Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Athalia Carroll's historical marker on boundary of Fayette Co Ga

Athalia Jane CARROLLAge: 91 years17551846

Athalia Jane CARROLL
Married name
Athalia Jane PINKSTON
Birth about 1755 45
Death of a motherFrances
before June 1763 (Age 8 years)

Note: There is no record of Francis after 13 December 1744.
Marriage of a parentDemse CARROLLRebecca HEATHView this family
1765 (Age 10 years)

Birth of a half-sisterMary Ann Heath CARROLL
1766 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a son
Greenberry PINKSTON
about 1773 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a son
about 1774 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a half-sisterCynthia CARROLL
March 29, 1774 (Age 19 years)
MarriageShadrack PINKSTONView this family
before 1776 (Age 21 years)

Death of a fatherDemse CARROLL
May 1776 (Age 21 years)
Death of a brotherSanford CARROLL
April 1777 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
about 1780 (Age 25 years)
Death of a brotherDaniel CARROLL
1787 (Age 32 years)
Death of a husbandShadrack PINKSTON
July 21, 1795 (Age 40 years)
Probate 1795 (Age 40 years)
Note: There was a long history to the probate of Shadrack Pinkston that did not end until the 1820s. Ther…
Marriage of a childGreenberry PINKSTONMary Key ARMSTRONGView this family
December 12, 1796 (Age 41 years)

Marriage of a childJames HURLEY, JrSarah “Sally” PINKSTONView this family
1803 (Age 48 years)
Marriage of a childPeter BENNETTFrances PINKSTONView this family
before 1804 (Age 49 years)

Death of a brotherDempsey CARROLL Jr
July 14, 1806 (Age 51 years)
Death of a husbandFadda JARROTT
1813 (Age 58 years)
Death of a sisterFrances CARROLL
November 1820 (Age 65 years)
Death of a sisterMary Frances CARROLL
March 6, 1837 (Age 82 years)
Death of a daughterFrances PINKSTON
after 1840 (Age 85 years)
Death of a half-sisterMary Ann Heath CARROLL
June 1846 (Age 91 years)
Death December 31, 1846 (Age 91 years)
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
elder sister
9 years
-24 years
elder brother
elder brother
-19 months
elder brother
9 years
elder brother
Father’s family with Elizabeth - View this family
Father’s family with Rebecca HEATH - View this family
Marriage: 1765
2 years
Birth: March 29, 1774 64Virginia
Death: April 14, 1852Marion County, West Virgnia
Family with Fadda JARROTT - View this family
Family with Shadrack PINKSTON - View this family
Marriage: before 1776
5 years
-6 years


There was a long history to the probate of Shadrack Pinkston that did not end until the 1820s. There was a conflict between Althalia (and her husband ) and her children over the division of the estate.

The Early Records of Georgia, Volume II, Wilkes County - Start of Page 270

PINKSTON, SHADRACK dec'd. Warrant of apprmt Jul. 18, 1795, Athalia Pinkston app admx same day. Inv. Slave Liddy and child Rose, slave Patience. Acct of sale Oct. 25, 1799, Fanny, Salley and Charlotte Pinkston purchasers. Returns of Athalia Pinkston for 1795 paid John Ridley tuition. By cash in 1796 from Va. for pay for a slave. Fadda Jarretts bill to John C. Pinkston, no date. A note at the bottom says that Mr. Jarrett is to have all the cotton and flax in his possession because "the old gentleman" says he will not charge the girls for board." Return Jan. 1801 by Fadda Jarrett and wife, admrs, tuition paid for Charlotte 1799 to Thos. D. McLaughlin. Returns of Thos. Talbot gdn of Charlotte and Sally Pinkston, orphs 1801-02, cash received of Wm. Triplett. Returns for 1818. Returns as gdn of Charlotte, now Charlotte Starr and receipt of Benj Starr 1806 for her legacy. As gdn of Sally Pinkston now Hurley and receipt of Jas. Hurley, Jr. 1803 for her legacy. Receipt of Thos. Talbot gdn as above Jan. 1, 1802 to Fadda Jarrett and wife Alathia late Alathia Pinkston for their legacies. Receipt of Peter Bennett for his legacy Feb. 1804. Receipt of Wm. M. Kain, admr of John C. Pinkston Oct. 1806, of Greenberry Pinkston Feb. 1804, all to Fadda Jarrett and wife Alathia, admrs. Petition for division of that part of his estate assigned to his wid Athaliza or Atha, who married Fadda Jarrett 1797, and he became admr in her right, and since his death in 1813 she has not turned over their part of this property to the petitioners, viz, Peter Bennett and wife Frances formerly Frances Pinkston dau of said dec's: Greenberry Pinkston son of said dec'd; Jas. Hurley and wife Sally formerly Sally Pinkston dau of said dec'd; Benj. Starr and wife Charlotte formerly Charlotte Pinkston; Silas Starr and wife Elizabeth wid of John C. Pinkston, dec'd son of said Shadrick, dec'd; and Greenberry Pinkston, Jr., son of said John C. Pinkston, dec'd by his next friend Silas Starr. (Silas Starr and wife Elizabeth and Greenberry Pinkston, Jr. the only legal heirs of John C. Pinkston, dec'd.) Atha Jarrett, Thos. Talbot and Richard Sappington, admrs of Fadda Jarrett, dec'd ordered to appear in court Sep. 6, 1816.

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This was her second will. She had a will in Wilkes County Georgia but changed her will when she left Wilkes Co to move in with another daughter in Fayette County.

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After Fadda Jarrott died, Althalia lived with her daughter Frances and her husband Peter Bennett in Wilkes. They were to inherit much of her estate according to this will. When she left Wilkes County she cut them from the will and made out a new one..


Copy of newpaper article:

Wednesday, October 21, 1998 DAR will honor Starr family ancestor Sunday

By CAROLYN CARY Contributing Writer

A special ceremony for Athaliza Carroll Pinkston Jarrot will be held Sunday, Oct. 25, 1998. She is buried at the County Line United Methodist Church Cemetery in that part of Spalding County that was originally Fayette County. The ceremony will be at 3 p.m.

She was the widow of a Revolutionary War veteran, Shadrack Pinkston, who had served as a bodyguard for Gen. George Washington.

After his discharge they moved to Wilkes County, Ga., where he died. She subsequently married Fadda Jarrot, also a Revolutionary War veteran, and upon his death, she moved with family members to Fayette County in the early 1830's.

Her daughter, Charlotte Pinkston, married Benjamin Franklin Starr and Atha made her home with them. It was this Starr family for whom Starr's Mill was named, although it had been built and owned by others for about 40 years.

Atha was born in c. 1754 and died in 1846. She was buried on the homeplace which was then Fayette County, now Spalding County.

To get to the County Line United Methodist Church, go south on Hwy. 92, just after crossing into Spalding, turn left on Birdie Road, go about 1.5 miles to County Line Church Road, turn left and continue about a half mile.

Media objectAthalia Carroll's historical marker on boundary of Fayette Co GaAthalia Carroll's historical marker on boundary of Fayette Co Ga
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Media objectAlthalia's Will probated in Fayette County Georgia
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Media objectAlthalia's First Will From Wilkes County
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