Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Peter BENNETTAge: 53 years17241778

Birth June 21, 1724 21 20
Baptism July 19, 1724 (Age 28 days)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth BENNETT
December 1, 1726 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam BENNETT
December 16, 1727 (Age 3 years)
Note: The Bennetts settled along Pigg Creek (River) and the Staunton River on the Bedford county line. The following map shows where Peter and his widow Frances had land.
Baptism of a brotherWilliam BENNETT
January 5, 1728 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherJoseph BENNETT
May 2, 1731 (Age 6 years)
Baptism of a brotherJoseph BENNETT
June 6, 1731 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherRichard BENNETT
February 6, 1733 (Age 8 years)
Baptism of a brotherRichard BENNETT
March 3, 1733 (Age 8 years)
Marriage of a parentWilliam BENNETT IIIHannah GOADView this family
about 1742 (Age 17 years)
Note: Notes from Don Bennett's article, "Richard Bennett in Winston Dalton's Journal", March 2001.
Birth of a son
1744 (Age 19 years)

MarriageFrances VARDEMAN?View this family
about 1752 (Age 27 years)

Note: Some genealogist have stated that Frances' surname was Vardemam. The Vardeman family and the Bennett families were neighbors in Va and Ga. The most reliable Vardeman genealogists are confident of this claim but acknowledge that is is probably unprovable.
Birth of a son
about 1758 (Age 33 years)
South Side Pigg River
1768 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a son
April 23, 1769 (Age 44 years)
Note: From Winston Dalton Journal (Bedford/Pittsylvania Co Va)
S Side of Staunton River
1776 (Age 51 years)
Will January 7, 1778 (Age 53 years)
Note: Will of Peter Bennett
Death May 26, 1778 (Age 53 years)
Source: Book
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 9, 1724Christ Church Middlesex Co VA
2 months
2 years
younger sister
1 year
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
21 months
younger brother
Father’s family with Hannah GOAD - View this family
Marriage: about 1742Virginia
Family with Frances VARDEMAN? - View this family
Marriage: about 1752
7 years
-13 years
daughter Book

Some genealogist have stated that Frances' surname was Vardemam. The Vardeman family and the Bennett families were neighbors in Va and Ga. The most reliable Vardeman genealogists are confident of this claim but acknowledge that is is probably unprovable.


Deed Book 1 p 424, 21 Sept 1768

Peter Bennett and Frances his wife of one part and Hannah Dodson of Pittsylvania Co of other part ... for 40 pounds Current Money of Va ... 150 acres on South Side of Pigg River it being part of tract of 300 acres granted to William Roysdon by patent date 30 Aug 1763 and since sold to Pete Bennett by William oysdon... have set our hands and seals this day 21 Sep 1769

Wit John Goad Sr, Robert Goad, Abraham Goad

Rec 23 Feb 1770 and further prv 23 Mar 1770


Verifies that Rueben Bennett of Pittsylvania Co Va is son of Peter Bennett and grandson of Wiliam III

Pittsylvania County Deed Book 4 , Page 109 Bennet from Bennet 1 Feb 1776

This indenture made this first day of February one thousand seven hundred and seventy six. Between William Bennet Senr of the County of Pittsylvania of the one part and Reubin Bennett a grandson of the said William Bennet and a son of Peter Bennett of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Bennett for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he hath for the said Reubin Bennett hath given and granted and by these presents doth give grand and confirm unto him the said Reubin Bennett his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and ninety four acres (be the same more or less) being the lower part of a parcel of two hundred and sixty four acres conveyed to the said William Bennett senr by the Executors of Richard Randolph Gents of Henrico deceased situate in Pittsylvania County on the south side of Staunton River and bounded as followeth Viz. Beginning at Black walnut on the said River thence along the old patent lines S 20 D E 72 poles to a corner hickory in the head of a valley thence S 37 D E 204 poles to William Bennett’s corner pines thence south 37 D W 100 poles to a corner mulberry on the River band thence down the said river as it meanders to the first station. To have and to hold the above granted premises together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto appertaining with the reversion and reversions of the remainder and remainders and every part and parcel thereof unto him the said Reubin Bennett his heirs and assigns forever and the said William Bennit for himself and his heirs doth covenant grant and agree so and with the said Reubin Bennett his heirs and assigns that he the said William Bennet and his heirs the above granted premises with every of the profits and privelege thereunto appertaining unto him the said Reubin Bennet his heirs and assigns shall and will by these presents warrant and forever defend. In Winess whereof he the said William Bennet hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day year above written.

Signed: William (his mark) Bennet, Hannah (her mark) Bennet Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of: Wm Goad, James Clements, Tobias Phillips, Wm (X his mark) Bennet Jr, James Bennet.

(Transcribed by Don Bennett 3 Sep 2005)


The Bennetts settled along Pigg Creek (River) and the Staunton River on the Bedford county line. The following map shows where Peter and his widow Frances had land.


Will of Peter Bennett Bedford County, VA W: 7 Jan 1770 P: 25 May 1778 In the name of God Amen. I Peter Bennett of the county of Bedford & Colony of Virginia, by this the abundant mercy of God, am in perfect health & memory, but considering the mortality of human life, do constitute this my last Will & Testament. & desire it to be [secured] by all as such Revoking all former Wills heretofore made by me. And in order to dispose of my Wordly estate to my Satisfaction (at my Decease) I give & bequeathe it in the manner & form following. V. I do lend unto my loving Wife Francis Bennett (after all my just debts & charges be paid) during her life in Widowhood, all & every part of my estate, that is in any wise belonging or appertaining unto [tear] as an estate or a part of an estate. And at her decease, my will & desire is that all may be sold for the best price that can be got, & the money divided between my Children (V. William Bennett, Mary Lawson, Reubin Bennett, Elizabeth Perry, Micajah Bennett, Rachel Bennett, Abner Bennett, and Richard Bennett) as is here directed. V. My will & desire is that my first two named sons, Wm & Reubin Bennett do discount Thirty two pounds then Shillings each from an equal proportion of the money arising from my estate when sold, (because they have already received that sum, each, in the land they now live on.) and all the other named Children to receive a Just & equal proportion of the money arising from sd. Estate without any discount from princilal or part. Item. If at any time after my decease, my now loving wife should marry, Then my Will & desire is, That my Estate my be sold by the discretion of my Executors & the money Divided as afforesaid, allowing my Wife a childs part only. ____ Item. If at any time before there be a Division of my Estate agreable to this Will; there should be a Decease of any of the above named children without being of age or proper Heir4, Then my Will & desire is that my Estate may be divided in form afforesd betwixt those that be then living. Lastly, I do appoint my two sons V. Wm & Reubin Bennett, whole and Sole Executors to this my last Will & Testament. Given under my hand and seal this seventh day of January 1770. Signed & sealed Peter Bennett David Watt Wm Ward, David Perry William Goad

At a court held for Bedford County the 25th day of May 1778 This last will and Testament of Peter Bennett Deceased was proved by the oath of David Watt and William Goad Witnesses thereto. Subscribed and Ordered to be recorded and on the Motion of Wm Bennett and Reuben Bennett The Executors hereto named who made oath thereto Certificate is Granted them for Obtaining probate in due form giving Security whereupon They Together with John Callaway William Vardeman and William Leftwich their securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of Five Thousand Pounds for the said Executors due and lawfull administration of the said Decedants Estate and performance of hisWill. Teste J. Steboe CC.

In the 12th line downwards, one word put out------------ In the 26th line downwards, one word put in (be)

Transcribed by Don Bennett, March 30, 2001.


Thomas Snow, Jr., married Rachel, daughter of Peter and Frances Bennett in 1781; a letter filed with their marriage bond, dated Oct. 27, 1781, is as follows:

"To the Clerk of Bedford Court, Sir: Please to grant the Lysence of Marriage between Thomas Snow and Rachel Bennett, and this our note shall prevent dammidges occurring. In witness whereof we have set our hands and seals," signed Rachel Bennett, Sr., Elizabeth Perry, Frances F. Bennett: Thomas Adams, security for Thos. Snow's marriage bond.

PropertyVirginia Land Tracts along the Pigg
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WillCopy of Original Will from Bedford County Va.
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Media objectVirginia Land Tracts along the Pigg
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