Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William BENNETT IIAge: 29 years16841713

Given names
Name suffix
Birth about 1684 25 21

Note: It has been claimed by genealogists that William II's parents are William Bennett and Mary Smith of Christ Church. No written proof has been found as of Aug 2010.
Marriage of parentsWilliam BENNETT IMary SMITHView this family
Type: Religious marriage
February 18, 1684
Note: William Bennett and Mary Smith both of this parish (Christ Church) marryed 18th February 1684.
MarriageSarah BRUMWELLView this family
about 1702 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a son
January 2, 1702/03 CE (January 13, 1703) (Age 19 years)
Note: Several Bennettt and Brumwell marriages and births are recorded in the church records. The present church was originally built during the lives of William Bennett II and Peter Brumwell. The church is located 2miles east of the town of Saluda VA, north of Williamsburg Va.

Birth of a son
November 7, 1704 (Age 20 years)
Census 1704 (Age 20 years)
Note: Quit Rent Rolls for 1704 King & Queen Co
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth BENNETT
March 2, 1707 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
May 1, 1709 (Age 25 years)
between 1707 and 1709 (Age 23 years)
Note: Middlesex Co Order Book 1705-1710
Death before 1713 (Age 29 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 18, 1684Christ Church Middlesex Co VA
10 months
Family with Sarah BRUMWELL - View this family
Marriage: about 1702Virginia
1 year
22 months
2 years
2 years
George BOWDEN + Sarah BRUMWELL - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: September 8, 1714Christ Church Middlesex Co VA
-5 months
… … + Sarah BRUMWELL - View this family


It has been claimed by genealogists that William II's parents are William Bennett and Mary Smith of Christ Church. No written proof has been found as of Aug 2010.


Quit Rent Rolls for 1704 King & Queen Co

Wm Bennett 150 acres Sawyer Bennett 150 acres Alexander Bennett 200 acres

are the only Bennetts listed in Middlesex, Gloucester and King & Queen Counties.


Middlesex Co Order Book 1705-1710

6 Dec 1709 Court Case: R Ransteed vs William Bennitt - dismissed. 1 Mar 1707 Court Case: R Maggey vs William Bennett - dismissed. (date not recorded) Court Case: William Bennett vs John Watley : dismissed.


William Bennett II must have died by 1713 since his wife (widow) Sarah was charged with having an illigitimate child in May 1713.

From the Christ Church parish records:

10 May 1713, Baptised, Ann Bennett, dau of Sarah Bennit, illigitimate

From the Court Orders of Middlesex Co Va:

"Sarah Bennit ... having a bastard child confessed the fact of her offense, it is ordered she be fined 500 pounds tobacco. John Curtis appeared and ... confest judgement for the aforesaid Fine. Sarah Bennit and James Hackney acknowledge themselves indebted to our Queen in the sum of 10000 pounds tobacco."

Sarah married George Bowden in 1714 and had a son named John. It is clear that this is the same Sarah BRUMWELL married to William BENNET because of these four records:

A. 8 Sept 1714 Married. George Bowden and Sarah Bennett

B. Middlesex County Deed Book 3 1709-1720

2 April 1717 KNOW all men by these presents that we Sarah Bowden and Peter Brumwell of Middlesex co are bound unto the justices of said county in sum of one hundred pounds Sterl, this second day April 1717. The condition of this obligation is such that if Sarah Bowden adm of George Bowden deced do make a true inventory of all the Estate and truley administer the same according to Law and if hereafter it doth appear that a last Will and Testament was made by the sd Deced and Sarah Bowden being required deliver up her letters of Adm that then this obligation to be void or remain in full force. In presence of W Gough & Zach Lewis Signed Sarah X Bowden & Peter BRUMWELL.

Middlesex Co Order Book Entries:

C. 3 June 1718 Sarah Bowdin(lately called Sarah Bennit)

D 3 Aug 1725 William Bennit petetions on behalf of his brother John Bowden, a minor, against John Miller Jr. to have said Miller let Bowden eat with his own children and attend school.