and Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated this 18 day of July AD 1795, THE CONDETION of the above obligation is such that if the above bounden Athaeliaza Pinkston Administratrix of the goods, Chattels and Credits of Shadrack Pinkston late of this County deceased, do make a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods, Chattels and Credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of the said Athaeliaza Pinkston or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for her and the same to made do Exhibit in to the said Court of Wilkes when she shall be thereunto required and such Goods Chattels and Credits do well and truly, administer according to Law and do make a true and Just account of her actings and doings therein when required by the Superior Court or Register of probates for said County and all the rest of the Goods Chattels and

Credits which shall be found remaining upon the amount of the said administration the same being first allowed to by the said Court shall deliver and pay to such person or persons respectively as are entitled to the same by Law, and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the same be proved before the Court and the Executors obtain a Certificate of the probate thereof and the said Athaeliaza Pinkston do in such Case if required render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration then this obligation to be Void otherwise to remain in full Fourm & Virtue Acknowledged in } Athalia Pinkston (seal) the Registers Office } John Talbot (seal) David Terrell RPrC John Owens (seal)

Shadrack Pinkston dec'd Warrant of Appraisement, Athaeliaza Pinkston Admx: Returned 11th Jan 1798

do Certify that John Carter William Triplett & Thomas Eidson has Been sworn agreeable to Laws July 21st 1795 John Wingfield J.P.

State of Georgia } By David Terrell register of Wilkes County } Probates for said County. These are to authorize and impower you or any three of you whose names are hereunder written to appraise the Goods, Chattels & Credits of Shadrack Pinkston late of this County dec'd in Spanish milled Dollars, So far forth as the same shall come to your sight & knowledge you having first taken your oath before any Justice of the peace for said County well and truly so to do, a certificate of which you are to return annexed to the appraisement and when you have the same so appraised you shall return an Inventory thereof signed by you or any three of you unto Athaeliaza Pinkston the administratrix of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of said deceased, on or before the 18th day of October now next incurring together with this Warrant. Given under my hand and Seal of office this 18th day of July AD 1795 David Terrell RPrC To Messr: William Triplett, John Carter, Thomas Talbot, Simon Bailey, John Bailey, John Sims, Thomas Eidson

The appraisement of Shadrack Pinkston Estate Georgia: Wilkes County Register of probates office Registered in book HH page 211 this 11th day of January 1798

An Inventory of the Estate of Shadrack Pinkston deseast as appraised by us Wm Tripplitt, John Carter & Thomas Eidson This 21st day of July 1795 Dol Cents

To 1/2 dozen Deep & 1/2 dozen Shallow Puter plates 41.0 -- To 1/2 doxen shallow plates - .75 To Seven old footers 1.50 To 8 Basen & 4 dishes 16.00 -- To Seven Earthenware 4.00 -- To Seven knives & forks 1.50 -- To 1 Coffey mill 1 doll 2 gilt Trunks 3 dol 4 -- -- To 1 latshin trunk 3 -- -- To 1 do 2 Dol 6 chears 2 dol 4.0 -- 2 1 [gun crossed out] Shell gun 4 - 0 -- " 1 Bed 2 Sheats blanket & quilt bedstead etc. 40 - - " 1 do 2 do Blanket & do do 35 - - " 2 do & furniture etc. 45 " Sundry plantation Tools 12 - 0 -- " Sundry gears etc. 5 - - " 1 Pole ax 1.50 -- " 2 Flall pans 1.50 -- " 1 Cross Cut Saw & 1 hand saw 6 0 -- " seven old tools etc. 2 0 -- [ ] lay pan Pott etc 6 -- " 3 wheels etc 1 slay etc. 6.50 " 1 Jugg & Bottle in pail 1.50 -- " 15 head of hoggs 15 -- " 1 mare & Colt 130 --- " 3 cows & 2 Yearlings 21 -- 1 negro woman Lidday & child mose 200 -- 1 do do Pacin[ ] 85 0 -- " 1 pr of Stillards 2.50 -- " 2 augurs & 2 grimbletts 1. -- " 1 old Syth .25 659.50 -- " 1 pr of Stretches 1.50 Doll'rs 661." " [ ] Corn & bacon 12. 673. " " Wm Triplett The amount Six hundred John Carter And Seventy three dollr Thos. Eidson


Shadrack Pinkston died after the war in 1794 at Wilkes Co GA (near Augusta.) Settling his estate was a long, discordant affair. His widow Althia remarried quickly and her husband Fadda Jarrott seemed to try and cut the children (adult and minor) out of the estate. In 1800 the local court sent a summons to Fadda and Althia requiring them to appear and show why they had not produced an account of the estate. The argument continued for many years, Here's a copy of the 1800 summons to Fadda and wife from the local court, found in the GA Archives.

Media object

Taken from EARLY RECORDS of GEORGIA, Wilkes County

Media object

Shadrack received Virgina Bounty Warrants for land, because of his Revolutionary War service. He never got the land because he gave up his Bounty to pay off debts in 1785. The land would have been in modern West Virginia or Kentucky. Instead Shadrack moved south to the Carolinas and Georgia.

Shared note

Enlisted in Continental Army Nov 26, 1776; corporal in Eleventh Va Regiment; transferred to the Commander-in-Chiefs Guard - a "hand picked sober, intelligent and reliable men between 5'8'' and 5'10'' in height and to be handsome and well built, none but native soldierss."


The following pedigree for Shadrack is the most commonly accepted one.

Shadrack and Athaliza (Carroll) PINKSTON, by Linda Sparks Starr and other descendants, summer 1997.

Researchers believe Shadrack, born circa 1750, is the son of William and

Ann (Inman) Pinkston, who moved to Virginia from Baltimore County, Maryland around the time of Shadrack's birth. In 1768 William and another son were living close enough to Colchester, on the Occoquan River in the southern part of Fairfax County, to charge items at the local general store; William and a third son signed the non-importation of British goods agreement circulated in Fairfax in 1770. However, Shadrack's name first appears (1774) in Virginia records in Cameron Parish, Loudoun County. [Index] It is here that he met and married Athaliza CARROLL before May 1776. [Will Book B p. 69] She was the daughter of Demse(y) and Frances (Sanford [?]) Carroll; her sister Frances married Henry Pinkstone who is believed to be Shadrack's brother. Thus they were living in Loudoun County northwest of present day D.C. metroplex when they heard the news of fighting around Lexington, Concord and Boston.

Many men who answered the first call to arms following Bunker Hill joined

state militia units, signing up for only a few months and not more than one year of service. General Washington grew desperate after the battles around New York City in the early fall of 1776. Not only was he dealing with the lack of morale in his current army, he was rapidly running out of time. He would lose many soldiers by the end of November, and by the first of January the one- year enlistment period ended for most of his army. Few of these men were expected to re-enlist. That fall he sent appeals in all directions for new recruits. Congress assigned each "state" a quota based on population. Authorization came September 16 for a new 11th VA Regiment as part of the Continental Line. Records in the National Archives and State Library of Virginia reveal Shadrack enlisted November 26, 1776 for three years as a Corporal in Capt. William Smith's Company of Foot. For this he received two pounds, 15 shillings in pay per month with an extra 10 shillings a week for subsistence. This unit was assigned to the main army December 27, 1776 - just two days after Washington's famous crossing of the Delaware River. On February 3, 1777 the 11th VA was reorganized into various companies. Shadrack appears in Col. Daniel Morgan's Independent Riflemen, suggesting he was a marksman.

May 1, 1777 Shadrack transferred to the Commander-in-Chief's Guard at

Morristown, New Jersey as a private. This was a handpicked group of personal bodyguards for General Washington, created March 12, 1776 after persistent rumors and one actual attempt on his life. Washington's aide instructed each man was to be chosen "for their sobriety, honesty and good behavior. He wishes them to be from five feet eight inches to five feet ten inches, handsomely and well made, and, as there is nothing in his eyes more desirable than cleanliness in a soldier, he desires that particular attention may be made in the choice of such men as are clean and spruce." [Godfrey, p. 19-20] Discretion was also necessary for the guard was entrusted with the General's personal papers and baggage. This group is on record as participating in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown fall 1777. Shadrack was thus with Washington at Valley Forge the winter of 1777-78. Although his lot was better than the average soldier, they all suffered that long, cold winter. Families of soldiers were not left to fend entirely for themselves; the family of Shadrack Pinkstone is listed among those "Ordered to be provided for" March 10, 1778 and again in 1779. [King p. 57] After serving a little longer than his three years enlistment period, Shadrack was discharged at Morristown December 16, 1779.

Shadrack and his family were in Fauquier County, Virginia in the early

1780s. [Gott] The last known entry for him in Virginia is the date he assigned his bounty land warrant (payment for his war service) to William Gaine November 10, 1785. [Virginia Library] According to tradition, they resided in South Carolina before settling in Georgia; however we know nothing about them from November 10, 1785 until April 1, 1794 when he appears in Wilkes County, Georgia purchasing 218 acres on the Dry Fork of Rocky Creek. [Deed Book NN, p. 334] Other Wilkes County records tell us he paid taxes on this land and for two slaves that same year. And then Shadrack died shortly before July 18, 1785, the date his widow was granted leave to administer on his estate. [Davidson v.2 p. 270-1] At a time when it was rare for girls to be educated, estate records reveal a tutor was paid for Charlotte. Also, according to estate records, his widow married the widower Fadda JARRETT in 1797. She moved into Jarrett's home on Kettle Creek with her youngest daughters where "'the old gentleman'" says he will not charge the girls for board". Fadda died in 1813. The twice-widowed Atha (as she is now called) accompanied family members to Fayette County in the early 1830s. Here, she made her home with son-in-law Benjamin Starr until her death in the summer of 1846. [Wills p. 62] Her grave, one of the older ones in "now" County Line United Methodist Church Cemetery, is marked with a simple fieldstone "Atha Jarrot". However, the DAR is providing a more suitable marker for her as the widow of a Revolutionary War soldier.

Only five children are mentioned in Shadrack's probate records. Greenberry

was originally considered the eldest, but the recent finding of his obituary changes his birth year. The only order we do know is the youngest two are Sarah and Charlotte and in that order. Therefore this revised (and possibly still incorrect) birth order of children differs from previous accounts. . (1) John Carroll born circa 1775 in Loudoun County, Virginia, died before March 13, 1804 in Wilkes County, Georgia. [Davidson p.271] He married Elizabeth KAIN circa 1801. ("Lawson" as her middle name was added later to Silas Starr's family Bible making it suspect.) They had two children: Greenberry born August 8, 1802, died March 28, 1837 and Elizabeth born April 5, 1804, died. September 3, 1804. The widow, Elizabeth (Kain ) Pinkson, married Silas STARR December 4, 1806. . (2) Frances "Fanny" born circa 1777 died after 1840 in Wilkes County. She married Peter Bennett circa 1803. Although some researchers list five children for them, descendant Gene Lamb has only found proof for daughter Nemesis born circa 1805. . (3) Greenberry (Greenbury) born 1781 in Virginia, died November 19, 1828 in Wilkes County. [Courier] He married 1st Sarah Eidson circa 1800; they had six or more children. He is possibly the Greenberry Pinkston who married Delphia R. Lawson December 6, 1819; he did marry Ann Combs January 14, 1827.

(4) Sarah "Sally" born circa 1784 in Fauquier County, Virginia, married James Hurley Jr. April 6, 1803. Their children were: Henry, Pamilia, Atha Carroll, Greenberry, Sarah Pinkston, Jarrett Lewis, James Sanford, Charlotte Frances, and John Carroll.

(5) Charlotte born circa 1785 [see following].

SOURCES: ABSTRACTS of WILLS, INVENTORIES, ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTS, LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1757-1800 by J. Estelle Stewart King. ABSTRACTS of FAUQUIER COUNTY, VIRGINIA: WILLS, INVENTORIES AND ACCOUNTS 1759-1800, by John K. Gott. (Augusta) Georgia Courier, Thursday December 4, 1828, vol. 3, No. 61, page 2, col. 6. Bounty Land Warrant 3997 copy of original from Library of Virginia. EARLY RECORDS of GEORGIA: VOL'S. I & II: WILKES COUNTY by Grace Gillam Davidson (reprint 1992) Fayette County Georgia Wills, page 62 Atha Jarrott, signed March 4, 1846, proved September 7, 1846. INDEX to TITHABLES of LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1758-1786. Revolutionary War Muster Rolls, copy of originals from National Archives. Undated Last Will and Testament of Dempsey Carroll probated Loudoun Co. Virginia March 13, 1776 names daughter "Athaliah Pinkstone." WILKES COUNTY, GEORGIA DEED BOOKS A-VV: 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer. WILKES COUNTY, GEORGIA TAX RECORDS 1785-1805 in two vols by Frank Parker Hudson.

MilitaryKentucky Land-Office Military Warrant for Shadrack PinkstonKentucky Land-Office Military Warrant for Shadrack Pinkston
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Military serviceShadrack Pinkston in Eleventh Va Regiment Musters
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Military serviceNational Archives Cover Sheet for Muster in march 1778National Archives Cover Sheet for Muster in march 1778
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Military serviceMuster for Capt Caleb Gibbs George Washington GuardsMuster for Capt Caleb Gibbs George Washington Guards
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Military serviceShadrack Pinkston in Commander in Chief Guards, Aug 11Shadrack Pinkston in Commander in Chief Guards, Aug 11
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Probate1800 Summons to Fadda Jarrott and Wife Althia1800 Summons to Fadda Jarrott and Wife Althia
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Media objectBanner of George Washington's HeadquartersBanner of George Washington's Headquarters
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Media objectWilkes County Probate Abstracts for Pinkstons
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Note: Taken from EARLY RECORDS of GEORGIA, Wilkes County
Media objectDischarge Papers and Bounty Land Records for Shadrack
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Note: Shadrack received Virgina Bounty Warrants for land, because of his Revolutionary War service. He never got the land because he gave up his Bounty to pay off debts in 1785. The land would have been in modern West Virginia or Kentucky. Instead Shadrack moved south to the Carolinas and Georgia.