Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Reuben BENNETT1808

Given names
MarriageElizabeth View this family

Birth of a brotherRichard BENNETT
April 23, 1769
Note: From Winston Dalton Journal (Bedford/Pittsylvania Co Va)
Death of a fatherPeter BENNETT
May 26, 1778
Source: Book
Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam BENNETT III
after 1782

Note: Some Wilkes County Polls and Taxables


Note: This entry in Wilkes Co GA verifies the connection back to Pittsylvania Va.
Note: Sept 19, 1789. --COLE, JOHN, Jr., to Reuben Bennett 450 acres on Kettle creek adj. John Leftwich. E…
Death 1808
Note: Newspaper articles from Wilkes Co GA

Note: From EARLY RECORDS OF GEORGIA, Vol 1 by G.F. Davidson
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1752
7 years
-13 years
Family with Elizabeth - View this family
Marriage: Virginia


Some Wilkes County Polls and Taxables

1785 Reuben Bennett 1786 Reuben Bennett 1787 Reuben bennett 1794 Reuben Bennett 325 7 Kettle Creek J White(Owner) 1802 Reuben Bennett 1805 Reuben Bennett 175 20 Kettle Creek Evans

List of Taxable Property of Inhabitants of Capt. Hagan's Dist. for 1785 Reuben Bennett, 1 poll, 600 acres Wilkes Co


Verifies that Rueben Bennett of Pittsylvania Co Va is son of Peter Bennett and grandson of Wiliam III

Pittsylvania County Deed Book 4 , Page 109 Bennet from Bennet 1 Feb 1776

This indenture made this first day of February one thousand seven hundred and seventy six. Between William Bennet Senr of the County of Pittsylvania of the one part and Reubin Bennett a grandson of the said William Bennet and a son of Peter Bennett of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Bennett for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he hath for the said Reubin Bennett hath given and granted and by these presents doth give grand and confirm unto him the said Reubin Bennett his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and ninety four acres (be the same more or less) being the lower part of a parcel of two hundred and sixty four acres conveyed to the said William Bennett senr by the Executors of Richard Randolph Gents of Henrico deceased situate in Pittsylvania County on the south side of Staunton River and bounded as followeth Viz. Beginning at Black walnut on the said River thence along the old patent lines S 20 D E 72 poles to a corner hickory in the head of a valley thence S 37 D E 204 poles to William Bennett’s corner pines thence south 37 D W 100 poles to a corner mulberry on the River band thence down the said river as it meanders to the first station. To have and to hold the above granted premises together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto appertaining with the reversion and reversions of the remainder and remainders and every part and parcel thereof unto him the said Reubin Bennett his heirs and assigns forever and the said William Bennit for himself and his heirs doth covenant grant and agree so and with the said Reubin Bennett his heirs and assigns that he the said William Bennet and his heirs the above granted premises with every of the profits and privelege thereunto appertaining unto him the said Reubin Bennet his heirs and assigns shall and will by these presents warrant and forever defend. In Winess whereof he the said William Bennet hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day year above written.

Signed: William (his mark) Bennet, Hannah (her mark) Bennet Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of: Wm Goad, James Clements, Tobias Phillips, Wm (X his mark) Bennet Jr, James Bennet.

(Transcribed by Don Bennett 3 Sep 2005)


This entry in Wilkes Co GA verifies the connection back to Pittsylvania Va.

Bennett, Reuben Wilkes County, GA

Know all men by these presents that I, Reuben Bennett of Wilkes County, State of Georgia, do appoint William Bennett of the County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia, my lawful attorney to receive from all persons whatever sums of money due me, and especially to survey patents and claims for land in Bedford and Pittsylvania Counties, and to sell all land I haven't already sold.

Dated 13 Apr 1789, Recorded 20 Apr 1789 Ref: Pittsylvania County Deeds 1786-1792 (Source: Emigration to Other States From Southside Virginia, Volume 1 by Katherine B. Elliott, Southern Historical Press, 1966, Reprinted 1990, page 71)


Sept 19, 1789. --COLE, JOHN, Jr., to Reuben Bennett 450 acres on Kettle creek adj. John Leftwich. Edward Gresham, Josiah Hatcher, Test.

25 Oct 1791. Wilkes County, GA Deed Book KK, p. 227. Reuben Bennett to John JOHNS, both of Wilkes Co, for 10 pds, 225 acres on Kettle Creek. (signed) Reuben Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett. Wit: Benjn. Branham, Spencer Brantham, J. P., Regd. 29 Oct 1793.

  M2-232: 18 Dec. 1793, David Duncan to Reuben Bennett, both of Wilkes Co. GA, £100, 75 acres on Kettle Creek, part of land whereon said David Duncan now lives, corner Joseph White, Reuben Bennett, Jesse Evans, John Robertson. Wit. Lewis McLean, Winston Bennett, Daniel Duncan. Reg. on oath of Bennett & McLean 26 April 1794. (FHL film 163,606)

Newspaper articles from Wilkes Co GA

Mar 18, 1808

"Adminstrator's Sale, 16th July next at Bennett Mill on Sugar Creek in Morgan Co ... Personal property ... Stephan Evans Adm June 4 1808."

Mar 18, 1809

"Adminsrator's Sale ... 450 acres on Kettle Creek .. for heirs and creditors of Reuben Bennett, deceased. Stephan Evans adm."

Mar 10, 1810 "Administrator's Sale. On Saturday the 21st day of April next, at the plantation whereon the widow of Reuben Bennett now lives in Wilkes Co, the personal property of said Reuben Bennett, deceased, consisting of nrgroes and a number articles too numerous to mention. Stephan Evans, adm. "

Dec 8, 1810

"Administrators Sale. WILL BE SOLD. On the first Tuesdayin January next, at the Courthouse in Wilkes Co., the following property, viz,

200 acres of land on the waters of Kettle Creek ... now occupied by the Widow Bennett, bing part of the real estate of Reuben Bennett, deceased, and sold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Stephen Evns adm Nov 7 1810."

March 1815

"Administrator's Sale. Will be sold at the widow Benent's on the 12th May next, all the personal estate of Harmonia(?) Cochran, deceased. Consisting of household & kitchen furniture, a set of hatter's tools, a quantity of fur, one horse & hogs - and other articles too numerous to mention. Steven Evans, Asenith Cochran, Adms. March 13, 1815"


From EARLY RECORDS OF GEORGIA, Vol 1 by G.F. Davidson

Page 87—BENNETT, REUBEN, dec'd. Returns for 1810 shows paid James Findley, surveyor, and paid for a grant of land in behalf of the heirs. Stephen Evans, Admr. Returns for 1811 shows paid Elizabeth Bennett for herself and as guardian of Reuben and Polly Bennett, and paid Winston Bennett and John Strozier large sums, no account mentioned.

Page 89—Returns for 1812 shows paid to the heirs of Reuben Bennett, $11.00 each, $132.00. Returns for 1814 shows paid William, Richard and Winston Bennett, John Strozier, John Laws, Parmenas Cochran, William Powers, Elizabeth Bennett for herself and as guardian of Polly and Reuben Bennett $121.00 each, and received of William Bennett, Excr. of Peter Bennett, dec'd. certain sums.

pg 152. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett appointed guardian of Reuben and Polly, orphans of Reuben Bennett, dec'd; Wiliam Bennett, Security. Richard and Asinea Bennett chose James Roan guardian.

pg 227 Stephen Evans, Reuben Bennett dec'd. Returns for 1811 paid Eliz Bennett for herself as guardian of Reuben and Polly Bennett ... Received sums of William Bennnett, Exr of Peter Bennett, certain sums.